The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 27 Feb 1919, p. 2

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[ Act. It "had "been"a big step for-- P m g m 8¥ M + : ward for the fra;flueo.'lnd the s eare : * P o ty change had been beheficlar to the 7 * $%0 yeark."~ Sudbury was the first . m be un-- © place to pass the. necessary by--law | _ . whole Province. -- It would be : \ ©} worthy to look back to the former «kn ccomply.. . with. .the . agt... Windsor |; land if it were -- repedited Ontario | . ax' aetion.-- . About twenty nitunici-- | would be the dumping--ground of all palities had intimated their intén-- the und:sira%le llql:lor in the United tion of coming under the act, and States and all the undesirables who di?;? uthéwr;natt};etp 10rle t w\?vl;fis (;oxnps(;g:aé& f w;ould w;?m s e,,l'z:d t:xi tr(:!st:;;sl;trfi: that sixty municipalities would this ';rtncte. the c col ts;nhance of the law year 'avail themselves of the m : re?;tegrw!tfi tcl;):men and the women chinery. provided under the act. 15f Ontario, ne e lched, | No Expense in Foreclosing. Mr. Hilliard spoke at some len - e Willis McDon-- | replying to Mr. iam 1 on on the need for cheap hvtlh'ol T'°We;; n?g? (North Bruce), Sir William said in Eastern Ontario. While he was . '-- ilhat in case of, default .of payment: gslad the western part of the Pro-- | | tgere would be no expense in fore-- vine was getting it, it behooved both ,.E",ng the agreement. In answer !provinc]a] and Dominion Govern-- | . to a question of Mr. William Proud-- ments to utilize _the undeveloped foot, the Opposition Leader, the | lpower of the S{.d L:;vrnn;:;. M1 iqter' _ P¥ime Ml?ister stald that any (-?st"to | Hon. FP. G. Macdiarmid, Minis ihe evince of carrying ouU N of Public Works, introduced a bill n?zt ?'{cftild be paid by the Govern--| to create a Department of Labor... | .. EDE s..PUt . Of: ; genorat funds -- (1Q0 emniterammanions would" not .be .charged to th'i % borrower. The same would Premier Hearst Declares No} M'Apply fo _ the _ municipality. . It # + > .VO 1d llave to meet any expense Attempt to Stifle Discus-- Wwithout charging the cost to the % borrower of money. f, sion, but Wants Measure *'*Paving the way for the adminis-- péet l acle e tration of the act, Sir William 'in-- KCurriea Through "l'l;im:lilced another bill to amend the Bureau of Municipal . Affairs Act. 'alstert ie 4 iraiiamrenediwinioacis, The amendmeht will permit of the } When the Legislature met yester-- 'Auppointment of Mr. J. A. }1'\'/1"'5.".0 day for its first working session the the p?xtilgn °1f{eD}§e;t§; (;t m:rflifé; Government Housing Bill was intro-- 'fi?'tfie aOniario Railway and Muni-- duced by the Prime Minister and cipal Board. It was intimated when | given its first reading. Sir William Mr. Ellis was aDDOl{ldte%etOm':d"(f . briefly explained the details of the "'.'?'étg?:r ts,}&?)ze(?l?er?tllo)}? He had cfiarge :?reeadsuil;e't anbd ex')tlaégfigutgaihléevgi: "f the prellmlnary detailsf i'ild _C(;n- }'ous sta e ae 5o as go'5<ib]e and es on eian "of Dwenbl! I')r' OIX i qor #iven Rf)ifsal sassqurtx ltpis. »e\'p"e('ited o i s P eprenmemntentne +. 4. oo P s 3 [ERpnmmmmmsonsaommememenrnnnmmemeanpmtenat --that the bill will be given its second e esnt _ reading this afternoon. «+ "It was evident that the Prime | Minister had heard that the Oppo-- ;, ASKS U 'vition intended that the measure | -- should be properly considered by ' _the House, and not rushed through | PULPWOOD 'unduly, for he was careful to say * f '"'that there was no intention to stiile ' -- .. T 3 «~discussion on .the measure, but on f 4 foot W2 t t Know '"the other hand, give every oppor-- : § "tunity to the members to consider Mr' Pl'OLIdfOOt wan'f .0 ' #4t. Sir William said that it was im-- i $ .rortant that the bill should become s 'f Mr' Carrlc t 'law as soon as possible, however, as »there was a very keen demand for Purchaser »houses in many centres of the Prov-- ' f ; ince, and there was unemployment Mr. Wm. Proudfoot, the OppOSi-- ~which it was hoped could be alle-- ES 4 a «e inquiry viated by the building of homes. |tion Leader, has placeqna:,hlic?\ he seven; der paper i Roeviews Housing Condition 1on theluf * 6 f whether or not the Sir William -- reviewed the steps o ovevhm kno"zl' oseda of certain meading to the Housing Bill bein,.-,"' o naean meite o aviér mems 'formulated. The housing situation pulpwood limits to A .fm;n}e'lort Ar-- had been brought to the attention ber,; My._ J. J. Cartick S re on > Of the Government last spring, and thur. The limits referred to 4 on «g.--FHlousing Committee was appoint-- [ the Pic River and Black Sturge a ed. --A loan of $2,000,000 was of-- River districts in Thunder Bay, an 7 & sEered at 5 per cent. by the Province 'Mr. Proudfoot is asking whether, bi\l , to municipalities, provided the lat-- license or sale, they were dispose --ter put up 26 --per cent. of the * | of to Mr. Carrick. _ 3 M amount loaned to builders. Subse-- 'Following up this question, MT. . .fmently the Dominion Government Proudfoot desires to know if the .. set aside $25,000,000for .the pur-- conditions imposed by the terms 0f . ggge" x;n;d 4 tmi?; sbl;m ":xfb0ut= $8,500,-- sale have been cOmpllegt,uwri;h hzr:'e © as ~vailable for Ontario. whether or not any retur '"*Should a 'larger amount be required | -- been made by Mr. "Carriek to the it would likely be forthcoming. Minister of Lands, Forests and Apparently, having in mind the Mines in regard to the pulpwood cut.» ,~--@ppointment of.a. .Toronto Housing C _ Lommission by the city, and the de-- 5 | : ko ;to-- Q'nm'orm with the munici-- ¢ | e m & x i Santy'sAWtshes, the Premier explain-- | wd that the bill permitted of a Com-- < ; ~Auission. of~ five ~being appointed. i who were not members of the Coun-- | * 'r?'ll.'flt'plac?s over 100,000.. The for-- mer"Intention was that the head of --*re municipality in all places should =,0@..--@,...mnember of the Commission, 3 :»;lhu:h must of necessity be appoint-- 7 !jl\'i&,:g%lunicilmlitlcs Latitude. J s /o Prime Minister further ex-- *fi'fg'_i.hed that no profit was: to be _imade by the municipalities in loan-- s j '5€ the money to the individual or to th_e housing companies. "It is § the intention to give the municipal-- pgh l&)cs the. widest latitude in carrying out the provisions of the act," he said. "While plans will be supplied s municipalities, it is not 'the inten-- | a \gm to bind them down to any par-- | T \Qt{lur plans or methods, but all | * ui ding schemes 'will have to be ! approved by the Municipal Director. | < That is necessary so that the Prov-- i!\;\'_e may know that the money :'d 1c.h is loaned is properly expend-- , ed, and that the housing schemes _Gt'gt modern and sanitary. _-- A,,[It Cwas 'estimated," _ Sir 'William f § E;?.Ld""""' 4° $3,000 HNome would cost ; : whire purchaser $20 a month if pay-- | |

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