The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Feb 1918, p. 3

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"rql , A leyiisttte to patriotic funds the atitiia-, l , - s)?) a, others are required to do. ' _ we. I ) .'t Needs of Agriculture. -- _ .Mr. th Ducharme, North Essex. ' l _ I We said he believed tractors are the . if; coming thing on the farms and , he that the time will come when farm- _ _.,,)'d' k" . ers will consider them indispensable. _ ' _ The speaker said that the growing I 4 ' -. of sugar beets is increasing rapidly _ i J,% ', in his part of the Province. The se- 1ri'fi f curing of labor is an acute problem, we,' . and he suggested that the Govern- , . . I ment investigate a beet pulling ma- Provmclal Treasurer Makes rt ' chine. recently devised by a Chat- . . he." ham man. In conclusion. Mr. Du- Heated Reioinders to I .r l . . (ji, charms urged that the political . . . it?" ; truce be a real one, and that the Queries on Financing I . if? majority be not adamant to the ---------_ I i ', needs of the minority. I . 5 w . Mr. J. M. Robb, Algoma, suggested MIS'LEADING PUBLICITY hi; that the cost of the hunters' licenses l 1 ,_',',?,t(s'i, be increased, the money to be spent ' ---_-.-.-- I e MN would ultimately mean more deer rde f th dt ll . th '35 for the gamesmen to hunt. o rs o e ay were ca ed m e M; Utilit f T to Legislature yesterday afternoon, _irt.ij, , o mu, S?ty. when the Liberal Leader Mr. Wil- ' "he Mind L'I , Wigle, dSoutlii Esseaic, liam Proudfoot, read an article from "3.13 agree tia increase pro uction s a T r , ' "'r: one of the greatest necessities of the r f '0 'ont: es ening . paper n; f, present time. He hoped the Otta- e erenee o a P'ovi'"i? oan 0 is; . we. conference of Provincial Prem- I $2,000,000, together with extracts . ii iers would result in help being sup- Ifrom a circular sent out by A. E. . was} plied :zecggrréggege suggested lthat IAmes & Co. offering bonds for the (i-F), expere ow wor ng-. . -N . 7 in towns and cities be sent back ttri 'New Brunwrck Liot Nutrient In _ " the farms. possibly by some sort of ithe course of the Circular tiers. was ', compulsion. a statement that the Ontario issue I Mr. J. B. Martyn. East Lambton, at 6 per cent. had been sold within denied the statement made by Wm. twenty-four hours. Mr. Proudtoot _ McDonald, North. Bruce, that the said he understood from the Pro- . reason for two License Inspectors in h G _ - . Lambton county was that of politi- vincial Treasurer that t e orern ...._, cal patronage. He said at first there ment had not placed on the market had only been one inspector and it a bond issue of $2,000,000. 'g,'"',,"',",',',," $33k m;:.w'ere 'f/lg",',',.":,', 4 "Where did you understand that e ' 10 is eavier . . an - _"' Ibecause of considerable smuggling 1ri1min',g'anpryth,ei,er,irvr. . asked Hon. Ibeing carried . on. Government ' "I understood it from Iwhat you _ tractors. he said, had taught the said in the House," replied Mr. farmers the results that can he se- Proudfoot. who asked as to a com- . cured from them, and for that reas; Imission of a half ot one per cent. , on alone the Province had been re- Ibeing paid. The Provincial Treas- paid by the purchase of these ma- Iurer heatedly replied that the Lib- wr chines last year. reral Leader should not make state- . f Benefits of Nickel Tax. as: are. e: regressed: The Government, said Mr. Hart- matter for the people to, know how . . ', . ley DeWart, should be thankful "that ' financing is being done. , both Providence and the Liberal Motives for Publicity. . party have been very kind to the . I ' . ' Province during the last year." He , Mr. McGarry, m exp.ammg the A said that had it not been for the ' Hoan, said that it had not " _ V nickel tax, which was largely the rc- been sold, and that the paper ','r Isult of the criticism ot th O in question had been follow- ', C . . 9 ppo- ling it up at the request of Simon at the last sessioh, there would , t i ti . . the cit have been a surplus of onlv $464 .. cer an manual men P, y. ". . . ' It has been usual, he said, for some . loot). He expressed the hope that . . " . , 'the Government ld disappointed broker in the past to. "-", wou take steps to I get some newspaper to take up their, N l collect the arrears of taxation on case. He said that there is nothingi I . nickel, which are properly due. The in connection with this loan thatI F Imember for Southwest Toronto has not been submitted to the best! I, isaid Ps . had hoped to hear financial men of this city and atI _ f' Isomethmg m the Address on the err.. Ottawa. If the Liberal Leader un- .,. ' tablishment of a Provincial nickel, derstood more about finances andI ,- 'rp- Ismelter, and also as to the delay in) how critical the situation is in _ a; ,the construction of the nickel retin-l 'Canada at Present he would not be! . ery at Port Colborne. I lexploiting; the matter on ilt/i2e.g( M . . rr "f Taxation of War Protlta. I Ighgrlillir.nouse' said Mr c a y _ , "We have . . , In New York, Mr. McGarry said. ', . I v thi 90mm1551°ns fot nearlyI he found he would have to .pay 8 . , . e ery mg, particularly when mat- . d 10 t f r mone Return- . wo. 3337 Iters need to be whitewashed." con- on per cen . 0 Y. T tp w, . Itinued Mr Dewart h ' I mg to Canada, he found no brokers . ' ' i 1 . ' w en he took up; iin Toronto or in any other city who _ _ the report on Burwash Prison Farm,) Iwere willing to buy any bonds, be- ,' . Ireading several recommendations; Icause they did not know it they . _ ' lt? correct minor evils existing there.) could get them on the market. The , IHe also suggested pruning some of; IProvinco had been cut oft in the _' the expenditures of such Commis; floating of bonds by the Victory , f ' . SlOl'lS as the Worknien's Compensa-, loan. Now there is an order in Coun- I, t tion Board and the Ontario Licensel cil making it necessary to get per- 1; Board. Mr. Dewart suggested the' .mission from the Minister of Finance! rte ' l (i'i'r,':fir',it,,eff,,h' of a Cost of Living thefore putting a loan on the market. . ;, lConHttiysiontr for the Province, who . CrrerrT'rt"'r.ti_-Tdt"2rt . :tf,','t'"'thirng,eeiggt,e war profits of the . ', as ree Years and arran . llc' Ithey be taxed. go that _ g J. , It is a matter of ttratification 'g r; C . ' -q - , said V -ir,y' IHon. Mr. McGarry in concluding the ' 'rr', :Budget debate. that the members of was? xthe House have got together with "25:71.: Ithe desire to tlnitsh their duties and , ' gig; :get home as soon as possible, with a _ e7. I, Idetermination to do all they can for rue/iii:,:,".'-', . ' the winning of the war. He thanked 1r5ttirri,it the members of the House for the (i'i._,ii",iiiy, way in Which they received the re- . {Witt port. JPie,ei,y,r, high positions as; he; they o. he said. they would en-I s1iic(et,tgh'ii' 2:233:23"? into their Work! ' . f"? 0 o abilit - 1iiii't'i " iam Doattibu. y and patriot I "a _ iijill '. " i,,), . _

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