The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Mar 1918, p. 1

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e > mm ? lecitia e ts zit > y E k)"""""\*;,"r"",:'n--- ; sAPUOrpAY, MARCH 16, 1918 & f i December 15 each year. The Op-- > } j position Leader said he had planned: - f ' f bringing in a similar bill, and he suggested the whole matter might be dealt with at one time. Sir William Hearst regretted that so _many amendments to the Municipal Act had been introduced at this session of the Legislature, but he allowed s this one to be 'advané:eg a ;Itag;.l An-- | inti other bill introduced by Mr. Henry Details of Restrictive Law will be dealt with by a special As-- * * 1 sessment Committee, which will sit Being Worked Out in after the House prorogues. ¢ o o A bill providing that a Municipal 'LGngIature ; Commissioner may be removed from Ooffice by a two--thirds vote of the t stare fe To Council was atllowlgd t%'iglo o;[ to t committee by the Hon. nlay Mac-- 'M UNI'CI'PA[L A c T R E A D 4 diarmid. This bill is an amendment .__.___._ to the Ontario Highways Act, and « h will affect Highway Com'm-issioners' Premier Introduces a Bill Giving in the event of its enactment. It wag\ » }Iunlcipal Councils Control Over introduced by Mr. C. H. Mills (North Waterloo). The same member had' Cultivable Lands. a bill to amend the Public Schools weeentnenmnommenenamtrommrent Act, providing for the election of . a school trustees 'by general vote of the The Government's legislation re-- ratepayers instead of the ward sys-- specting social diseases took up moSt , tem. Upon the suggestion of Hon. of the time of the Legislature in | G. H. Ferguson the bill was with-- committee yesterday afternoon. The| d"';li"'"-lagflt';l'o;g?e{:'::"l%"}'::i :-h:neg;:- s cationa s wi T )-- clause providing that a person heldl portunity of studying the question. in custody should be compelled to « Just before the adjournment of the undergo examination was the subject House Sir William Hearst introduced of a long discussion. The Opposition a bill giving Municipal Councils au-- Leader contended that this clause th-o'léitly tg t'alt(e] over colrt'itro:. gf Va;\' cant land not being cultivated, an :20:;di;figgb?:lgfi;%sgers,ggz fnu:::'}:l have clubs or individuals Eill it. This': ber for West York, Dr. Forbes God--| 'f?), part' vohigre GO\ io OO DOeera| * » * r dncreased production. frey, thought that a medical healthl Rpussceaieeeiaeaeveaennnenemeiee l officer would have a lot of work to | do under this act and should be paid | for his services. The inspection of | I persons under arrest should not be APUNCH optional but compulsory, and the M.} Glil IlNG (). H. should be obliged to make the:| examination, "because this disease is worse than smallpox and thel INTO PRODU':IION sooner we realize that the better," | declared Dr. lGodfreiv'.r Norih l mmmnmananemmmce n Mr. Sam. Clarke (West Northum-- a lamd berland) did not think the gue.s;} Problems of Provincial Cam-- ion should be left in the hands o « a {)ocalf meldicallmenl. b}ll";l the mem-- palgn DISCUSSGd Before er for Lincoln, Mr. omas Mar-- + a shall, said the legislation was more Agrlcul'(ural Committee o}x; ielss ?f an experime':lt, and tr;ey; c cdendts emmmess should try it out without making| too many ychanges and to see how i%l \ _ Problems of the increased pro-- worked. Mr. Allan Studholme said Auction campaign were discussed by! Lgfiflg':;}exaprgfi?(ll, aggdietrwat;n;_:a:f the Agricultural Comml'tte of' .the; ally decided to allow the clause to Legislature yesterday. Sir William ; stand. ; Hearst intimated that a proclama--|' Purchase of Drugs. | tion will be issued in a few days,| There was a long discussion over calling upon all County Councils in | the clause respecting the purchase the Province to hold special meet--| ?)ftfiggxl-l&zf afilgt(l)zlfdofbythtgler'xs-?rtgfi ings next Saturday to consider theu'i Some of the medical members fay-- local situation. Members of thei ored changing this clause to pro-- Legislature will 'be expected to at--| vide that no drugs should be sold . 3 it i hoped without a doctor's prescription, the tend the meeting, and 16. 2 ped | argument being that with ;renereal that the Councillors will be e'mxssar-l diseases one of the chief points was tas LOr 1 i in thei diagnosis. Dr. Godfrey of _ West 1e.s fc.)r greater product.xon 1r} hurl York said that young men would districts. The following Sundayl go to drug stores without prescrip-- ministers will be requested by the tions and ask for drugs which proclamation to make special refer-' would be no good to them at all. He ence at their services to the needs of | was supported by Dr. Nixon of Hal-- the allies for foodstuffs, and the ton and other members of the week just prior to Easter will be onet House, but the Hon. I. B. Lucas ex-- 'of preparation for greater co-opera-' plained that the clause in question tive effort. had been suggested by men who \ _ _Commissioner G. C. Creelman said had studied the question for years, \that the farmers are tired of listen-- | and the House should not take dras--. 'inz to lectures, and everybody must tic action without carefully consid--| p\fil together to help the farmers. ering the matter. _ Dr. Nixon sug-- The grains most needed are wheat gested that medicines needed for | bartey s and rve. and the farm-- the treatment of venereal disease baviey, Oald lG LXE | should be manufactured by the Pro--| |ers are also being urged to concen--| vincial Government. in order that| 'trate on the raising of hogs, cattle| they might be secured at one--fifth ; 'and sheep. He then re'la'ted what has | or one--sixth of the cost now charg-- kbeen done by the Dominion and Pro-; ed. The Prime Minister agreed that' vincial Governments to secure seed | the suggestion was a good one and lana other plans that are being car-- | would have the consideration of the ; Iried out. authorities. | ' Replying to suggestions of mem-- After passing several clauses the |\ bers, Sir Wiliam Hearst said that the _committee reported progress, and 'Ontario Government had no power! 'the bill will be taken up in com-- |to conscript labor for the farms. l mittee again next week. . Dr. Creelman advocated the rais-- Municipal Act Read. , ing of flax ion tbhe :ac}:'a.nt lal.nd around ' s cities. It is about the only seed, he mn'xl;}:si :?,?Rflmff&g;figAg :v};: g'igvég lsaid, that will flourish on ploughed | by Mr. George Herry (East York) sod, and it is a very important in-\ who said it provided that municipai dustm;. siinge. léner; 113 used in the auditors prepare their statements by | manuifetlure of Airmanea '

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