. FRIDAY ( MARCH 22, 1918. I " . . . '.r June frtrft)'iit'sr wounding. who f ' Ill' . Star 0:53me . . ~4-""""'c' a.-' ' . _ . . ' l F I Warm Scene Develops. i V Js The Ihdependent Liberal tor South. T . Wellington, Afr. Sam Carter, at thisl l point had a heated altercation with! . the Attorntssyatntrar. It was one _ of the moat heated scenes staged in, "e--------.-----..-. ' the. local House for some time. Mr. . T Carter was discussing the measure I , I . . . . . " . . I J. C. Elliott's Bill Favormg and was Mr. Lucas reply travored! of cynicism and hypocrisy. l " . "If I am out o order 1 will with-! Female Representatives draw the word," added Mr. Carter. l _ . "My honorable friend is so often IS Defeated out of order," observed Sir William . _________ -- Hearst. . ' . "I will change it to e.?mry1fiatrts P R E M I E R . IS 0PPOSiio I then if that is in order," retorted " T Mr. Carter. _ "r..-..---.---. l "t now accuse him (Mr. Carter) . _ of being an ordinary public slander- Warm Scene Between Attorney-l er," warmly defended the Attorney- . lie. .1 ' g . . . . " . I General. nut cl ind um (auto: 0 l "I don't care." flung back the \clops in "clinic. South Wellington member. defiantly. _ __~_ --- "I charge you now with it," con- . - tinued Mr. Lucas. "I not only do titer tt short and someuiiut It, but I am ready to produce a, . ' . - _.. b a" document in support of it." As he "ttett'tttfttl .tssioii. "'f [4.2.in did so he picked up several papers. ! lurc closed its business last "T rise to a point of order," pro-' night. and "ill be proi'og'ucd on tested Mr. vroufyoo.t. . "ittcstltty. The opettht,g took , Curie? him go, interjected Mr. HMO "" F'eirruury G. i 1'] don't want. to hear it." rejoined! 't't . ' _ _ .: the Leader of the Opposition. l i lt? Hiitnriu Umernment is not " will take bat-4.: anything that! immoral to admit. legislation to I have said it I have) made a mis- H lt, V _ l Jll .19 .1 i ' t sit in the take." chime) in Mr. Carter. "l am '7',"'1nu (, ll? ts 01., . 'oilt not afraid to do that." " thumbnail". Consequent a. " Os "t will give him a chance to with-l ha in: this object in view, introdm'- draw " at the first opportunity," c; in t! s ll u.\.' bv the West Middle-; added Mr. Lucas. F".e,t H I, L . L Clii tt wrtm 5-: The Leader of the Opposition .- \ ld"ll(i,n .Mr.J. Ci. L no , \.trlb I.: i said that it was only logical that t':atr.d yertcrduy lllol'nmg on its "IC'-' women should have the right to sit ' will mulling. Many Liberal tttern-i' in the Legislature now that they . . . , ' . ' . , l are allowed to vote. He was glad irC.t'h' ioincrl witit ummnment "ui'-, to hear the Attorney-General. admit rout-rs "it voting down the noeusuit,' that Mr. Elliott had been respon- iu'tiiq; the ground .that there has sible for the legislation passed'ut Men no demand for this advanced i'lgcteelast session gw1np, women the step in the further extension ot' the , Sir William Hearst said that at 1'yaiwhr:c, Fit. William Hearst tooh' the dastth session he had taken tlhe , 'Prrlt " tt'r, ' /' Stan ore was no neer o cle- the M'J'd thut there ls no need 0'. ciding the question, as another ses- such a law at the present time-.3 sion would be held before an elect- now that an election has been postal Lion. Now that there is no electim Dolled. The Prime Minister. there-i £1115le 1rt"det)/i1i'tVisTs'htiel1giuntpigj,,l, fore, .moVed an amendment to give: 'dl11,"rnam1'if is onen and it is stud}- 1t,i,,:t. if; a SIX months hoist, and this ing the situation and watching the Carr" I, ... N .1 "_..'. r di tr r; experiment in other countries. Wo- . ilt 311mm,, 1iy' "'03"! rea m" Ct I men are not able to sit in the In;- tne bill, Mr. Elliott said he was glad: perial House. It is generally ad- that he had at last found " measure. mitted that anv law to he a success '0 which. there could no longer he should have public opinion behind s?teleetfan taktns The Legislature at ' it, He asked that the bill be with- we last sesswn' save women the drawn. . right to Note at Provincial elections.' Mr. Sam Clarke (West Sort':,.. -ile submitted, therefore, that they. umberlandl didn't think there was would enjoy the same privilege as. any special demand from women men and be allowed to occupy seats for the right to sit in the Legisla- in the Legislature, thus carrying out ture, and " per cent. of the wo- the same prinelple that is applied men never thought of such a thing. co men over the age of twenty-one Mr. Z. Mageau (Sturgeon Falls) rears. .tvomen can now be elected said the people of his constituency to school boards, and he was of the were against the measure. My. opinion that they have done murh William McDonald (North Brut-9i real service in this way. Australia said he intended this summer t) has recognized that both the right educate his constituents no to he- to vbte and the right to sit in par- 1ur in f.avor. of the hill. but for the liament should go hand-in-hand. time being he must vote against it. The United States. too, has recogniz- Sir ll illiani Hearst thereupon in- ed the right of women to sit in Con- T troduced an amendment "that .1h'e gross and in the Senate. l , hill be not now .ead a second time, . but be read a second time this Mr. Lows Opposed. day six months." The amendment In reply, lion. Mr. Lucas said that carried. -"'"------ he did not intend entering into any ' academic debate on the question at I . this time. The line of argument ad.. l t winced by Mr. Elliott that women I should have seats in the Legislature 2 now that they have votes had c in- "i, sidcrable logic behind it. As pointed out by Mr. Elliott, women are not l now allowed to sit in municipal ',' Councils, and there has been no re- ""h'" quest from either the municipalities . l . . or the women tor this privilege. _ ', Liberal Members In Legisla. The East Hamilton Labor mem- . . her. Mr. Allan Studholme, suggestpd lures Object to Appoint- that the Attorney-Gene/al should have his ear to the ground. i ment tfEnumerators Mr. Allan Studholme said it was l F the same story he had heard ons l -------r . previous Occasions from the Attor-' I . neycGetitertU. in questions relating tol 0 P P 0 S I T I o ll F A I L S women. that the legislation had not _ . - --_... - been 'asked for. "Is he afraid of I - . his job? " he afraid the petti- lClaisz Made That Registry Board coats will come in and take his l - job?" He thOught Mr. Lucas must , Should Control Appoint- have something inhis ears if he merits _ could not tense public opinion. Had ' , there been an election coming in ', ---------- . . .' k i. Strong objection was "raised why lODposition members in the Letic- . _ 'lature yesterday afternoon to the .IIIIII I-Ili 11"! "W-r..-.-...---, _ _--.---------.----,