The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1918, p. 2

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CCTTI ERP¢MIKT -- -- fflon. Mr. Ferguson told Mr. G. 3 SC1 DLLELARO INMUVIL -- t Evanturel (Prescott) that the regu-- A MA OJ ho : lations were not framed m'p"mfi" . .. Thikeo a sA mk T. & EREE immigraants from Quebec set ¢ * _ § T E 1A in Ontario, proof of which was the . ¢ 1 B L number coming into this Province.; [ I | He didn't think it wise to open up ® : all the unorganized territory, for | moumemmemmmmmmem smmmazes some day Northern Ontario will have | & * to be treated differently than at Ail Pioneers in Northern On-- present. It must be organized and * have its own municlpam:ies. llee i i6 R vinced that returned soldiers tario to Conform to Pro P it 12 thahs suoitsiol se0" vincial Regulations ' Ife gam Clarke (West Northum-- f n berland) said it would be the big-- gest mistake the Gov:rnm:nt cc}:tixld ET TL IV IL ~ to open all the ownships SETTLEM'ENT PR'V'LEGES (~. {Jn;kneorth af once, but he felt sett!-- We meenaronmmnneintinerrcns ers would have (;;o. &e 'brougl:::.i in er countries. Sam. Carter, M.P.P., Suggests Con-- from Quebecnan olauron w f ference to Modify Regulation Conference 0 S * . ! _A notable suggestion was made by 1 Seventeen. Mr. Sam Carter (South Wellington) wz iz l when he said the membershoé the 4 t and the French--Cana-- It was anade clear in the Legisla-- (d}i?x';xerlgr:rf\%ers of the House should ; itu're last night by Hon. G. Howard get together with a view to a modi-- 'Ferguson, Minister of Lands, For-- fication of Regulatioln ]d' ?t?gmterrx\et 1 i r P lauses in the new land se y Cos s:md imes at 10 miy o ol f-egulations which are irritating to will be allowed to settle in North-- the French--Canadians,. He thought j lern Ontario, whether they are a conference should take place in the,d-ia'ns from Quebec or Premier's o;flceihwith a vi;w It)(i)li?x ::;--1 f her y = & . o e vexe ipeople from any -.othel countr,\', un g::tfi)?:lm. He made it clear, how-- \less they are willing to subscribe to ever, that Ontario must remain an |the regulations of this Province. Engfish Province, but declared that + both as regards military service, lan-- both the ()rgngemen aind tfhi Fr;ggl;; | & 1 rery ot ray o "{C dians had gone too 1lar,. \| 1guage, 'and N erCl® other'vwas. e ]st?::ld' be a safe middle course, he| discussion arose over questions a§ked said. There would be little trouble [ by Mr. Z. Mageau of Sturgeon Falls, if the politicians did not play on thel jin reference to settlers' regulations, prejudices of the people. 'when the estimates of the Depart-- Mr. Evanturel (Prescott) saidl ment of Lands, Forest's and _Mmes( that -- the English--speaking people| f were being considered in committee. | f and the Minister of Education should | Exerciso Discrimination. ' come into closer touch with the | s ; \| French--Canadians, and he invited j The Minister said he did not agree 4s the Minister of Education to visit the | that the regulations should 'be so bilingual schools "and he will see|, wide as to get all kinds of people in the improvement we are making in # the country. One of the difficultics teaching the English 1anguage_"\ in Canada has been that the law has "The French--Canadians have no de-- § been too wide open, and no matter| \sire to rule Ontario," said Mr. Evan-! under what condritions.ihey were lurel "and opportunity should be 'bom, or the training they recexvgd, Laker'l during the war to withdrawl ' they have been welcomed here. The 'Regulation 17 from the Province.| ' 'war jorrie-- ~oo pocpeommives valiimg rag o vid Regulation 17 means cut--throat for people invited to come to Tive in this the French language, and the Min-l f ' country must agree to become law-- _ dister of Education knows, because| f abiding cilisens. _ . i h: , French children can get only one| ' + Mr. I'erg'USO'n reiterated his state-- hour of French in the schools each ment of a few days ago that with 'da o s regard to Regulation 17 conditioas * ' improved substantiially in the northern country, and are continu-- '_ing to improve, There is no longer the same disposition on the part of ' ! French--Canadians to beleve that the 4 Government desires to exterminate ' the French tongue. The thinking 1 people in those French--speaking a comimmunities, he believed, have ce vemed en in on inss reached the conclusion that thec < a ' Government does not desire to de-- 'LeQISIature Hears of Bill to ' lm'ive them of their language. "I i think I can say that the people of . p this Province," said the Minister, Enab'e VOtes tO be Taken | "both English and French speak-- + i ing, are determined that they shall 'f Necessafy | ' give their children an opportunity emmuttc--mmite \| of learning the English language. in "A o F | \It was upon that ground that this Itf is hoped that the 101.11' \' regulation was brought into being." seats in the Legislature will be fill--/ ' Forcigners Must Conform. ' :dtVZItth?\\it by-ele(;tionslb(;;ng lllell(,l, f ' The Minister said that of the dif-- Lu ° orney(-l Pss O.Hi t y ' ferent nationalities coming into On-- ucas, announced in the Legislature ' tario most trouble was found with yesterday afternoon that the Gov-- ' ::lgenA?OStsrlix?)ns'th Ste?s ]}ad to _be 'ernment is having drafted, a special U ids they mib be wocuine" the; | bill providing for the taking of the lmust respect our institutions and votes in the event of contests beingl obey our laws, because there is noth-- held. .' t | ; 'ing to compel them to come here. The vacant seats are North Ox--, . '\ The same thing applies to military ford, formerly represented by Hon.l . 4| provisions, because my emphatic Newton W. Rowell; South Huron, _| view is that a man who is not pre-- formerly represented by Mr. A. H.{ pared to stand up and defend the Musgrove, now postmaster of Wing-- citizenship of 'the Province sholuld ham; Manitoulin, represented by the not be accorded the privilege of such late Mr. R. R. Gamey, and Lennox citizenship." f and Addington, by the late Mr. Cars--| «-- In answer to a quéstion asked by callen. > ' Dr. Forbes Godfrey (West York) as An effort will be made to fill the.| to his attitude to the regulations, vacancies by arrangement, and the| Mr. Mageau said he objected to any probability is, so far as the, Govern-- | regulation of his compatriots or pio-- méent and the Opposition are con-- 7 neers who settle anywhere in the cerned, that the party which held Province, irrespective of any laws the seats after the last election will that may be placed h C $ Y¥ placed on the statute be allowed to retain them without the frst Suttiers n is eountey 'ang ns taf ' rs in s country and . The Atto: ts1 y 'g'r"(','vg'c? :':dtha: g:;tgeris?t ir;Nthe | in the 1e§g$?gnG:§;r%Lifx?%m}ltl:;',l } York. "I should say . that the (fhe more elaborate machinery of the | . , French--Canadians should _ make regular act, which requires the | every possible effort to teach their printing of lists and so forth, is be--| > children the official language in the ing modified in order to save labor f Province of Ontario. We have no and expense. The Government. wWas j ambition to become rulers of the hoping that there would be no con-- Province of Qntario; all we want is tests in these by--elections, but still our fair share of the sun." the necessary machinery was being. provided in case contests were neces--. e P sumenenmennthonpmemmnmemimmmenmemminen grmemmommemmemen ... ...( .. _ j

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