The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Feb 1918, p. 1

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P 0 cmd e oorarmmnng 7 "than .o d ponleninge -- e "" CmoEshay, PEBRCARY 19 tors, . : Shk o+ : EOS * « dA % I y e q ED HOSPITAL :. WILL REFORM _ l J 4 1 C : $# e j " P d dhes e e & a < Trnd faar Tok i - 6 l s * ; 4 ( n | "FOR RECEPTION _ CIVIL SERVICE ' | _ | Ing Receotion Ihstit ution! Hon. I. B. Lucas Introduced : aring Recepti | y¥ t *Il is Ur? ed bs Dr. Forbes * | _ Provincial Measure Model-- | N 1 # t C | \ led on Federal Enactment | | _ Godfrey, M.P.P. | \| prartna s | *4 | 4 C taalize4 ' En . | |. Becond reading was given in iha{ !NO COMPET|T|VE TESTS' Legislature yesterday to HMon. T. ~ .. | | smm | C_"'.'g bill providing for the' ! Civil Service reform in the Pro-- appointment of a purchasing agent {vince is provided for in a bill in-! w the Pro'\('linl;:e. bezll'll;?edpigzi!;)crfi 'troduced in the Legislature yester--| Fpreasurer sai e f = B¥ Cl omaps posed new method of purchasing 'da.\ by the General, Hon.! P ernment supplies would result in :1. B. Lucas. It is a imeasure pat--| & ' saving of much money, and do-- ; terned after the Dominion law, only' _'away to a large ]eant]"'":h \t':"' i Sin a modified form,. the chief differ--| I:?B(OS(:L.'I:Iis\:Ye];',t ,'llo:ggtg)," \;h!:» | {ence being that qualifying examina--| asked the Minister to give the House | ; | tions are proposed for Ontario, in-- some idea of the machmery'tha?g |stead of competitive examinations. would be ncecessary, Mr. McGarry I A Civil Service Commissioner will the purchasing agent would t § o i require a staff of five or six per-- be appointed, who will have charge sons. lHo had no doubt there were ;of the examinations and the appoint-- officials now employed in other de-- {ment of the necessary help. He p ments who could be transfer-- will study the existing system and r:i:'to the new department. make further recommendations to The House then went into Com--' !the Legislature from time to time. mittee of Supply. Mr. MacPherson, | | Mr. Lucas did not satisfy the Op--. ovincial Secretary, explained thit | | position leader, Mr. William Proud-- mall salary increases to meimbers | foot, that the new law will do away of the hospital staffs were to meet : with the existing patronage evil.'. increased cost of living. He he-- "Will the Commissioner consider ap--| lieved the increases were general. | plications of any other than those F. Forbes CGodfrey (West York) / whno are recommended by the party| complained that tho baker at l:r-.c;- in power ?" asked Mr. Proud{oot. l Toronto Hospital for the Insane had s , tss "Faayp $ been given a raise in pay, while the ; |(,ompculnc, Feature Absent. + | baker in the Mimico Asylum had got { | "As I understand it the Civil Ser--} f no?e l'\'ice at Ottawa provides that thet Cirintar Eow is competitive principle is to be adopt-- Wfi,llts iicter Economy. |ed. :md the man who stands the' hn connection with several items | highest in the examination gets the| -- ||providing for large sums for ad-- lappoiutment without --recommenda--| ditions to buildings and for the pur-- --ltion from anyone," -- answered the' chase of land, Mr. Proudfoot sug-- | | Attorney--General. "We do not adopt| ested that in view of the scarcityl ithat; all we require is a qualifying: of money some of the proposed ex--| | examination." : penditures might well be deferredl | "You didn't answer my question| until after the war. f I f |yet," replied Mr. Proudfoot. -- Dr. Godfrey vigorously urged the' | --The biil provides for the appoint-- Bovernment to establish a proper re-- | 'ment of a Civil Service Commission-l ception hospital in the Province, and | ler for the Province, and defines in «McPherson said the Whithy in-- : ggeneral terms the scope of this of-- stitution was equipped for that work, ficiatl's duties. It is a one--man com-- but was at present being used by I mission, Mr. Lucas pointed out, and || & 'military authorities for hospital 'not a three--man commission, as is urposes. Dr. Godfrey nvanted a licustomm'y. His position is perman--| f ing reception hospital for the |ent. It will be his duty to make ai [ e Province. It was wrong, he 'if-,om_inuhous survey of the different ; » that patients from _ outlying . departments and from time to time is of the Province should be sent report to the department heads and' lirect to an insane asylum, with all the House, with the view of making ._;' stigma attached thereto, while improvements in the generali organi-- patients from Toronto were first sent zation. to & reception hospital for treat-- | nrcna.. iarea n | ment. The Provincial Secretary ex-- | To Classify Civil Service,. h' ned that at present each insane "There is no classification, and} sylum has its own reception hos-- !never has been, of the Civil Service| and that as long as paticnts in Ontario," said Mr. Lgcas.. "It! | receive proper treatment it mattei's ; might be probable that it will be| | Me what institution they are r:on-| his duty to flmake a classification | | fined. The incident was closed with 10( the Civil Service, but until there; a promise from Sir William Hearst, is a classification the fuly measure of| d ol "«':' the maiter '\-Ou]d be gi\-cn: * (:i\'il Sel'Vice. l'efornl 18 rl?'t pOSSlbfiO' consiGeration by the Government. ; here. It will be the duty Oft tf e |' Regarding a vote of $2,000 in . Commissioner to make himsel6 fa--", |connection with field crop competi-- | 1+ PR e uind aAnkg 2 <§.F¢ ) $ * u'?wfq , the Premier said that over. o (Continued on Page 6, Col. 5.) 7000 farmers in Ontario took part in the contest last year. The ob--| ; W'_ wwas to encourage production, or | | more crops and better crops. The|, "' i1 of $39,000 (additional) _ was voted for district representatives of |, the fi Department of Agriculture,> in ; order to provide a maximum salary || ' $2,000, and for extension of the |. f system. Practically every county in th ovince now has an agricultural repréesgentative, said Sir William. -- . .|. . Mr Macdiarmid explained | t was proposed to erect an ad--| .;':' . to the Hamilton Hospital for |I nsane to accommodate 100 , patients, and the sum _ of $40,000 | io een inserted in the estimaies Le at purpose. e j hT f 2o +

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