The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Mar 1918, p. 2

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. "' ""' (im. 'if'dlltll r B' 'ai- Ttllll'lt ' TF "H , * 33'??? . L d T, (Ls t; _ li, "um " s, , a S k a t'" u w ' ir, ,M.:,'}_. l I t " "i?: r a. M .4 -. , " f F 221$." ' i ', t / 'lill, ' "d , 't, '2. . . , ' .. , 3.137. . ' E l. . _ " "in , I; '7 l it} ICC, v" 'ul" __' 4.3; I _ . I J . N ,» J. ' [ . I _ ' t _ .. F ' t I ----- i T l -------.t-- _ , , n Causes ' ' . I . WI; Dewar: 8 who Abru t London and Ottawa Legisla- I V . " . 3 remnfdo 0 e t p tion Favored by Private 1 ournmen . . ' 3 1fllll1lllll? l Bills Committee I l l E T'rse ui'rht session of the Legisiw ----------- I I i I _. 5 , . . I 'ture ended almost before it had bc- London 'and Qttawa, t,,t.'i'd11,1sBh/1/,1, 'gu-n last night. when Mr. Hartley" smooth sailing mt use rPriv'ierl'i1irli' I Dewart endeavored to more can Committee yes or ay f,'.' l . '\/" t ..' .' bill amendment to the I'pimc, -~1l'lll»"t7'a'n-'." Among other things the Ottagat l) , motion to go into supply. 'prlt' Ivii-i provides for $18,000 tor the all: t l, lliam Hearst explained thati tinting-Tm, Canada Exhibition; 513.000 for the uncut had been made. with e IJ-i, - "e, ' nd: 20 000 for eX-l ', position Leader that the Houls,tsl {Halifax Relief Pu i i. , Hospital ' would spend the p\'r}ning' on the if:.)]":"-) tensions to the Iso a ton , " . I mates. Mr, Proudfoot was not ore-6 lee $40,000 for a soldiers home; . sent last evening. hav"mg "chifllll'eds 334.000 for trunk sewers, and ttio,- ; r"ieJh/,hoatto)1tTi,o"t,,ptah1l T) i 000 for a new bridge across the Iti- _ g t l 's, _ . ides tor; _ Canadian Infantry, had again. been 'dcau. Another clause prov . i wounded in action. The Prime 1rlyr,l, Ithe opening of polls at municxpal' l ister refused to allow Mr. Dewar: to] {elections at eight instead of "met _ move his 'iy21endrn' an»! jo'clock. A clause regarding weigh- 1 if thr,ro was .ally ObJefmon to the; ing machines and coal was referred _ House going Into whiny he 'f'Ollld' to the Municipal Committee, and a. " move the adjournment. prooahlyl clause respecting eotemption of i nothln n quirtct- 01a CC'izler 9has; buildings and income from 3551273; I sue action een talien. 1e mem- ment was referred to tho 'peca 1 her for Southwest Toronto did not; Committee on Assessment Reform. ) intimate what his amendment wax! which is to meet after the session. T 25% Siiitt'yf-q "will? t/i,,,f,it,'j."" 53313 oe'tnc1eeuti,1atiop,ritu,thto,e,o/,1; l, carried out his. threat to more the: Railway Commission. Other clauses; l adjournment. and the members (lav! 1?.tyytif? $15,000 for storm sewers, parted without doing any business. $20,000_for waterworks extensions, save for the second reading of two! alnd €201,300 tor extension of the . _ bills. - e ectr c ght plant. t Some Conservative members were! Other hills passed by. the commit- _ exceedingly angry with the member! tee were a measure incorporatingl * for Southwest Toronto. "We could; the Preston Light and Water Com-i have disposed of the estimates vti'c'i' it2o',t'e,npspa,t1',t actd g',',"a',t,i/,1,5 the night but for the action of ll r. owno u aux-y'an con rm mrcer- er/tSi,' t,ltg, said, aftcp .the . f'j)iv1s'l"11rp,,21'i1ijjiisjid, r it; _ 1a a ourne . ' . , Mr. Dewart, of course. was quite! Gananoque bill, relating to the con- ' in order, but (wing to the a'rrange- l, SOlldtathn ot 1lP1ryr, 1.2t, and the ment made with the Opposition, con-s ructlon of Waterworks and Leader Sir William Hearst would sewers; and an act respecting Orilha. l not consent to the consideration of 10""! and township, concerning the . anything but the estimates. SOldlerS Memorial Hospital and the l i 'rf=Tttrrtr------- "_-r-------- ----------, J 'WOULD FORCE DEALERS ' F I I . 1 (Changes in Game Laws I l To WHICH hu, COAL ' Recommended in Housei I i _ -- - - ' Changes in the game laws of the ', i:1urAirsc-vrcrttu' GIVES" srzcox I) ; Province were recommended Tester- 3 i, READING TO BILL INTRODUC- 'day hy the Fish and Game Chmnlit.. I . [an In J. I. PIVARD. itee of the Legislature. One sugges- l _ -ee- _ . _ ltion was that duck shooting should . . . ' . '" 1" aiv l i 1-. lcease on the 15th instead of the "amid ieadmb J/ "f pm \enla (_,.,..,",,',,', l I 21st December each year. Reduc- portant Ottawa hill Ill the ionnia- jtion in the license fees of game deal- ! ture last night. It was introduced was from $25 to $10 in large cities. _ _ l on l d f $l', t " in citie under: , Mr. .I. A. Pinurd ( L'usi. uwat. Ian rom .0 - .. s * l Pia 1i.i,1,'.,, inunictipalities' power in ,50,000 population, and proportion-I , A °A ., . wcN la: . all gate reductions for towns and town-l compel coal dealers to "u l ." . 2 'Ships was recommended, while as a loads of coal weighed by ouunici.rral': :war measure it was suggested thatf omcials, while all wood Vendors 113,131"; _ hunters be allowed to kill two (we: have. their loads (,!y,acs'cl,.1,',ef,. of" unstead of onef 'al/ht, present. I measure is: of specie}! {l'feIOSLI' 'r, "Jose season or tiree 'b'ealrs tot: l Ottawa, hut it {also inteiests at 'f) i 'black, vgre3 and tux sduure s was I . _ffhl"rltJ11'ti/1,ytihethoivcg1,thituof, a: ' fiected )3" le, Ut , . k . Tn', r r I a - 'l,'l,'Y,.'ii said there "cite weighsc'dl'esf tuaries was considered, but not dis- I 'in Ottawa. but the courts sand tiles posed of. I I municipality had not power to: "T"Te""rrtTrtTTrt--- . compel coal dealers to hare their loads weighed before making Je- liver '. - ' _ .Ansothei' Ottawa 13mg)?" Vial? that HOSPITALS FOP. IXCURABLES. I . . Fo' . am a , a cord of IT/H, "In"? r0021} In the Homes for lncurables should be! ( 'least 128 cubic feet o woo '." t ' t ' . ,' l _ f the lenislation passing, per- treated as if they were hospitals, event~01r wogd for fuel must show and the Government grant should _ sons se'lagser the municipal weigh be increased from 7 to 30 cents per i the pure , rtitttiate showing? patient per day, said a deputation! l iscales, f,et"g'osoJ"t"itii, load contains. 1 which waited yesterday on the Pro-i how n'ue..'.L.tfeL.l.euCfL' l vincial Secretary. Hon. W. D. Mc-', "N -----H-eeeei -------h----------- Pherson. The visitors came frnln' London and Ottawa, and were 'tit.. troduced by Sir Adam Beck and Mr. George Hurdman. i, . . at.

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