i o octonersp o compenmnorennmmenmmenkennernen t ) M 1 nrg ; & WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1918 f : Fish were sold in Toronto c 'E%l;tz!g:. cents a pound, and the high-- ; est price outside, because of --trans-- aJl L portation charges, was 14 cents. He f j declared that the enterprise must be w = self--sustaining. Mr. Bowman commended the Gov-- ernment for its campaign to increase the consumption of fish, and he ex-- coememmmmmerom mmmammmmmen--mmans plained that his remarks were not by way of criticism, but ;hat the Government might have the facts c' M' Bowman Of weSt Bruce from fAishermen, so as to gorrect any mistakes that may have been made. scores Government Depart' ' Sixty per cent. otbthe flilsh broulght A « | to Southampton y fishermen last ment in Leg|S|atur C year were sold direct to the dealers,. 'Snticcniet Wehuien e arnon iusrwigenants | and not to the Dominion Fish Com-- M | pany. The largest fishnerman at | \ 5 ' Southampton allowed depreciation of R- MACD'ARM'D S B l L L j only $37.50 on the cost of operation. wa warne n mmemaes He sold his troutoat 9 cents a pound, R his whitefish at 12 cents, and he had Member From Bruce Claims Fisher-- a loss at the close of $1,000. Then, men Lose Money on Last Sea-- too, the supplies have gone away x up in price. Deducting the cost of son's Prices. icing and boxing, the Government, « en tnrmmmon mmz tm said the speaker, are asking. South-- % ampton fishermen to accept 74 to fixD"l'"ing that the Government 7% cents a pound for fish which ed the price to be paid by the de-- cost them 10 cents, without boxes, partment for fish without proper in-- last year. vestigation and that it is insufficient, Lack of Business Sense. ' and that unless this is corrected this "What I fear is that the men in season the Government will defeat the department who have been re-- its object, and that production will sponsible for fixing the price at six decrease instead of increase in 1919 and eight cents have shown an ab-- Mr. Charles M. B ol solute lack of appreciation of sound Bruce in the' Le O'ivma" of West business principles, and a proper ap-- urged th 6 4 gislature yesterday npreciation and consideration of the depa.rtmegt (:,(;;er;m:orhtnso g&;mtel;: fisherman, in handling this proposi-- DaSiS., * tion,"' saild Mr. Bowman. So far as Mr. . the fishermen on rue Great Lakes cost O?O;.f)ndalfl:ggm?d figures of the are concerned, he said, the margin him by fish n as furnished to of profit is very small. While the and .# ermen at Southampton, fishermen may be compelled to sign ment i:;eci'otil;agt ::;h':)gymo'ilso'é?rg; these licenses this year, they may be cents a pound for whiteftish fnd + drlvep hk .Of bu?mess next year, ?'nd trout, boxed and i 5 woe will have less fish from the Great e aspa n ad old Nee t eLien Jast Lakes in 1919 than in the past. In-- ram ont ad sold thre same variety of stead of fixing the price, he tho.ught T all a' ttkfn cents a pound over the it might be better to' compel the V ag s1 eir vessels. He asked if it fishermen to take care of their C Yukk :;fj'st tI?rz}v;)nti Cltalfs Offlpfi"'ducer adian customers first, and alsoa?; 'C, e shermen f 6 i should b » take proper methods to eliminate P ef oone o hok ioh An ao oc excessive profits: Thus the fame ob. trary price, especially in view of the jr?f;iirrfi:ieg)al:ag?ngbizin&(}{: '1'thout (S1e ;ggt that they pay a large license ness hashrds. any busi-- * In conclusion, Mr. Bowman em-- Beginning of Government Fish. phasized the danger of handling the The debate arose when Hon. Fin-- mattler in such a way a«s to 'defeat lay Macdiarmid, Minister of Public t,}i':w"je"ts the Government had in Works, moved the second reading of * ;l;lsd ols To mhert rhom ino nlonbch Advisory Board Suggested of fish from the waters of ; £1 s 0 10. "D f Sir William Hearst, resu Ramed in~"the "Droadest. poosibne tno Nebate in the evering, amnount'| terms, gave the Government power| Lo tBat the Government was consid--| to meet the situation at present ex-- ering the advisability of appointing : isting in the Province. The action g:h:rdmv:?r{hbogrdi on which the of the Government in entering the ernment t:.'ouled bea e\rs o shied. ho fish business was the result of pro-- desire of th Gg crnuient" waguey :?i?e gro(xlnn?ll }ise(:(tlm(!,1 o mvciicr "The give the besg qua'l'ft;mgfe nf;:sh v:asu:O' 7 + n '\ % States of M(i}chiogcz'ln é'r?émfi?fihegfi;: people at .the best possible gr!ce.. also took the matter up in a similar | There is a difference between taking way as has been done in Ontario, Up ' 2atc:1:'t?.ind portion of the fishermen's to January 31 last the Government | £ '}'1" a portion of the produce secured from Lake Nipigon 162,000 o';,ont'ht e farmer. The fish are one pounds of fish. He took the Fisher-- of the natural ascets of the Pro-- man's Journal to task for a state-- f;nce and they belong to the peo-- ment that the Government fish really i ple. _He declared the Government cost between 50 and 60 cents a would not be a party to not giving pounds: 4 d;ro }:Iate %bout $10,000 has géglfism,%ll'lmera of the Prov;nce a fair | been paid the fishermen for their * e Government intends to fish, an average of $5.70 per hun--| pay an equitable price, and it will be. dred pounds. A railroad siding and raised if an investigation shows that a dock had cost another $10,000, but that is necessary. this will answer all purposes for f Mr. Proudfoot, the _Opposition several years to come. Including Leader, asked Hon. Mr. Macdiarmid the capital expenditure, which no if it were true the department still one would expect to be done, the cost had 35 tons of fish on hand which | of the fish would, only _ be | twelve was DUfiChfied tast fall. | cents & pound. owever, to take r. Macdiarmid said that 70 to care of the demand for fish in the were purchased from the Lake Er';: eastern and western portions of the fishermen last fall at sizx cents a Province, the department has placed pound. and between 25 and 30 tons a clause in the licenses of fishermen are still on hand. This will all be making it possit;le tot ?;ecuxightw(gnty ; sold in two or three weeks. er cent. of their catch. e Gov-- t e t _ nebrime ty dos re information aSs o 2OSt . ying to furth ;':oduction. ~If. "the investigation the Opposition Lea?igr.q ue:'t:onfi':f proves that the price of six and eight diarmid said that 451,760 'pou'n ds of' cents a pound now offered by the, Ifish had been purchased fro | (Government is too low, it will be sources up to March 1. Thent'ot'alil increased to whatever is fair. g«;nsoélélzt ::.idv the fishermen was!| i o Sn k average of $5.80 mhemen Co OPemte' hundred pounds ® p'r The fishermen, said Mr., Matdiat; igon 161739 pounas. of Agi f:"" mid, have shown & disposition to co-- taken at an average cost of $4 :: operate with the department. Be-- per hundred pounds. The 94 j P f re licenses boxes w s e cost of tween 200 and 300 mo es was 55 cents for every hun--| have been taken out. During the > dred pounds, and the ave un-- e Government has of ice for rage cost iod in which th each bor 20 | aovieg h some 500,000 pounds + cents. 'The| been selling fish so °C munici-- have been delivered to P