The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1918, p. 1

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n pnnapme l F # ~ : ut J ... uk *Tw SsaATORDAY, "FKEBruany 23, iy1D. s on n maaaaae ns vek . m i ie e m ce oar snn agancoe uit k "fi"" " ' introduced byprtwufzmb'"""' f f 'terday was one to amend the Bread [ *A ; Sales Act, proposed by Mr. Charles (& »iry --> | R McCrea (Sudbury). At present the * ° | size of loaves is fixed by statute at : 4 | 24 and 386 ounces, and Mr. McCrea * . wants to give bakers authority to ; f m rre--se*" make loaves of special sizes suitable \ _ Bill im f for cutting at lunch counters, res-- ; Bill in Legislature Referred to | i eurantgecs. providing tmey ate used x CAE * A exclusively by the firms contracting ° MUfllGIDa| Committee | for them and are not sold to the public in bulk. | of the House An amendment is proposed by Mr. flls e erieyeprcomrentg Hartley Dewart (Southwest Toron-- y e to) to the Mining Act to make it a j 1 L clear that where a patert is issued OPPOQITION LEADER lLL > for a mining claim recorded in the + penammeack--pnmmmg se name of a mining partnership, it Bill to Let Women Sit as Members shall issue in the name of the part-- nership, and not in the name of in-- of Legislature Introduced by, El-- dividual members of the partner-- liott of West Middlesex. s ship, unless there has been a disso-- a lution of the partnership. 34 nsm s > A bill to regulate 'the use of trac-- The Opposition leader, Mr. Proud-- "';" de"gigei . a¢ the Chighwayf{ was ¢ % introduced by reorge enry foot, wWas unable to attend yester-- (East York), who proposes to relieve day's sitting of the Legislature, ow-- drivers of traction engines of the ing to illness, and his bill to allow necessity of planking bridges beforeI women to become members of the running their engines over them. | Legislature was introduced by Mr. Special Levy on Overdue Taxes. I J. C. Elliott (West Middlesex). It An amendment to the Assessment is understood that the Liberal leader Act was introduced by Mr. J. A. is suffering from an attack of the t 'igfili'dt (E?lst Ottie;wa) ;n the foorm of a bi o allow cities of over 100,000 . grippe, anfi that he will be confined population to place an extra charge to his residence for a day or two. of six per cent. on overdue taxes. It The Hon. Dr. Pyne, Minister of Edu--, is understood both Ottawa and Ham-- cation, is also indisposed, and has | ilton are anxious to get this priv-- not been in his seat for two days. | "ege, which is enjoyed now only by Legislation providing for a poll Toronto. 1 tax of $5 on enemy aliens was per-- Mr. W. T. Allen introduced a bill haps the most interesting matter i0 amend the Landlords and Ten-- dealt with by the House yesterday. ants Act, which was referred to the The bill introduced by Mr. G. J.! LMegal Committee. Mr. Allen thought / Musgrove (Niagara Falls) applieslj the present requirement of six only to the township of Thorold, ; months' notice to terminate a yearly where there are about 1,000 foreign--| lease was too long. His proposed ers, but it is not improbable that the | amendment, however, did not affect Municipal Committee, to which body farm leases. it was referred, will amend the bill Premier Hearst said the present so that it will affect the entire alieon law had been the law for many population of the Province. On the years and it would be wise to move other hand, Mr. Wm. McDonald of cautiously before changing it, be--. North Bruce suggested that this was cause they might create a greater a& matter for the Dominion Govern-- avil than the one they were attempt~l' ment to deal with, and Premier ing to cure. | Hearst and the Attorney--General Siommrensmemminitriremcstnt ie ntomnoummee | seemed to share that view. Several & %e | members, expressed the opinion that, | no matter waich Government acted.i the enemy aliens making good | wages in Ontario should be obliged | | + to pay their share of the taxes. [

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