The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1918, p. 1

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_ [PTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1918. 4 1t | f : |That would not apply to druggists|' s y d wae 1 C PC who sell regularly recognized reme-- e | P k Ee s 4 dies which have the approval of the ' Y j health authorities. But it would stop the operations of the quack f doctor, and would restrict the sale f of cure--all medicines. There shali ' wninmess OB 6t Nn be ro advertising of any remeay / $ 15. other than the rertl;ledies or lmedi- cines approved y the health _ Hon. . B. Lucas Introduces suthorities, 0 > y & I '"'There are clauses in the 1 to Bill Based on w. JUStlce prevent publicity from anyone who eA makes charges or statements, HOdng Report ' whether true or not true, to the of-- f wroie e neieatracilincne e uid | fect that certain persons have been w C . | under treatment for the kind in : PROVIDES FOR DETENTION | question. '"'There is provision for the dis-- & R NE AC CA tribution of literature. Adwinced Legislation to Mecet the Assistance of Medical Profession, Problem of Grappling With ' "This legislation can only be suc-- Yencreal Discase. | | cessful if it has the hearty co--opera-- | tion and assistance of the medical [ -- e e n s | |profession generally throughout the Venereal diseagse in Ontario is tuj Pirovmceih 'I;ha,t ihas fbet;n ketDtT}ilfl § & § Cnonp T us | view in the framing o e act. e be fought. .The Government y DiU | problem that had to be considered providing the machinery was m'ru--l was to not go too far or too fast. duced in the Legislature yesterday} |The Government had the advice of afternoon by the Hon. I. B. Lucas,} |Dr. McCullough, Provincial Health > Attorney--~General Te explained l Officer, and hy him largely will rest & 3 A N re! n the responsibility for the regulations that Mr, Justite Modgins three| and the administration of the act. months ago was appointed a ';'o-.n-ll |If the act can bedadm;;'nistered suc-- issioner a r t as to the | \cessfully 'the credit will go to the imissipner. to 'makc" * '101):)111 a ?'h °4 Provincial Health Officer,. The act care of the feeble--minded and as to/ leaves a large part of the action to the best methods of fighting ven-- be taken to regulations, and those erceal discases. t regulations are icft in tge hands of ¥0# « w Vn s the Provincial Health Officer, sub-- & Ho said thc. Commissionc: ject, of course, to the . approvaloriRe _ gathered the views of many incedical Lieutenant--Governor in -- Council. men, social workers and others in-- The municipal -- health authorities terested in the problem, and the lill will have the utmost confidence that now read for the first time was|} under Dr. McCullough we wili be '(l?aftcd by Mr. Justice Hodgins, af-- able to go along on safe and sane -- tér 4e conference witivr the Govern-- lines and at the same time do ef-- ment, as an attempt to grapple \'.'i?.h' fective work, 1 § the problem. "It does not atte.mpt! '"We are in a new field of logis-- to solve all the questions that may! lation and have practically nothing y arise," said Mr, Lucas, '"nor does|! to guide us. One or two States and " it assume to go as far as in the end | one or two countries have made at-- | it may be deemed desirable to go, tempts to deal with the problem, but it does go a considerable dis-- but in nothing of this kind has there \tance, and tlre bill gives wide pow-- been any body of 'experience that vers as to the control of patients, * will be of any benefit to us. In _ | subject to certain restrictions.. But England forty years ago legislation fin a general way it practicaliy 'of a drastic character was attempt-- throws the whole responsibility f« r; |ed, but it was a complete failure, "the administration of the act upon| and the law was eventually wiped the pdublic and municipal health uu-{ off the statute books. Before go-- . }horities of the Province, ; ing ahead too flast we must t}e satis& Ey ; 1 fied we have the support of soun --] "';l]lum; of the Details, | public opiAion. $ "The framework cf the bill, in .,C\"l\'illg pl'uc(jcully ail of the tle'\flll.i! Care of the Patients. «P to be wurked cut by regulations, is | *"'The general principle of the bill g wise course.. 'The work is to be| iythat venereal disease shall be re-- -- Reeveloped .unuer reguimtons, adopt-- | |cognized as contagious, and thel d under advice ofi the. heaith au-- | municipalities are made responsible rorities as --esxperignce wil snow | for the care of residents who are at ougiit to be adopted. The bill | unable to bear the expermse of treat-- Wicel? in broad outiine does this: Lt i ment. 'The municipalities must pay liaovides that if any person is under| for anyone who is unable to pay. | falrcsi or convicied of any offense| "The Province especially takes| wl the Criminal Code or any Oniario' authority to make free distributiont Buuiures, ng imay be exanuned, and : of any drug or medicine or ap--| i. ..';Z\"A';r,:d imay be treated as the pliance necessary in order that| wCaiiir Oolilcors may determine: he e patients can be properly treated undl [BR.ay se decained or he may be iso-- cared for. I think it is desirable| flated. 'The next provision is that that this bill should be referred to} woore the Medicat Health Ofver a special committee." | heas reason to believe that someone is In reply to Mr. Hartley Dewart, as 0 uuiljer to the communiity by reagso3 to whether the Government con-' oi being infected, he miay require templated anything in the way Otl lu.')'.i.u produce a certificate froimn a a special Provincial grant to 08-- | guaiiliéd medical man to the eifect pitals, Mr. Lucas said nothing of Inmnat he is not affected. If he faiis that kind would be necessary for the to do this, trne Medical Health of. _ | present, as the prime responsibility ' ficer maey direct an examination, and for the treatment of patients rests| K#\ hc finds_ tie person infected he with the municipality. He addeq, has authority to treat tge pationt, that copies of Mr. Justice Hodgiusl @v.ialn citim, und isolate him if neo-- report would be ready to--day. | ssary. tinaitiiven tvtinranviioniaranetennenmeciadeedir e ravad | P tiuvery -- hospital receiving | oiq . ipppenicoie wl se ne . & ¢ froin tae Province maxy be requireqd to make provision for examination n. Irée treatment of persons S4f. e¥ng from venereal discase. "Tue general principie of the bil s away from segregation of aifect. :d persouns, If it is necessary to con. * Ine anyone the patient will not be ¢ vonlined in some special institution 1 get apart for the treatmeut of that |t(lass of disease, for the reason thai that would be a bar in the way, and / would call attention to the class of patient that went there. -- In Ootiep words it would ear--mark the patien: "The patient may be treated as az; outdoor patient or as & patient of a ¢ ; ospital. _ "No person but a duly qualifieq edical man shall treat or offer his medy for that class of diseago, f

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