m "lllllllltllll R. - r . gw'w..." J, _ - (iiiiil,ll,llllllllll,lllliiiiii, IBl 'It' t lllllll,llliiiiiiiiiiiii,ii e,lt,l,t,ih)"'ei1','i'lr'?Mgy'. ' LY, 7.. . . ' ' . ', ,3 Bl "it , "limit - - ' Bil. P. a My ;8Ni 'Mil.,':;,:.?', we V It) . . F- ' ,2. . . "t s: _,', "'5 'Z'm . mrmtiltrm . y. ' l F . . 9 . " _ _ . . Fr:' v, ', V _. . r' s', 'e, v'"":".','-'.' win. ,lofamoupt "also increase ft . .: , 7 . ' . and ,ritia'ndagt;eoetatde per cent. is. _ . , I _. . . _ I'I-ble of an - _ . . . i elNtthat0' i t- y . , ( ji'i, . T", in reizenue for the cit n _',, . _. . . . , Ttterttthxasttttiriurh not so muchy ot '_' _ gig-136 Ji,tl,'titPgtitt'; In F2dt,1l , t _""'"""--- . o on of to i _ '< Hydro cammlssi . W ia about '90 per 1'Ullt'ae, Ellie; ' on to Immy. ti't'lPdt,tn,,t, Will do much to 1'llld1e i ' _ "" " . enue. _ ts . innate Further Befo Another bill . l re . Mr Lucas to ag'lhint,t,'iedyit,1 by . . _ . men th . . Taking Action ttht" ot Justice Anpee,t,fmiti,sel, , ' ioh establishes a new sch Act, T PRE ------ fees payable to Sheriffs if?" of , i ' ' ' come ot Sheriffs, h -' - e in- . _ "WON 0F FL000S swam. The weight?" been --------. ft1',t,t, constables. The af/efi,t,s,,f/,,",' call ent! J. II. Than of South Brant Urges standard 'l, Zigts the Dominion ' Preventive Measure Land ' Freshets B Against I 'i,'S"lt,', Act Amendment. . s were also introduced . ,' Whi m"----.---.--- , (,tatf,gntflienneerhl for the 'te12U'e) : C lie the Hydro-electric Power for mag: flf out of the use of land}, . 0mmission believes that the waters 3nd for at: aimind mining purpos" l of the Grand River may be BO di- Titles Act, th e "feye t .the Land ', Lined " to provide power to meet Illegal. elng tech? , . a ever-increasing demands on the foreignd reading was given to 31ml system, they believe that a, furth _ provide city of T'eterboro', Which _ investing", should be made befoie 'illtJt'ff"t,,thttgdgtpr,tgt shall be I making a recommendation on tho the {its securing hut", hand that g matter to the Government shall serve for two yea tr fast vote [ tn t . " accord- tive with the . . rs, that the . tr o a statement in the Le . 1 next highest vote sh 1 l ture yesterday by the Ministefls a; I',',',',",,,,',',':,,',',",," Year, and threats; o ,' fut-lie Works, Hon. Finlay Mac. Near at matings}: £25510? ted each iarmid. The question was discus- 'In moving the swam} 1:54-31. ' sod wh his MII t . ea mg of en Mr. J. H. Ham ot South Act, Mr oCagnelnd the Bread Sales Brant moved for an 0rd . ares Mecrea of S u. House for a. return of cog-est); tile: . Selle? t'l,id'athtutt Object was to 'tht.., correspondence relating to fio end other placegg cam lunch Fan's: eds on where bread the Grand River since In "maimed on the . ' as to. pres a report Was not to be tt Premise:, and is, ented in 1913. I tmit trom obs-Ted for sale by the "Mr. Ham pointed out that the mat. i, the ' tut. .Thigg fl7t'f,",'fd,',t.f under! ','g', for the floods in recent years pointed out that the itiit?Je1fiif1finttgtt1i " because of deforestation and it the law is opened wide it is yytl, the coming into force of the drain 2e,t,ttoc,P2,g1i, it, asthoso it 'd tid,-, Ito act. The no - - o regulate might, i, tity at?» in 'it'1rd'"t,u1,ol,. (Lima: ttirtggult it. Pie said 1tth'ati1,, 333: ' cu c fee . _ perrmitcoul ' ' 222t ot the fiUle'ietiie,nh;mig,,ttly, /lre. lt, rmtmrtrentauons $132335; ue water comes down th b, '.'" " epartmem the prose t two days as in the rest f e river 1n proceeded with by th cu ion, " The Grand R o _the season. could then be , l e inspector, fert'ile and 11:32: 'tt1hrispet,'ugte,sat consented to s,',ftoi'g'g',i, xi; ill/f.'"') an cultural di , C . ' . area. ot thoussatggé ion, f/tyet: ".'m' To Change Municipal Act. Helms been done to the 3:03:31- E Mr. It. lf. MCE'I'O f 'guha,tA2,ur, along its banks,y waved the second midis" $126313 ' as spent between $100: o amend the M "' r ti, ' 000 and $200 000 i) ' l . " - ' unioipal Act which t an effort to provides that a C P ' thu, Mr Ham said g one, but I?" a ed town shall, from time t . ' cannot be done time, have insur: bl . l o 'rueeeaatully unless preventiv [C . - a a ty interests in the e mea- Jounty Court Ho . sures are taken all along the stream. Fiiiiiipti'iii' of "U'," 'til/rutile, summed Power De lasmounts whicl , _ In 1913, when nevi???" I I Irl11tfd, to "16103;? tle,li2,Tgg'tt the Hydro-electric .I'ower'. C ores /y penses of erecting the building and-in Siogtmade a. report he said $33232"; "if y/lile,1i,y,i', ot the amounts whieh 08 dams could 'be b il : ?.y ave contributed to its u k back the water. , ll .t.. to hold, . The W," takes the, la p esp. hold tive million fi,'i,1chtitiiigi' Yee,?),, {trill which had bee}; ('yuegyf,,"ttt It has been suggested that th water. i . slim request of Carleton can t at should be diverted from ac are?!" l,now applies to the whole 15min? lt :32: a: fan to Dun das thugpgrgt. 1. , Th}: veteran iS'riL'lrt'Uteil'rv,l,'lf'eutl, e ween 20, ' - me ouse. F. . , n horse-power. This gltoeraQud0f/e has held .this jbd3tilt,i1"ttg'rti, ""1 be used for irrigation Durposes Tin 50 years, was not preee t e vet! {all of the river between its iii-it . J" House when it inet [ nl in the gagisghargg is 800 feet. 11635313133 was one of the few J,d,t'e,t't'gi 'li') _ e overnment place "'. has not been abl t e amount in the esti , . .-.'m .. ' q l Te o attend, and he a. further "tfl/b/tttdll/Se."' tot making 1ia,i', fenf1t(1 to his apartments with Mr. Ma d' . . ess. . r. Bruce Macdona-ld - c iarmid said there was tended to the d .1 " objection to a return being bran??? LSl.1f.fe'e.'5L3ee.te'.."1av. down, as the matter was imnowtf' Y. ---_-_r-------- and one of long standing. in 'videnf of the fact that the river has no}: sibliities of power being developéll _i..t is a matter for investigation 1.. the Hydro-electric Commission. -Y, Since the report was brougth down in 1913 the Commission ii/ui, been continuing its investigation[ each season along similar lines. H} doubted if it would be' wise to l'Uslii oRstad with reservoirs and dams: while, the investigations had not been completed. He believed theI suggested diversion of the stremn'i from , spoint {girth of Gait to Dun I (its 'eas e to a c f tent. , T ertain en-' Amend lieu-try Act. I Hen; Mr. Lucas introduged . . to extend the Registry Act. sit, 2113 . planned the}. it will raise the ems. at! ethos for" mstrutratton with the I .1330". of increasing in some cases