. 1BtrWi"' "n ., 'rFr" T oi enema. '),,tc.T."-l" T ,. L; . .. . . we out a? -r-----areP,rP"t'='='==---- . od thing, Attila . - .. . ' l '), , J x -. _ a: pffm. Minister. 'triNllrAi)l,t'/,: I . _ _".' '_" ' Gri1tiirjiirt)urttp1. . . _ . _e; 7 ' l, Celina-CM .Act, ".c ' _ ' l, , ' s"' .7 "'. ', ' . .. The trrspprsitu.ttt1p.tte1try iffdfft,t"i . . Proudfo'ot _ in speaking to _ l '. V " l' T . ', _Courta'Act, sud " amend thirthauntr ,. dli r, i . F . that it would facilitate the hen " t _ of cases and make quicker results ' ___.........~. possible. The bill would not do C . . . , away with trial by jury. as that $11: Bill Seeking to Abolish Pro. a practise he firmly believed in. d . . . bill was given second r0513" an H t tho Legal Comm ee. perty Qualifications Passed "It t"mu'd amend that Amman. Act St that in cities 0 more tan on by Government !, ' 260,006 population persons ham ...._.___._.._... an income of W/l or y:,',,','.?;?, 1,1,1. , I i-om elled to e on a. ce . LEtylSuT0itii's QUIET DAY do. a... municipality a state- ment showing the . amount of -- such income, was given ibe 'iff,',".": Second Readings Given to Several ond reading, on motion .of Wr, ". Cr. fr. Gooderham. Mr. William Mew Bills at Queens , Donald (North Bruce) thought it.j l Park. I might be well if the bill applied to. l .-.____.-_ Z all municipalities. Hon..- Mr. Lucas; Yestcrdav's session of the Le a- measure. mt l was so 0 F latureL wast uiet the afternoon 8:6" Municipal Committee. l '1 . I L' , Hon. G. ii. _h"ertrytron_ir1trofucted a ng spent in giving second readings: bill to amend the School Law to several bills and the introduction Amendment Art. The mil makes of others. several technical amendments to the While the Government did not Superammatlon Fund Act. which is} approve the principle of bills intro- new in operation. i need in the Legislature seeking to. wo., __ _ _ abolish the property qtraliflcations' ot candidates for municipal ?flictr, they were sent on to the Municipal Committee. During the debate it was pointed out that under the p'es- , I ent statutes many returned soldiers. T who in future I'ii,,11,,,e.,q,e. a large part of every com: inity. are: um i , able to become candidates because they do not own $1,000 worth ot property. ' V Health Bill Sent on. """--------- Mr. Hook's Toronto bill affecting 'Munici al C i the Board of Health was sent on to ; p omm ttee Makes the Municipal Committee. The At- I . - tornty-Genera1 pointed out that this: '; Retmmmendation Concern E first clause in the bill serious y a - _ . l . . fected Boards of Health. If 1310arlds' mg Those Eligible to VOte l of Health were to aceomplish t e , i work for which they were establish- fty Sohtml Trustees I ed they must have a. fairly free 6 hand. The Government was expect- ---------- Pi "W, Board's Jf, HEW"?! twctilm In future only British subjccisanil aecargeo eamnsra on . , ,, . A,rse,rsk k. wtN, . of the social diseases legislation. and supporters of public, Schoois wi"rl be it they were to deal with this and eligible to Vote for members f other diseases there must be re- Boards of Educ: ti n ot' , I 'rc, sponsxbililty behind them for finan- h yl t . "k, a 10 '1 ' 'rui'li.e' *ces. It would be fatal to the Board {so oo rustees ill the 1-'rovince, it of Health. it the City Council were the Legislature adopts the recom- left free to reject their accounts. The mendati-on cd the Municipal Commit.. clause would affect not only To- tee which yesterday ditrcustsd tie route, but Hamilton and Ottawa CC'."? Tr ' " _ 'li' ' l also. bill. "hue the bill was introduced Mr. Owens' Toronto bill to amend It the House ihy Mr. Mark Irish, at the Ontario Highways Act was ithe request of the City of Toronto, withdrawn on the suggestion of the as it. WOW stands. it will apply to all Hon. Findlay Macdiarmid. The To- iiii"uiiic'iiiiVtt',,'s', _ i ronto member. did not think cities i It was pointed out by Mr. iris-11' should be obliged to contribute to (that there is a lot of unnecessary the cost of constructing and main- :expense in the preparation or the timing: roads many miles away from _separate lists. At the 1a'stotuntcisur1 i e c y. ole ti . _ . . . l, Another hill, introduced by Mini its-s3,- ionnoine,yTeen,e, We" more Colt-. I . aids for the Board Owens. to compel cemeteries to pay of Education ' d 1 b 7 ' local improvement taxes was refer- l; . - "m ..t le p-ieparation of red to the Special Assessment Com- Its/tes fitst,2,.1c1'Y; . Of 1,300 Der-l mittee which is to sit during the re- si ' bee ist Ill Ward One, only; cess. . l x exercised the Fight to Vote. The Bills introduced by Mr. Musgrove "pe,r,'gi'lt,.ioJ, Lead-er agreed that only: Niaitnrt Pt a . 50'0" let e 21,t fiii/tyia to'?/,ll,'/., ntine Magi-03%;? British {ubjects slidogu'id ti, ailmtgg tlua'aithsations of candidates torr l vote, but he did not think there; municipal office were referred to the! should be a property qualification. I Municipal Committee, although tho Lice ln V Government did not approve of the _ "S. g or Bakeries. principle of the measures. Speeches M'unicipalities, hereafter will ii. in support of Mr. Muagrove's bill ce-nse bakeries after they have been were made by the mover, Allan Stud- Peported to be in a sanitary condi- holme. Mr. Ham of Brant, Mr. Car- tion by the Medical ortleer of Health ' ter. Mr. mm. McDonald. It was if the House approves of the commit: l ppinted..out that many returned imi- tee's recommendation. The char l diet-sore prevented from becoming for the license is a nominal one 3?, candidates for municipal Councils $1, and is intended to rot t ff, l because they do not own property lives of citizens. and not ll," 'fffit, t 1.0. '.%tl,', 1,1ere,ie, d f bin . i of inereaainsr the revenui: cans: . ' res. mg o a .t The ' -.. amend the Municipal Act was mm": ydsll,/hf'lvJ'lf/t,tt t'iliyitg1,'e,1ty,.'tti Dr. if by Jae Sinclair, of South Oxford. ing the ti'd'1n"/llp'a1 utl'ctt,ftygec,,ag,"s,tjj,.f 0 6198 ned that the ob ect I th . , , T. ; ' ' _ w " or- bill waa to give more pod." //,tdtte, Eggnog: s'y'ii.c1gi',11t' ta}. He explained I with a Board of Police Commission- siding in townshinany foreigners re-,! are. Sir William Hearst said that do not pay an t p? and small) places uncle; Eire Iproposed bill the Council good Wag" y ax, although making wou ea 1e'touitstttinate the Com-, . ' . ' gluten and-for that reason it was "--"-=eer-rrreere.tzzresee, ----- I