The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 1 Mar 1918, p. 2

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CY',) , "52w . t '"P5Nr, MII!, ." PN l. . t - lose his comm" "iglEil ' ' _ i ' g; & a r t. . he was "disiktAditt'iilllllllihll x I . II "i, t Us y" i punishment p0 I ' '!tili!Elltill! ,3?- , . F l a It" at: "titty-'Aia'a.' 'a t I ' ' Primo Mlnlstor's' 'ep, L , . at" $59; L .- {7'7er 1'ciikirC2, 'f/tr 3. ' " t 'ar he came withfn'.~o%mgtws» , no hesitation. in II jiiitl!)1h2ftte,, .1: , take action against" __. i'eiifft'""ittpl.) l Sir 1vi,lWim-HtHtrtirrCt - f: _ 111?, . .__...___.... and mothers of this}; nee who ."' R . . have sons over there' hare enough _ , efleotitms on Sobriety 0f anxiety to bear without their prob- ( . . lems and burdens being added to _ . Canadian Troops Are b- absolutely. false statements. i - H I . am not speaking at random when I i . . . q ' " ; of say those statements were slander. l y Criticized The Prime. Minister said he spentI -------_ six weeks in England and France STAT and he made it his duty to study the EMENTS DISPROVEN great question. fl h Proud us he was of the tr ting, l record of the men at the front, he i"',',),',' llaru, M.P.P.. (lives First..' said he was prouder of their record . , . , for the way they met temptation::. hand Information oi Conditions , The record in England was that the l in Fighting Lines. I Canadian men were sober and moral, 7 f and a Nursing Sister' had said to i - l him: "Your Canadians are always l. statements made by Capt. mun-gel gentlemen." Y.M.C.A. dotilcers m Bailey of the l NI u- tlt th- 1,, ' i,, l charge of the Maple Lent (dubs had i Al . _ . .- ":' _ l 1 ""11"! told him the same thing. Col. Cecil on'l hence. convention in Massey; li. Williams, a Methodist minister, Hall on Wednesday. in whom he cast: who spent some at the from. serious reflections ) t' ' '" .',s, . last year, paid a "'iipti.le?Y trtmte to; of the Canaui his to ws5 "abut". the men. said Sir William Ilearst.. " _ "i ' tan lumps. NSC','" round-1 The nine testimony was borne out: I A 5 VI Cf f n . l Hy condemned in the Legislature yes-'; in correspondence lrom members of; ' _ terday. The. assertions "my. Luann! his own family and other officers in; ed as ab.sol'utu, iit nn ll ' k I England and France. ! . a ' 'tc, an to ma it?t" ' ' l of them a hltickgume The Prime Spirited "epudlation. l Minister regrotted that 'he in" of; "i regret indeed that any Illa"; .. ... . F i; "tu 2 . his ti atemei 1.. Ithe Province Would lint permit thc' "Tami 'k/tyi/trt/tthr/sl/sud/s.."),, andlai itwot'ermnent to deal with Capt, Bailey; public man of this country," said! Put as the oftlct?ts is oniy amenalilci Sir William. "l want to repudiate iti . to the mm" .\. . -_'9 .- 1' t t . l, in the strongest language possible." i "l. authoiiticc, ile felt; "The statement was made in a; sure II'I'ODGI' anti-1.1 Would be when: \'erv public manner." said Mr. wil..) Without deltcy. l linm Prourlfoot, the. Opposition' t Major J. 1. 'tluv, ...* L%st "more l Leader. He had intended bringing: - _ v - -dw c. l 'l ' if Major Hurtt had not done who reUentiv ytutut'ned , _ I It up - - 4 - 'd t i, t A lrUHl 'she, H(" "WI .. , , f . . , , " ). Int 1 (an t understand in from. 'blougnt the: matter of 0;th that when the question was brought V Baileys I'einarlit, to the Jdousw ;,C-: no at the meetingr he relied upon al fore the orders of tho. a, .l' Statement. made to him by some were called Tit t t _. a» i other otiioer. lie was not. man . . " I' mil Omeht's, ftS, " . r', 'u t tl t . f , 1 _ _ . ' though to gun on to name 0 the they appeared in the press. were) officer who had made the statement absolute lies. said Mai _ ' 'tf l to him. (Applause) His failure to "or Hat "u. _ . 'Drunkenness at the front is fiO s l do that hranded his statement as st . . W _ ', 'L SC- i " tic l; 'lv like 'at i . ' 10115 d cCltt1e that it is , is; ' i I [one DUI ICU t" , .t .""" a 11 one to lwith death. Capt. 'v,i:ilfp,nii"1Jtii'l,t", i'w.hi'+,,no consideration ought to be ently. did not know the conditions: given. and made his statement on the An Unrotqtttttttc Episode. strength of what he had been told .. _. .. . by some other officer. I l ' Mr. Prouotoot was satislied tnat Condltl . l . Etna people oi the Provittce would one; as "my Arc. I "my no attention to the remarks if "Whoever is .- . ', it were not that this man was dub- res onsibl ' PF .. , . " - , statements should li,") mil"? thigh}: :lwd Captain. He thought it was a no doubt will be I'Hll'lis'hed" "to lmisnomer on the part .or the Prime . ' said.' "The effect this will iii,, e Minister to call the othcer a gentle- mothers and fathers is" 'man. flu preferred to call him a I am here T i w, _ to S. biacpi,zuat'd. sto-day to i'ar-..,1 " e'"'". . ' these statements. I know \r'llitesiym'u I I "19"")? . the expression," Speak. The boys in ire' armveorl 1 i,l'cvy-,r1yey,,,.r,i,i', 'vi'iii.'cti11.. just as safe and as free from d .i),tF, l ' l anadtans ,at the trout. said the enness as the. boys are at 1 t'unli.. Opposition Leader. are treated with .their own tire-sides (A 101218 ft respect. A couple of days ago he The man certainly must bepg 95'") receive.) n letter from his son, who ed. He must have lost his he'efidrlg- (was a tnlon (Jar-\Iermnent scrutineer, though I know Massey Hall i: '0'"- lwho said that ol the lath Battalion ting to be quite a favorite maeeaft- In?" one otlh'er or man ("time to cast hot-heads and men who Want to or Eats vote {who was under any in- hot things." say I uenee o iquor. . Major Hartt said ti . . i Like all slanderous statements . _ c 1 ' s .. .' . n. . ties should take //a"jt.c"/2ydty"1-j' they In": Melly made, said Mr. J. . charge and the Illilitart' autle) ' .1", l . Eliott of ll est.,ty.ieletsiex, but they would deal wi .' '.morlties) are somewhat difficult to dis r F i . th him, as bv his utter-l . '" ' . ' p Ol e,I ances, he committed a breach of the ill".,) they "gate ay lmpr'eSlson which King's rules and regulations Th it 1hl sometimes impossible to com- member for East Simone had :13 ipletely obliterate. I _ doubt the offending officer would l -'e"-""""-"'rr"-"""r"T-"'- 3 _ "-"""'----------.---.--------------, l - w' se'r',Ci',g',,t,iritliii"..e.ib'ii', m>.~.:'h.c'm.:.®e_ ---------r---t----, YS' _ 253' 'l-ri?,"',?,'?,""";"')? "ii""),)', Etuéfivfiogfifigsgé 3-82-5ng 3": A'Qm .H" ae m 05;: tg"E"a'ti! a a. a: - Qua . on . at F O a ' 2 . _ . "a. "srifiii'dtih"s,rreii1',iiC,', a 'iir?i'ti's,'g'i'i,i'i? R, b'iit "~53,- tp 'J?sAuartS,' ask an $hrt .,a,s.4Mi5' a "t"ia'np-?i' iriid,yEst5', mm a O f 4-0 a a O O h a nut ' a tet a a < H a . --~w is5i.ttEFiEdpte.e? Eta)eggt at we»: ,_e:: ,n._ g h "tri" tri] {9&36..~22§i€w:3 85:3; tty."':'?::",',",.)'.-,;,:'.?;?," iiU' a: a m _ out a o - .... . f 2: L o . Til tlt, 22089.4 'ii'-7iaeti',,, :9 'ii'o'tl,ii,iiitf'.o'cr,e,i,?.i'.g .,'tae.?r?e"oa2c7a'Jsii; I CD m 33323.33 'gtsF,..'gf',).)i:,-., i'itif,iiiis" t; "tiirii's' (i5iiiitig'rét) ff, co 5-: iii,!r"fiiji"ii 3.:'5'9'3' 3:2 teii.5X iiift./,f,'igU'"t , u Ea ".eiiei6,"'fj,'iii,e,"'gt,i'iasi?,i'ia At tat, erks"i1'rele'e 8 gr,s5l,fe5':i!,.tt . elll) A bl "?r"0i1i"iitTgt?,iiieaae. 'iivriirti.r'iiiii,iiiiriib't,aire Ce.Cret'afg, "'55 'a' B 9 '!,'i.r.iiogti'ai's.'jl'i','if,iir.gkt' eEEQEE tiiir"syiitr' "t'ilirt',s".1'ics,riei,",', t i'iJ,ik'"iiltli,rt)'ii,t,i'i'ytirt iii"'.?,':',"'???',-,,,;-,',",,'":',',').,.:; 'r'i,'ygt,ir,?iirjri,eiie,s'?, " at) 1.. D m " a a a O "I '5 O _ " - O - " a gag [ii'?'"",,;',].,","-"-,-,,?,,',.,', Sc: soai"ilii'iii'i?',iiiirr'iicis)g'2. B".Sghl Qaiar.1seUy Cii',E'.gP,2ftta 'dio'e.'is"9. a..'f,15,tis gala-Hag) uh "I" E a: fdiig k. j-il'a'iiire"" a652=908'=vfigfigu3--"==am" e Griaiel?,t, 'ttet, we u lt "ii.t.ti.'ifl "iit'na'eF'ditiCii"$xiibl'ick', " q - iiiriijrrifiJftri)'h"'o"li' Fhr'o'i'.iii'atl'.g"r?.,, odeitt llrri,i,iiti't i iiii go no" 'i'iii"p' 3 "elitist',,',',':;'..','.,',?' "ltgetrll"oli'sriiisl d 4 El.syy"iiiresar.woaE'"t4iLt 0 4" " '"Y9,eiiii"a' 4' 'baarsp, . t7i'Sdif?,r.tEi't"irfCrt c M - Ohmoa Are, "an QOH w-D 'dirii,'iliii?,'lgtgettiii.g 'i'ie,isatSet5atltTs 'aootQ 9 o a: a . l o o O qltie .u-H on": 'iitlaeii'eris,pii' .z - a.» .lei,iitil.yiF. can. an - was» = 9-9 "we "a. an a a 'iiiiig'iiiiiis;,'ii,'lgiii' an}: 35:50:8gfigogwgguh333033; d whuaeasshu . . ""U'UQE noosmggg I """----------Lu- O

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