The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1918, p. 1

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3 .ert' 3 'r-c,-,,-,-,;;';:.'.;,...,.,::,-,,-,; I Ver thai . . TiE:rrtt' - _ ' 3. t_, '" cr . ' m , r. f Mr, l 'iMi Ilrll al, new 3 . 14, 1918. 3.9% T . a Q I l 2?. ~31" '"ir'.),rii/ti: 'tGaM5iFi't"ii'Mitinttrtl,"tt! ib)iiit'di c. , A t 3 i 3. i; . ., (--t" 1 ii/tiii-ir, terns communication have" the s':'. _/ ' gag --_ "._yl 35-»: F '.-' Ti' T's-1.1;? "i pot-um Miter business pow _ w* T ,m, u'.' . T" F, A"; . ou l-. _ oitrtrtttty.tttttre, parts at the building ' . 3 "t. . _ '. 3. . "3' abo'vrthe grannd tioor. _ '* _ 5: Doctor's Prescription. ,3; . __________~_ Prescriptions issued by doctors ,3 Ame 3d ia , 3 3 2ue pulahase ofdliquoti;I shenan- F" _ . co mg: to e amen men nro uc- _ n men) to Temperance ed, contain a certificate that the _". . - quantity of liquor mentioned is the ",' Mt Introdutted In Leg minimum amount inecessgry gorvthe . patient for whom t is or ere . en- islature ' ' dors who supply liquor upon the ._____- prescription of a medical practi- tioner will attach to the bottle or ONTARIO BEHIND OTTAWA package a label showing the name. ' of the practitioner on whose pre- . e--------------- I scription the liquor is supplied, the w. rc Proudfoot Introduces Bill to t lime. the Irind and quantity of m1ctt " I [liquor, and the name of the person Reform \oting, but Later . l ifor whom it is prescribed and the r . name of the vequlor. Withdraws It. I 1 . l The ',"2'1fi also proy'iéleis gust a--------"-""- any person se mg or rn ing Further"amendments to the on- 39;? $13.3? tis,t,retrtruttiinwtth1le1i; . tario Temperance Act, intended to 1 warrant. Within the meaning ot F, makemij "agatl'glit': were introduced if the act, vessels navigating the Great C' in the Letrisitrttrrevesterday by Hon. i! Lakes shall be considered a "place" , W D M Ph , Tl F ' t and the crew "occupants." A Judge . . - c erson. 1e amendmentsll who is hearing an appeal may send 3; will make it impossible for violators I a, case back to the Magistrate who t' of the spirit of the act to CSCHDb'i tirst heard the case so that no con- 3' ' , viction shall be quashed because y', punishment because of mere tech- some evidence was improperly ad- ir. nicalities. Because of the redent mitted or rejected or some irregu- ti order in Council passed by, the Do- 1194;? OgCUEred at title naming." 7 ' ' . . . . . .. anu ac urers o Cl er wi in 5: Immion Government certain sections future have to secure permits be- g of the O. T. A. will be suspended to V fore selling any ot their product. i' the extent necessary to conform with A fi,1t1stti/', added etiiemptirgg from " 3 . " . ' r mun c pa usmess axes rewery ( the prousions of the order. Pe owners for the year 1918. Similar v-' sympathy of the Government is exemption was granted last year. :1, shown. to be behind the order in Preferential Voting. I .1 Council, for the bill puts a stop to The Opposition Leadel ll, Wil '3 it . " . . . , . . ' 3 o, J', A '. 'tlt-i, t . indirect delivenes: It provides that liam Proudfoot, introduced a bill}: 2 when liquor is delivered to any other which he has brought before the) _ person than the consignee, or to an- House at several former sessions, to l lotner address. that the shipment of allow -m'unicipalities to adopt prefer- liquor may be seized. ential voting. He explained the pur- I Then, too, the Government intends pose of his proposal at length, and _ to put a stop to the practise. which after the Premier had replied briefly, qv' |lias grown rapidly, of using essence withdrew the bill at the request ot of ginger as a substitute for intoxi- isiir William Hearst. i Piedtu'i'"s"t' of eating liquors. A new clause is in- ithe bil was to prov de t at a - uni-i corporated in the amendments pro- . 'cipal Council could, by by-law, de-: viding that no essence, tincture. com- icide to use in any election for Mayor, pound or preparation containing al- Warden, Reeve or Alderman, where cohol shall he sold except in bottles only one man was to be elected, a Icontai'ning not more than two and . siseielt,rttiJv1i2a'1t1/itrt . 813111 a begun; a half ounces. A record of the sale wou prov e ' a in e even .0 g must be kept by the manufacturer, more than two candidates running 3; merchant or druggist selling the pre- for such office, electors could de- 'it. partition. Even purchasers of such signone their choice, as well as see- 'f, preparations who use it for legiti- [jii,1, and subsequent choices, in the (i) ,mate puricalosesf must be included in :ilgergatgeznevegtuSgest'sli}:lfirst choice '.' ',the recor s o the manufacturer W s' ll ' . i': making the sale. Carrying out this ' l Sir William Hearst said that the "T 'clause, it is also provided that no lHare-Spence sstatem,er.11tteeyye,' r pedlar shall dispose of any tinc- tioned by the 9rye.,it.i,thn Leader as ':' Wet or _essence containing' alcohol. the method which might be adopted l Druggists are forbidden to dispose for redistribution of ballots. was not Ji' of any tincture. essence or extract known to the Canadian laws. He , of ginger except on the order of a " thought the principle of the. bill properly nualitied physician, and might be good, and it has received " then only to a person having a per-l oonsideraMon in European countries, I mancnt residence in the 1iifr'i'ici'pGii.vl but he felt the Opposition Leader ') in which the sale takes place, and) would agree: that a greater educa- ') after an affidavit has been taken that tion ot the public 'wt?'. neeeBsary. 's I- t.. Mr., Proudfoot said that he had it is not required for beverage pur- d hi i h i, i' lposes. The regular penalties pro- aeeomplishe .solmelt ng n avmg 3? vided under the act will apply to the Prime Minister reply P the bill. .. violators ot the foregoing regulas "If the Government 18 radical now. I f,,,; tions think the Opposition .ean possibly 3: i; . t M di . Sate 'i1eatl,t,o'te," lot stog,",',fif,i,t','id, €333; 24., amen .0 clnCL . etLtt1BtO tte eml o n 'sq' Further power is proposed for radical "Inca said Mr. Proudtoot. a regulating the sale of patent medi- l" Fish and Game Laws. V ,. cines not sumciently medicated to Hon. Mr. Maodtiarmlid introduced it prevent their being used as an 311- an amendment to the Fish and Game 1" [who'ic beverage. Persons sellmgl Jaws, allowing each hunter to take a such preparations are liable to the' ttwo deer for this year instead of 'penalties imposed in the net. It is one and increasing the license fee '18" to the Provincial .Board of ' fo'r'such privilege from $2 to $3. |Heaith to have an analysnnmade of The open season tor shooting moose 7 patent medicines that it is believed north of the C.P.R. will open Octo- " " |contain more than 2 1-2 per cent. ber 1, and the closed season on part- ' 'proof spirits a.nd lack sumeient med-l ridge is extended to 1920. Game, 1'; {ication to prevent their being used . dealers' license in cities is reduced. as a "beverage. If the board finds _ from $325 to $10. _ l that the medicine lacks summon f him. which Hon. Mr. Lucas said! medication it may prohibit its sale 'on Jr corrects the ttet' 61115841? in " an offence against the O. T. A. force, was introduced to amend the Power Commission Act. Hon. Mr Wine for Churches. MeGarry introduced bills t6 amend . It is proposed to give the Board the Succession Duty Act, and forehe ot License Commissioners authority raisgietg of money for the credit of to appoint.vendors for the purpose consolidated fund. of importing wine for use in divine Mr. Thomas Crawford (Northwest service, intoxicating liquor Jor med- Toronto) . withdrew his bill for the ioihal purposes and . intoxicating city of Toronto, which was an liquor for manufacturing or com- 'gg"",',",.":,',','?.)?' JS', Merit Act. 1 ur oses. . . misting- th t mig'ier'll'dil' a technicality the pro- whole matter would be eonddoeredtg; posed amendments provide that t the "ttttl °9mmittee during "My. the use of the my}: ',tlfg tf an 1',1t ,1,'l'lp'tf,' (tfa/tgreet,','.' that-hrI W e in re- an o p Mi 3 ' emwt mu" spomtionmiv- _ F l" , "m9 iiri

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