The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Mar 1918, p. 2

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' " Br',' up e as. - n I'. , . Aai'ri . . "t --. , Y',"-"), "mated. when the "bra-tot ,3135-' "ttttti "551mm the decision of A81 Mrr: 2 (MM) to "m dttttha, . . _ , informed that the (:an on 12.1%: , portation, etc., was brought before Company had offered to. build rs ')rt/1irr'ri'ii the committee. wan. he Went" mt. didn't think the ",it'rl'l,'l'fd""t,"i) ' $9751.11? Ji', the people to h". cheap "I." n asked to acce t the f ti "s' do "a... , p responsibilities ltr," N thought there was a more a "a He , of the company to secure cars for- "r', . js, way whereby they could ttet . te it. The city had secured delivery . moved that several items be struck of. T of its 15 cars; two ot them are ' ', out. The amount was passed ttut . in operation and tttre others are, be- will he further debated. . t1 ect ing completed by the city. Had Mr. _ ". Mr. Hartley Dewart (Sou ',"l'ii.'. -R. J. Fleming placed orders for the . 1rrriiiiitii wanted the Pert of " d cars the city would not have asked Icense tfornmisaionert' abolished an the Letritrlature to take any action . _. :the work carried on by some 1te,'it in the matter. 'ment of the Government. l-le "'3 T Mr. Mark Irish said there was no - exception to the amount of $205,0 _03 t1ner exponent of Vanderbilt's state- V for the enforcement of the on"??? ment "the public be damned" on the ' Temperance Act. He ,eeeryyet.1 continent than the Toronto Railway . with $5,000 for the enforcement of Company. There is only one way the _ the Canada Temperance Act, and h" company can he reached, and that _ - said that there was no need for its is through its balance sheet. expensive machinery. The results Mr. G. H. Gooderham said the T didn't warrant i.t. He intimated blame was on the city for not ac- . that when the estimates came up for cepting the offer made a year ago concurrence he would have some'.- that it be allowed to secure the thing to say concerning the mem: cars. 1 bers of the board and its method 0t There was a murmur of assent . . operation, Mr. pewart compared from the members of the committee ', - the $305,066 received in lint? under when the Attorney-General asked if . the old municipal machinery With they didn't think it was right that the $184,704 received under the On-: authority should be given the Rail- tario Temperance Act. 5 way Board to impose a penalty if its 1rr.rrerezrer-eer-r-e-"r'-"rrr-1=' i orders were not complied with. It I ' was suggested that the amendment '. . should be a, general one, and not par- . ticularly referring to the Toronto Railway Company. Mr. I. S. Fairty l said that Chairman McIntyre ot the T ' board doubted if he had authority 1 to impose a penalty under the act. , Bad Conditions Instanccd. ' I i Mr. Thomas Hook related an inci-, . l i dent which occurred on a car at mid- . . . l night Thursday, when a woman had: _ 5 fainted in a car because of the over-' , 'q-------"""- I crowding. He suggested the Attor- q 1 . . , near-General should prosecute those wr Aotion Deferred on City _ responsible for such conditions and gr . . the crew of the car, who, e al eged, , , T Measure Seeking Authorl- were incompetent. i , . ' Mr. Lucas replied that the Pro-i q V ' ty to Penalize T.S.R. z vince had lost one case on over-1 , 3. .' crowding when it appealed to the' u ' ','/.rs, - ---------. ; Privy Council on a previous occasion. 'v' y OVERCROW IN L M The city t1na11y consented to al- , 52% D G C AI ED low one appeal from the Judgment , 3 a." of the Oritario Railway Board. They ' ' _ 1Qiy ':prtsvioup1y asked that no appeal be I, , "l? Representatives of City and Street _aliomred. b 11 t 11 th . "j1),,lio-m-,o,aa.,r-ntseto' Another city i o a ow e rr .3 s/it, Railway Presented Arguments to municipality to make a, tempo'rary IE, . "j) E, Private Bills Committee. loan to the Toronto Harbor Com- k". _iqll1l i missioners of $1,725.000 and ratify- Kr . - jg. -.-------. , . ing an agreement, bgtwgen geld? 1.1.: l ' . e t 58.1 w , I _,)-',,,';, Fio action was taken by the Fri-3 iiii'2)eyttrg',n,tfldh1.'ur an y I . ' 3 5.1:: vate Bills Committee of the Legis- . ty -------teLr111er.2r, l , ' . "1iCi/i",,i' lature yesterday on the request of . '. " k" ':,._,iciti',".slr the city for a, bill giving increased . , ig i? a: _ authority to the Ontario Railway ' , J Ili; '/"'ii,i,Cl',ij,, and Municipal Board to impose pen- . ","ti"'t,i,'),e:',: alties on the Toronto Railway Com- ..' ' "it; pany for not complying with the " , _:'r,l, . . -, i'",'j','ijti' . orders of the board. After hearing sit, - iii,'.))' lengthy arguments ot representatives . ' I ~- , : ." g. of the Toronto Railway Company and BY DRUGGI - 'i . l . $937.1. the city, the committee left the mat- V "* "j:iiiii.t'ii'? ter over until next Monday, when " . "iii',:S"itii)'i":/ le, Attorney-General. north. I}. Bi -.--.-._-.-t-.-- ' "l f;'..,. ucas, promised to have t e ega : . I , "33% officers make a repor: on the neces- Wish Removal Of Clause Pro. BE. ' fr M' sity or an amendment to the stat- . . -. _ I tii '1'" utes. . hiltitiM Sale of Patent . N . _iyfi" The original bill asked that the . . - 1tgl ' Legislature penalize the company Meditfmes " _ $3.111- , 8500 a. day for every car that was . _ ll 'li, 'ialBll not on t2h1,ig,'; as order-{id by this - rr' » .33: " Ontario Ra way Board. n amen - . 1 " , a" , ment was offered by the city yester- . Diuggists are opposed to the "a?" " " (ral . day asking that the penalty be tl,- in the Government's bill dealing It A .7; . te ghdiay. andHat "it; I") momené with venereal diseases which pro- r , 3.15.713 ', e arman, on. r. ucas. sa . . . ht.. ",1; "; " 'll he had been furnished with several hibits their selling patent medi , . 'sri, 3.11.1171??? other clauses which the city wished clues for curing or alleviating such ."sr' tiii., ,3." incorporated in the bill. .diseases. A deputation waited on; ' tif iii ", (l,f2% overerowdintt Complained of. §H0n- I. B. Lucas, Attorney-General,} . ill . in... Mayor Church told the com- and expressed the opinion that such] l 'i' q iilailil mittee of the shortage of cars and a law would give the medical iiiCl r F 'aitMtlil8i' - 3 . ' t , an tl 11,'tpg,i,t',tvigiponodnit"t't'e halide . P'ti.or.t 3 monopoly m News..." tc - 3'. street cars. Works Commissioner medicines. On the other hand the H' I 3 611.11."? R. C. Hargis Rusted tili3at authority doctors contend that only by a pro- ..- _ 31"..w'5;,:.'=?" be given t e a way card to =m- or dia n ', . . f.. kr, , 1 "g pose a penalty without the privilege {loner (353%.. 'gut.,,"', tl' iff,',', Erma"! ' c, jitiiilit be known. Some understanding will . 3 ':eiialltl probably be reached before the bill - Itil 1 T 3...... 11e.yarttese, thtrLetrialature. " _ . 1_,,'l'tiSlillEi. _ _ttlt,tir" .AttOERGYzGeneral intimated r . 1i'iijNllE, that. i'lfo,s1r,,',',tat may also be made in r r ' (4ilii a ' fl'tn?i'2',t',', gluing the haisle of Amer- I . _ wt". " _ pers w ch contain . V..." .1. . advertisements ot quack remedies. 't _ f: " is ,aimosta_ certainty that pa, ' T i i,(),:,ialll I IE Int mttari? Will be restricted ghoul E? _v.'r'.1 'allil P. I $131835)? such. advertisements other' 3 ".'iiia : han 086 approved by the Pr - . "' l _ cial Board, of Health. ovin il, V i T - --u..- -'.-- - _ _ t .,':' , _---------------------

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