The special committee of the Legislature on the question of social diseases met yesterday morning to deal with the Government's bill. There was a long discussion on the auestion of reportng the names of affected persons to the Provincial lHealth Board. It was pointed out that the names of persons suffering from other contagious diseases are so reported, but Dr. McCullough was opposed to the reporting of persons suffering from venereal diseases, fearing that it would drive them over to the United States for treat-- ment by quacks. Dr. Nixon, member for Halton, saiq reporting a woman infected by her husband would not be fair. It was decided that names should not ' be reported, as such action would ; defeat the purpose of the bill. Dr. Clarke of the Toronto Gen-- eral Hospital said _ all pubiic--ward patients submitted to . & fairly thorough physical examination, and were rather pleased to have it, Capt. Gordon Bates of Military District No. 2 said soldiers were examined every week. An amendment was made to the bill to make examina-- tion of persongs in jail or prison compulsory. _ The clause referring to the M.O.H . notifying a man to be examined was made more direct, the roundabout method _ formerly proposed being abandoned. lProvmce to Increase Bounties on Wolves ' At a meeting of the Fish and Game Committee of the Legislature yesterday it was recommended that the bounty on wolves be increased by $10, from $5 to $15 -- on brush wolves, and from $15 to $25 on tim-- ber wolives. It was also recommend-- ed that hunters be allowed to take two deer, instead of one as at pre-- sent, on payment of a license fee of | $3, instead of the present 1icense| fee of $2. Another recommendation was that the resident license for fur dealers be made $10, instead of $2. The committee decided to ask Mr. Jack Miner of Kingsville to come to the Parliament . Buildings next week and deliver a lecture to the members of the Legislature on | insectivorous birds. i | \Hospxtals of Province Seek Out--patient Grant '. A deputation from Hamilton, Otta-! lwa and Toronto, representing hospi--| tals in those cities, waited on the . Government yesterday to ask that' the Government contribute the same per capita fee for outside patients as municipalities At present the: Government phys nothing, and the| 'deputation pointed out that if thore| were more outdoor clinics the Gm'-' ernment would be in pocket, as there will be fewer in--patients,. They ask-- ed for 32c per capita. Sir William | Hearst promised consideration, l 4 xo en omm n mm evammmnmm |