The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1918, p. 1

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____ _ FRiDAY, MAROH 15, 198. a t = w U , J --F ' ' ; nouseholder, and everyone in charge .R ALA A of a child, to see that such require-- Raldb -- F ments as may be prescribed by the + h i act or by regulations are complied 6 -- _ *"#ith in respect to opthalmia, tra-- choma, inflammation of the eyes, or other communicable diseases of the woutld ns it tteectcceny Writimaries R eye, of new--born babies. Mrs! & Upkeep of Government House. Hon. 1. B. Lucas Deais With The cost for the upkeep of GoY-- i i ernment House brought forth scath-- Lenglatlfln tO Sunersede ing criticism }from Opposition mem-- F bers, when the main estimates were -Dresent LaWS under discussion last night. The esti-- t l e s m n un aveny mates provide for $22,750 for this G oz nurpos:. 'llm'his tdfofesl\;'mot Sinclude the i < J« cost of the staifl. r. Sam Clarke OVl. HOUSE EXPENSES ('West Northumberland) referred to comnevnmmnmmn o es s smm mnmprmemen Governn;ent House as a "mighty ex-- . 3 oys o bak pensive luxury or necessity." People Excepiion Taken by Opposition 10 are asked to conserve food supplies Amounts Required for Tpkeep of g;md f;lgl. andt "att headquarters we « % o+ T % 4 e 1ave e most extravagant proposi-- Ligeugz=Governor's Residence. tion that it is possible to ima.:ine. ree weunnsmers steepeitt 'WhenHwe started to build Govern-- uegisiation superseding -- existing ment House we made one of the mis-- ; & No per S * takes of our life. The interior ani :c';ec:;mn laws, a_nd.mteude.d primar-- § 'furnishings I think would bring ; ily to be used in by--elections to fill, |lot of curious people to see it, Dur-- the vacant seats in the Legislature, |ing war time we should get smaller but which might be used should a 'gg:rtfiri:o&oggg éaieutenant-cé)ver- a . tnaa Inty * " overnment ® aenl.era'l.elecvtion occur, was introduc-- |and, kept it as a curio and chag:esg cd in tihe House last night by Hon. an admission fee we could. make 1. B. Luecas. The act provides that money."' where m\e!ection is necessary nom-- Licutenant--Governor in a Hotecl. instions shall take place eight weeks # a | before clection day. If it is found beag{'ye';]:f :go*;xg"efismn 'a thiiga' of | "+ * a A 3 teo«u D ro V in f orevel"' i sa' * * after the can@daLf:., are nominated William McDonald (North Bru:ei;.,! that an election is necessary, the '"but this is not a thing of beauty, dcty of preparing the necessary and it is an expense forever.'" He votors lists is placed upon, the re-- :ggg:z&;dcmfi- bin the'i? ':}l'ag times turning > i i o uU e practised by havy-- "'tki:-e'cl-t'usu'c)gcye)é}so:fi;h:g <;lf*1;1c r%laymx?i ing thg live in auire to prepare the lists as quick-- ?;1 83'10 PhOteL un To ate doinge 'v as possible. 1 e Province t,rxat we are doing The returning officer will be oblig-- little to stop this," he declared. 5 cd to post typewritten copies of the Mr. Sam Carter (South VVellmg-l voterb' lists with the Clerks of the ton) also voiced his disapproval of several municipalities in the riding, the expenditure, which, he said, 15' i~ the rural districts . the assess-- extreme. _ He wanted one of thel ment lists would be used as a basis, amounts for assistant gardeners and | a1d the new names of voters would fremen struck out. _ | ae prepared under the direction of _ Hon. Mr. Macdiarmid replied that| i(he returning officer. -- Opportunity it costs every person more to live| would then be given for appeals to now, and that while the _cost for | be entered, and some member of the maintaining Government House last Hoara of Revision would go to the year was $28,559, the building was municipality and hear any appeals new and the grounds incomplete.} before names could either be added He pointed out that when Beard--| or struck off the lists. Hon. Mr. Lucas more house was used as Government| -- pointed out that in this way no ex-- House in 1914 it cost $19,847. | npense would be incurred in prepar-- When the House went into com--| ing the lists if, after nomination mittee on the estimates in the after--| day, it was found an election was noon, Mr. J. A. Pinard (East Ot--| not necessary. The bill also pro-- tawa) again brought up the objec-- | vides that each nomination paper tions voiced the previous evening | shall bear 100 names as proof that by the French--Canadian members to| the candidate is in earnest. By the settlers' regulations. He quoted posting only typewritten lists the, Prof. Wrong, at a recent address. to | cost of having lists printed is done the effect that in England there had away with. been a recommend?tionntha; Ftl'ench r x should be taught in all schools in Yores f(.)r Tromen: ; England. He didn't think the agree-- '.\Ir. William Proudfoot, the Opposi-- ment should be forced on new tion Leader, presumed the act would settlers. If the Minister wishes give women the right to vote. He greater production he didn't think fancied the act would not coul® into , the settlers' regulations would help ;32? until a preoclamation was _1s-! matters any. | Sir William Hearst replied that| Kaiser Rule in Toronto. women now have the right to vote,| Mr. William McDonald. when the ;'1']';1 r;:aéiix?:rlg r;?,fifsa?{ ;0 pig::?;? , 'Education _ Department. estimates cution was not necessary. | came up, said that that is the weak "Will it touch the soldiers' vote?" §pot of the Government. hAuth?rxty «shked Mr. Allan Studholme of East is too centralized, .anslr fllere 18 :A "amilton. Kaiser ruling here in Toronto. <-- Mr. Lucas replied that there was Ladies in the gallery applauded no authority for taking an overseas this statement, and fi\e irirge %Im' soldier vote. If a soldier is training ister angrily asked rid' Pligs? on-- in Ontario, he will be allowed to ovan, who 'wa.s presiding, 10 40° | vote. He said that, under the Gen-- nounce that' the galleries would bol eval Election Act, it would have re-- fi:":gpg':x" was a recurrence of wuir ces 8 ¢ if ;'i:tis,ed thaire months to prepare the Mr. McDonald also objected to thel x treatment of the urban public Jrublic Health Act. schools. and declared they were put An amendment to the Public on. & wrons bagis. Instead of gei-- Health Act was introduced by Hon. ting grants as high schools and rural W. D. McPherson, providing that schools did, by keeping up the avery district officer of health would ! equipment and the ainpesrance ,Ot be paid such salary as the Lieuten-- their buildings, they got it just .or' ant--Governor in Counc# may fix, to-- I the certificates the teachers held gether with travelling expenses. It and their length of service, _ _ _ also provides that every person in a To Mr. Mageau the Provincial house in which a communicable dis-- Secretary said there are %50 prisorn-- ease exists, or who enters during the ers at Burwash, but he didn't agres period of quarantine, shall be deem-- with the member that they should ced exposed to the disease. The bill go in for lumbering and put ine also sets out that it shall be the duty ; timber on the market. The timber of every physician, medical officdr of was used for Provincial institutions health, superintendent of hospitals, now, and there was nomne to spare. nurse, midwife, and. everyone in h * charge of maternity hospltalz, every ¥ishing Putintss. b _ Mr. Proudfoot said that he was

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