The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Mar 1918, p. 2

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* Cmm l doctor's prescription has to be plac--| ; CA ' ¢ Y _ed on file. f 1.A. For Medicinal Reqnirgme-ta. . q i y YA |__Mr. Thomas Marshall (Lincoin) : 5 f a wanted to know where the druggists & would get their liquor after the sup.-- t§ | g'l'y in Canada was exhausted. Sir y } illiam -- Hearst replied that they + could import it. ® pu ! "Accordingdto reporvts mfmm the' | i e : | brewers," added * Sir William, '"we E | Bl" Passed tO CIOSB L00p | will have enough totgo for met'i'ical, $ | I purposes for two or three years. f | hO'eS In Temperance "Yes, they say there are 14,000,000 k @ « | gallons," joined in Mr. Proudfoot. § LengIatIOH Mr. Marshalll aslged Vfiho had ask-- f ed that whiskey be allowed to be ' y * used for medicinal purposes. _ He With but few changes, the bill to was informed by the Provincial Sec-- amend the Ontario Temperance Act, ;':(tlell]l;y;ttha})po £&em£m;lx:)ri:;ineegu(;}5;} which the Government t:ouxl(l neces-- Hic me&ical societies in England and sary to close up certain loopholes the United States include whiskey -- brought to light since the act has as a drug. 'been in operation, was passed by the ] Some Minor Changes. Legislature in committee last night. A clause was added to the bill sa It was subsequently given its third that in case of emergency the Lieu-- reading. A proposal put forward by ,tenant-_Governm- could issue a pro-- Mr. Hartley Dewart, the southwest | clamation refusing to &:Uow liguor I1, 1 Libera!®. ** 1 Freduce the to be consigned to certain de ned | io _ Liberal, °to C avreas. Mining camps were mention-- , f ILicense Board from five members to ed as places where it might be neces-- € | one instead of three, was defeated. [ sary at some time to thus desig-' $ | IMr. Dewart said he believed the esti-- nate. 'The clause stipulating that be. 'rlnate: 1'021"(1)'300]3";"" Sl;'f:'ldo(;(')e d fore a manufacturer coulid sell cider:' $ uced to $150, rom $205, & an he would have to procure a permit § moved such an amendment when < from the board was withdrawn, ' \ | the House went into concurrence on Only one change was made in the | A | the main estimates. The proposal clause referring to the sale of es--| i was Iife. «i . it sence of ginger. It provided that ; After considerable discussion i essences containing re th 2 1 i was decided to allow the present act per Censt. proof spirit?oc:u!d a;'nOt ,;i! o Ito stand in its reference to the sale lsold. $ ; of liquor_ on vessels on the. '(,;reut | M Hile the Ontario License Board i,_ | !{{ake';ia Llngee]); igextmi:t l'ilefx'l:u:;"?enrlx?é is flOl}linally composed of five men, I l ion s hbe Cl it i8 20. TCP said Mr. Dewart, it is virtually com-- 'f.(":;'soll} Lo h]'fi:f tléqu'gi]):)tt: d"l posed of only four. Now the in-- p vessel, inclu« uin aredni n tention apparently is to make the : clause in the original amendments i1 a A § i % rovinciat Sanrrn. fourth member a glorified inspect-- brought in by the Provincial Secre 11 f E A Ctrigarkhans § a or. He charged that the cost of } tary, Hon. Mr. McPherson. propose e | j AsSinge i: > i carried _ on | administration has gone beyond all 3 forbidding liquor being carriec f , ny vessel navigating the Great reasonable bounds. He thought one k ia.'i{es in Ontario. -- Last night -- he (Iommisslonfe_r could do all the work, g brought forward another amend-- as the restrictions are greater than 4 ment which would have made it ever before. He urged that the esti-- f illegal for liquor to be consumed only mates should be reduced from $205,-- on vessels actualiy employed in com-- 000 to $150.000. IITe then moved his mercial purposes or for purposes of amendment for reducing the board sain |from five members to one. o * , Sscores "Class Legislation." f License Board Defended. |_-- Allan Studholme (East llamilL_um i _ Kir William said he would have to entered a vehement protest against l'ask the House to vote down Mr. f discrimination, as he de-- Dewart's amendment. Under the new anyy such -- k clared it was class legislation. When act the board cannot consist of more 4 the workingmen recently wanted "-I than three men, and if the Govern-- : little more "pep" in their beer the ment sees fit it can reduce the num-- Government said no. He declared it | ber. However, he was not holding | Y was not right to allow wealthy peo-- | out any promise that that would be | le to take liquor on their yachts done. He said if the suggestion of -- gvhen people couldn't have it t\:heé'le the member. for Southwest Toronto a they wished -- on 113-"d-g ullihe L'?l?'tlpl'l was carried out, of deputing some of j g member. S; 2xr, s o i Jamed."In 'the protest_of the in hor ber brons oo 0e Pnkrd fo a meme e tive. He declared that it o * * P ! representadw % a way for the wealthy gle 3p§ratxo;1 of the act into politics. C only opened up . s . e didn't think the public destrea f to have theli)rl' l'xqggx. sald that. the that. b Mr. Mc iers S ' s e | ..»'-"e.\ have carried out their dut.y." &. amgndment'g\:&;\? "(';g"fifiiifil,;?syl,'gfit's'ff said the Prime Minister, referring to | & y ig ']t h;;iio-bht [:mter Canadian \vat-' the License Board, "in a way that| <rg." "T)lge entire clause was with-- has won the plaudits of the people of | 3:'::Wn at the suggestion of the Ontario. _ No persons have had a, Pri Minister more difficult task. While this la w | rAnx:gtfier clause which was with-- is upon the statute books I feel thatl ' drawn at the suggestion of Sir Wil-- it is the duty of the Government to # liam Hearst was that requiring o\'er.\'l see that it is enforced. If that law f druggist to attach to every bottle of is going to continue to have a good whiskey sold a label showing the' effect on the people of Ontario it name of the practitioner on whose| will only be by rigid enforcement of prescription the, liquor was supphgd. that law." § the date, the kind and the quantity Mr, McPherson, replying to Mr. of suck liquor and the name of the Proudfoot, said there was not much | pertson for whom it was prescribed., credence placed in the story that On-- Dr. Nixon of Haltm] said that there tario was not a "prohib_ited" area is suflicient protection now, as the in the eyes of the law, '"and that liquor could be delivered here after 9 i | April 1. If it should be found to be correct, the Dominion Govern-- 'ment will have to correct its order in | 'Council. ' 4 omm mm e

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