The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Mar 1918, p. 2

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i; _ P" ."cx - ' .. MOhDAY,v. at ' . Ft 918. T Fre -' i . 'i"" _ ' _ ...". c.- «H . _ A i "I' "BEER tr'_"/lit,'ir.,_i'llE N0 STRONGER " t _. l ls ' ') ', ' u it. , . _':" it .' r " - , _ F; ', " . ii, l .. 7 oN 'e' - _ w""""'""""'""""""""""-"""""""'"-'""""----- . .s' g . , ' 2" t e _ . . ' _ ' ali . lt1Ny,itig'aued From 133391.; Cot, 1.) Kinda in the Doh,inidn. t was dit- [ 'ii/hat --.. ' 'l .. """"""""f -re' - -.. cult to gauge public oiiinion, but C,'?'),.-'), 'ly,'.',,'?."?:,')','."', Joiners of tAmericmigf he, could_dudge " public opinion . I '. 'til i . . ul, Toronto Munition Work- was behind the Ontario Temperance if veins. H. Halford of r!.e1llP/yySPl?t Act as never before. Supporters of , _),"):': [jj'),'] of the Ontario Executive of "if his for a lifetime who condemned T,'", Trades and Labor Congress; It. G. the act when it was first, introduc- . l Feste.r, President of the -Ciga:rmak-'ed came to him now and said it " . _ 1i:'i'sCiiliie'if,' Hamilton; Willi-am LOGgeiiwas right. He could quote them a ' . iy, f2,eylit,' Sdretary of., the All'iedllarge number of letters from men ' rites council, J. II. Ljufmo Toron-iin their own organizations approv- l, 1u'lectrica1 Workers' Union; Josethng of the act. (Cries of. "Jimmy" ' illre."y oflithe J,11"."iovn, Trade-s flouneil; iSimpson.) They had presented their " . I'l. lit _r)';}':c%l: 1:195"!th ef. theiviews in a fair manner, but other l l: Uit' on . a e',', an Labor Council; people in Ontario were. also entitled / Lireenla", 1 resident of the St. to their views. Only the other day f,i.'",Ti,t,1et','1,h,":'yi/is Y1fl Labor Lylln- the Labor men of British Columbia. f/i 1'so,btTt,,1Htts,,, beeretary Wind- had opposed similar action to that _ so: and Wa'lkervillle Trades and La- they were now asking him to take. . nor tonne-ll. and George Sl-inchomhe, There was a, meeting in Ottawa a i President of the . llmntford Trades few days ago in which the President t and Labor Council. of the Privy Council had announced ' . the judgment of the Dominion Gov- . . _ 1 mea ot Labor Men. eminent was to the effect that liquor h Mr. Thomas Moore said thework- or beverages containing more than . . ingmon wanted a decent beverage, 2 1-2 per cent. proof spirits should . . . - declaring the beer sold in Ontario be regarded as intoxicating. ; . minibillcd with the Ontario Temper- . , I _ [Nance Act had cultivated hundreds oil Refusal Al as Oetinite. l . 'iwhishcsy-dr'inlcCr's who never mukl "Now, what is the position at the i 'iwhiskoy before. Prohibition also ch- 1y")s'unt time? asked tlie Prime Min-. s "moUi'ugwl the use of cocaine. ginger ister. ."The Dominion 'Governmen't fl' 'icssence and wood alcohol. He said , 1"/"ii'i1iou, that utter the fyet, of April _ 2 b _ [the deputation was asking for beer i (1,e,d1/,l)oit,iftrititn/i' 1g??? '13:": IC/ei ' I _ 'of 1lle Pot" cent. alcohol instead of; ln'lr'tll)'uu. date l , if? -, 'tn,' ill If,', ( g 21,;- per cent. proof spirits. if .1 _ t", Je, 11ch none .w' e Mr. Fred Sahi m. the T tViperlnltted to be manufactured, and f . . 3 ' . ,0 _ ' -, ' oron U. they have stated that the standard Munition Workers,' said the working-i of intoxication will be 21i, per cent. , L Amen "Tm disgusted by attacks on f proof spirits. Only the other day in . ;Ul(€ll' sobriety which had been made; Massey Hall Mr. Calder told . us , . 'iiny temperance fanatics. The work-i they were going to stand by that ,rivlgmen viewed with regret illicit policy. Then it seems to me that V .(lrinking which was due to," suggestion such as you make . " Iron. he said, adding' that the Tom-i rould serve no useful purpose----)-': periml-e Act was driving former beer-i mg =13 to permit the sale ot a bev-l e 'lur'Ti'iternr; to whiskey. {wage which is prohibited from beg ' Afim. ll. tl. Foster, who said hc rc- mg imported and prohibited front (,rei)'sfr',e.t,r,l:',1 15,000 workers in Ha'nlil- mm": manufactured ltl the country. (" ',ton, Complaine-d that the beer new 13ut let "1.0 make .myse" clear.- L , . ion the market is Ontario was fiat. in?) not; g'férfnto ts1id.1uiC,",i1/ipd,,gU. ' P" . , ' 7 " i or o len or . h' - A ye 1f'0}m_ed out be," ot better sibility on any other Government. I q . . "y'l nuarity ll ould.not involve the "be oil am not giving you any unconsidered i tit any more grain than poor beer. ianswer. This has been under con- . . i"; The other speakers representing sideration for weeks and months, p T ji", Labor unions took much the same The proposition has been put for- _ 1ttrvi'ii! line. ward by you; Iorgariirftlilons time of: r y and a an, an mus ty on can- - . ii,j,,sla No Change Till After War. didly tghat I do not see my View clear (rrl"a The Prime Minister, in reply, paid! to permit any change in the statute '5', . l 'tribute to the part Labor has played book." a ' iin the war. both in the workshOplmed Created Disorder. t 7 land on the battlefield. He again . 5' - ldenounced the recent utterances oti This statement was greeted ,by f, h' ft' iCap-tain Bailey, which had been re-l lPerl of disapproval and 21fi.acrot'd , iferred to by one of the deputation, commenced to "Inf. f,"",), ' .. ' - J . ' . . ro . "spot where the Prime Minister 3 " ' innd added that many things were stood Leaders of the Labor men .1" " " lsaid by temperance workers withi and the police. force, under Inspec- l 'rr, (which he .did not agree, "but .wcitor "Bob" Geddes, tried in'vain to . ""3": Wm" not judge tt "use by the Ill-lt-ttstore order. Sir William decided ') liF . ateniperitte remarks made by some; it was useless to continue. He. had gr" 'ndherents of that cause; we must! intended going on to enumerate the at. -- .judge it on its merits." he said. Ai, beneficial results to the Province . 35. . iremark had been made with refer-; since the introduction of pvohibi- , ".", . !ence to the fact that the views oC, tion, but the .crowd became so ' 'r',?., j Ithe people of Ontario had not been; threatening and the noxse so great _ ",i'iil...jli, iascertained on the subject of pro-[that ht. ended his .spttfP, all}??? w.(tFir'fs-1ri' ihibition before the Ontario Temper-i and retired Iv/tll, Iii, Mimi?" 111.19 '3". ;i'ii,)ii 'i'lnce Act was passed by the Legis-lthe Ifarhament bulldngs. t .5: po Il', . fir-~33 la ure, Si William said it was he] making a lane through which tne , Pt') t r t b q t the Government passed V y,)),".-,,)',")"')'"'",, announced policy of the Government, {nemf 1'i?, oVVhether the crowd would t.rr,rc;r'.,',) to submit the question to the people,' hurts: :gsorted to violence it is dif- iij,lv','.),"r:i;,r but those opposed to the measure ficult to tell, but certainly several l . b LE": im'ged that the. vote should not be; hundred got quite out of hand. After _ 'i')ii4,i' itaken in war time when conditions; howling for tive or ten minutes out- tilSttr'.ti)/ in the Province were not norrual,:side the Parliament Buildings the "IW"')"' and when many of the electors were) crowd dispersed without any, dam- l..,,: away on active service. On thaélage being done. , $41; account the taking of the vote ha _ . . . Ir"' been postponed until such time "irTi'reo Tickets From Biantford. Fr,, the soldiers were back from over-i Brantford, March 3.--tspecial.r-- Its,), '7 seas, when the "free and "iirveAiknls,eFeGijutid return tickets to Toron- 'iii/i/cr voice of the people will be heard." i to were distributed locally for the use l tiiiil (Cheers and hoots.) 's . lot {tiny vigrk'ltn'en twho disivre'dPtO 'taik: !BEii ar in t e rip o wait on rem e . ilg Sm) por ted by Public Opinion. {glearst to agitate for the increasing 3 "i . nt' public sentiment was in favor'of the Mcoholdte strength of beer..1't: Mi of the act it should remain on the is alleged that local liquor interests) 'i 1lllrll statute books. Tfu'th reference to the were behind the distribution. At (iii) I , question of beer.of 2 1-2 per cent. last meeting the Trades and Laborl l Il aloohol instead of 2 1-2 per cent. Council voted in favor of such a. de- , . lt' proof spirits. that was not a new,putation, only one member protest-i i BrEa question. The Government acted ing, but the Typographical Union l rl after the best. expert advice' possible since took a decided stand against} l t ' had been obtained, and came to the any such appeal on behalf of its ' . qon'climiotrtrtat 2 1-2 per cent. proof members. The Royal Temp-lure 6f i . i, 'spirits was the best. Not only Was Temperance heme sent a resolution T , Ithat the law in Ontario, but it wasbo Premier Hearst pmtestrng against. , _ It law- in practically every Pro-lany such action, , _ ' _', a -

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