The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Mar 1918, p. 1

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°* oi CCC mm e > ow mmacioe t un -- T m , ©PUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1918 1DENIICC NCDAT i was desirable to add further Tacilt-- C % L.DA | ties as well as to have a professor ' I LARZ A & & fflni,xtnght-allflmes. «t 3~ 30 mA A 1 "Ray 11 Six Millions for Commissions, + °_ ie T N | "Approval was given to a motion + made by Hon. Mr. McGarry author-- I y3 izing the Government to raise by wun's wiabounstnsezmiess .\ - wo.g'i of a log.n és.oooiooio :t.'orf worll:s t % C & * carried on by Commissions for the 'Business In 'LEnglature Bein Province. The largest amount, the ALf Provincial Treasurer said, was re-- Transacted With Extra auired by the Hydro--electric Power : D h Commission. , Speaking briefly on the bill, which esDatc he introduced last week, respecting SMgmecomeccu uesns %l'lre"cultlvation of vac%nt land, Sir Ob m C illiam Hearst said there was no SESS'UN 'ENDS TH'S WEEK intention of giving compensation by s i it n way of tax allowance to people T3 whose land was cultivated by muni-- second Rceading for Bill to Remedy :r;lpaél corp;):iatifms. The bill provides n that municipalities may by by--law Factory Conditions of Women and under proper conditions culti-- 1 and Child Workers. vate vacant land, the idea being to brinz under cultivation land held by n us speculators, # ow that the Government has To Remody Faétbi"y Coud ifiofis s Miccy expressed its intention of making Second dine o Aae $xa" this the last week of the present whiii;o pro!;zei?iesnafo:mtbhf lzz%eaay?:lll session of the Legislature, the House of conditions in factories and offices vesterday afternoon wgettled down under which women and children to business in ecarnest. Rapid a.{: galled upon to work. Notwith-- strides were made in clearing the sssté'd i?ng &ney Iz)af.:?t,wtséogllt:\fl'tcl;l?lsd:::; Arder paper of measures that have ; under fourteen years of age to work »een there for the last month. Bi11| ir_l_canning factories, this bill pro-- after bill was passed with the | \(;mesfltllfa.t ilrxl future no children un-- minimum of debate. Consequently, agl;- fa.'é I'de t?ll::anpzvs?kto? no session was necessary last night, women have been allowed to Wc:)rk h{ although it is expected the House + canning factories until late at night will meet each of the remaining during the rush season. The bill evenings this week. _ Several bills provides that during the months of which Mr. Willlam Proudfoot, the July, August, September and Oc-- Opposition Leader, introduced, with tober no woman shall work later 'the object of giving farmers' daugh-- t}mn 6.30 in the afternoon in this ters the right to voto at municipal' kind of factory. cloctions, and amendmtnts to the | * Another provision of the bill is Assossment Act, which was affected , 'that where 35 or more females are '">y theso measures, were withdrawn, | employed in a factory or shop th and they will be taken by a special | employer shall provide plta, s committeo after the House pro-- dres?*lng and eating rooms a:g sht,',lfi rogues. employ a suitable person : Yir William Hearst introduced & Hon. Mr. Macdiarnl;id ggp?fxfifitffifg bill to enable railway employees to ; in view of the present abnormal vote at municipal clec;ions bet;org ' gitions the bill did not deal wlthc(t)lr:; polling day. He said that it ha ours of labor, gene been the Government's intention to' However, coxidaitionr: ll};rgf v;'glr)r;'el?y deal with such things, as they affect righting themseives, and men who Provincial elections, but in view of have given thought to the matter the extension of the Legislature it have decided that great m | was thought unwise to do so at results from the eiggf;rt-h:greda?eng this time. 'The bill provides that Toronto at present 88 per cen.t. of municipalities may open ballot the women employed in factories 'bnoxes for the receiving of votes from 'work 45 hours or less a week; 7 per 1':t_il'Way employees three days before Eent' work 50 hours a week 0'1' less; the election. 8 I;er cent. work 54 hours a week Purchasing Agent's Scope. ° ' . Wweep o?;"llegseragfint&nrorski 58 hours Hon. Mr. McGarry amended, ic:ln work 60 hours per wegk: se eog its third reading, the bili provid-- | ing for the a,ppoimr\ltent of a gen--| Extending Factory Inspection. eral purchasing agent, so as to en-- 1 The act also provides that the in-- 3}""ggrtht<'h :C%;angpti'gg Vt"':flg\'i\?f ]tlfilrl: ' ill)leit}ixoge oé h1!:11'(:etor1ess is efxtended to y -- A be C 0 e ower authority to purchase all supplies. | is used, and no pm:tteroh:;ynlxggg Hon. Mr. Lucas also amended his persons are employed. ~Only fac-- bill providing for better regulation toriss employing five or more persons o ts "he sofoner t the Smend. Tole i. Tas iostasten of poics is ment was that the officer in charge also closed by i%icbfi'i OIn':hée?;as: of the administration of the act the boilers have only been inspected: would appoint clerks and employees by the department up until the time of the Onlzyz-i'o Railway and 'It/Iuni- they were installed, and then they cipal Board, but n%t the Chairman, were lost track of until extensive re-- who is a judicfal officer. pairs were necessary. The amend-- aAmend Succossion Duty Act. | ment says that no person shall in-- The House approved of the Sue-- spefit &'ii. boiler e.\:ceptb been providing that "succession duty be j Branch to do so. Stationary engi-- not claimed on gx(fts ma_de]abstolultg- neers in charge of boilers, with cer-- {Zm})eb; amg&c:?s ec:-,hildpesfosr(flin-l:?w oxs' tain qua.lifications,hwere p{'eviously snughterin--lay more than Three o Sooties io tss prodetaon oh the :\:;rtshet')e'f;gggehsi afr?ouhtngf 32?)e306 ' Secondareaiiing Ott th?l bill for t:.he y & better development and preservation iC tal;le flfi;fi?fi?fififi?%fin&';fi '}figg of the fuel resources of the Province, ;)oe gie"en at any time." The amend-- H°"d gh'- Berguzc:a :';m g::t itn?:s-' ment also provides that the rates * cce crus oo nof the G T f succession duty payable by a arise whether or nolt e %erlnrgen ? ficlary who is a stranger in will have to appoint a Fuel Con-- o P eave troller, as well as the way in which blood to & deceased person whose | Je -- the rate of the authority is divided between the estate is dutiable be at the e o | ffteen per cent. where the net Dominion and -- Provincial 'Govern-i estate exceeds $50,000 and does not ments. No person in the depart-- exceed $200,000, and at the rate of ment at present has sufficient time *wenty per cent. where it exceeds to devote to the work, and if the re-- "2(?0 600 sources are to be developed it will $"'ro' provide further facilities for require all the time of one man. s on the work at the Con-- gressiv e & ;}zggiilggl'aboratories. which were es-- Wants Agi ve yael Pobey rablished by Col. A. E. Gooderham Mr. . Sam Carter (South Welling-- a few years 480, and which are --un-- ton) thought the Government should der the supervision of the University put more ginger into its plans for of Toronto, the Government intro-- the securing of fuel for next win-- duced -- a motion -- setting aside the ter. f sum of $3,750 to be paid annually f The Minister of Lands, Forests and for a perigd not exceeding ten year. Mines replied that it is easier for Hon. Mr. %icGafl'Y said that the cost the municipalities to create an or-- _of the laboratories was $75,000, and ganization to secure the wood for -- _ themselves than it is for the depart--|

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