The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Mar 1918, p. 2

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','» 6 -- ttre " rusorge v * v"."f 'A 1 & ; t f ; ' _: ; € .. ';;lig" ."..- | ! § 1. 4; 'g' ' . | ap. jz on ie . a alVV 3 1J -- . Ey l + D i f ;3"*:' ; 3 fr*w : _' > t 3 ; : (° : ~ & s A 4 mn SUPREME "a f | ; >_ ® : V , f . s f m t . * i Legislature Refuses to Re-- _ |[Request of Civic Deputation cognize Demands of City § --| _ Was Refused by Sir ' Council ; f ® ,;" "tp° h Gamecvenmenemevenceman a e» | f f '- f Wllllam HeaFSt ) City of Toronto bills had a rough § e * yiw enmareetacteentmenes > * passage befort the Municipal Com-- F | n "AYOR WAS 'NDIGNANT \ mittee of the Legislature yesterday. : " '. [ t But two miror clauses of the bill to k. l L L m ts | : amend the Public Health Act were + Bill for Control of Board of Edu-- -- passed, these baing to increase the '€ »7!« catlion Finance Will Not Go interest from 5 to 6 per cent. on w £ £ Before Committee. money advanced to citizens for the l ( installation of plumbing, and raising j ¢ ~Mayor Church and members of (e Nx Aie froun $20.10,0000 k: / uk fl:le Board of Control were "turned :girr nuisances committed by abat-- $ . down cold" by the Prime Minister, L* of. k: Bir William Hearst, yesterday when 4 hM:mb@s o¢ the commiltese th@'ht : they waited on the Ontario Cabinet Fike eima;lnd °£,th'° City Councili_ to l_ cand asked that the City Council be c«;r;t{ro 1 ; * esvima,te;;nof the Hootd o. ~a given power to control the expendi-- ; j o tH wa.sTunjust C ol ufmec-' $ --€ tures of the Board of Education. | e'ssa,ry, O Thomas Crawiord Mwas . <\'"'I am going to tell the deputation en only meonber of the <p Iftes § 4 fankly," said Sir Willi H & [ who voted in favor of the clause & C i g"' » * fain Learst j when the vote was taken. Hon. Mr. $ hat I am not going to allow the bill | McPherson said the clause would s & x &ak!ng provision for this to go to override what has been the law of § ~& he committee. Even if it did go to : the j4nd for 00 yearw. E -- e & committee I doubt if it would ever Controller McBrido's Effort, €ome back to the Legislature." The} Controller McBride endeavored to B f: ?'rime Minister then produced a clip~' have the memibers of the committese 3 A Ping from an evening paper in which f :: I.ihe isi:.u%ti:nt fro;n th: Ci?um.i'i}l'.: & 4 a s ; andpoint, but to no avail. s «l Mayor Church was quoted as saying' {memibers were determined that the f L that if the Toronto bill did not pass ' 'Boa.rd of Heailth knew more about E: ' the Toronto members of the Legis-- managing the city's health affairs 3 S lature would be held responsible. "L éhomc?;d the members of the City l ,:v;{r'axxt to say now," declared the' Likev;nise the clause which sought f : Prime Minister warmly, "that the to transfer from the Provincial to k Toronto members will not take the th-: L;}&:\l Bo&r% ?f gealtgl g)owe'l}s' t<: : f s Ams s act with respect to the awbatement o f P _ x _gesponsxb'xl?ty, for. I shall take the nuisances was defeated. 4 A' responsibility of killing the bill my-- | 1 The committee reported in favor of } 3 Q?*; #elf." & a bill to amend the Public Schools f 8 s dra: i Act, which provided that the right ' 3 L Mayor Makes Rejoinder. of voting for public school trustees , _ '"'Then you can give the Board of and members of Board of Education f PP . _ _ J Education power to collect its own shall be confined to public school 6 E taxes," retorted Mayor Church, "be-' supporters entitled to vote at mu-- E P ; * cause I don't propose to be respons-- nicipal elections, $ <f , |ible for its taxes if the city has no | A bill introduced by Mr. G. H. h t control over its expenditures." > Gooderham for the city of Tomonto 9 . . "The Board of Education has that to amend the Assessment Act was | ~ m power now," observed Mr. Mark referred to the special committee ~a0 frish. ; that is to sit during recess. f Y f _ His Worship then thanked the | A bill to amend the Highways Im-- , 4 Prime Minister for the courteous | proverment Act was referred back to hbhearing the Cabinet had given, but the special committee, as the lHabil-- e as soon as he left the room he said, .lity of--small municipailities in case of 4 _ f"we have been kicked downstairs." 'accidents when traffic is diverted by 4 _ _ _ | The Mayor told the Cabinet that reason of the main highway being a the City Council at present were closed was not settled. l merely tax collectors for the Board ' en ! f & of Education. _ # J ' Controller McBride said the School | i ammakk prcemnmmmsemeatene 3 _ _ |Board had defied the City Council | f & : & and the school estimates this year | SEEKS RETURN OF + ; * were $700,000 higher than ever be--| _ e fore. A [ _ _-- | Controller Maguire said the city' p CORRESPONDENCE --a a" couldn't stand this increased ex--, . t penditure in war time. r "" Claims of Extravagance, PAPERS IN CONNECTION WITH ¥ k < Mr. Mark Irish handed out a lot| , TORD CITY TROUBLE WANTED f _ _ lof advice as to how the city should BY RUSSELL, MP.P. be run and added that while the * ¥ orntcomeimicnine ol arsies ;# Board of Education had been ex-- i q f auy travagant the City Council had been ; in the Legislature on Tuesday &% 'ree times so. KHe claimed -- that next Mr. D. Racine of Russell will r;,% vhile Board of Education expendi-- make a motion for a return to be J § _ ___-- [fures had increased by 92 per cent. brought down in the House of all 3 t ten years, the City Council ex-- i d *4 jenditures had increased by 300 per communications and correspondence 1 M -- (Gent. Fi x ( between the Attorney--General, J. H., f k [ The . Priime Minister1 said that if cRodd, Crown Attorney for the J _ _|the Toronto bill were allowed to pass . County of Essex, Dr. St. Pierre and d tst fi' 3 a * 4 ol meant handing over the Board of j :\fi,«: éducatlon' to the control of the City : H C. Maisonville of Windsor, Ont., ? _ _--|Gouncil. He said there would be no in the matter of an alleged conspir-- l -- _( |@bject in retaining the Board of acy on the part of the said J. H. o _ |Rdugation in Toronto if the bill be-- KRodd against the Said St. Pierre and ~ _ |eame law. _ The policy of the bill Maisonville in connection with the @ ; _ W#as s vital departure from the tra-- trouble which occurred at Ford City;l 9 _ |ditional policy of the Province for Ont., on 'or about the 8th day of A _~~-- Laver half a century. If the School' & Beptember, 1917, and which led to _ |RReustees were extravagant the elec. the arrest of the said St. Plerre. _ |tors could defeat them at the next : en aasamamtecmune s ' _ |election. < 3 )c ~ Ns m o i ol +

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