The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 4 Mar 1919, p. 1

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"~omeneemmeneieeneneseeeenaennnenis > > 00-- oooemerenamenesnitaet > > OOR mt e en ol " m 2 TUESDAY,. MARCH 4, 1919 ! i# o | %, £ Suggestions and Amendments of Value Made o j by Liberal Members and Taken Under Ad-- # * * o visement by Premier--Slim Attendance m! o + House--Proudfoot Urges Standardization . wommmmnmenmnnmmmeore ces m ammmnemmnnenm esn on mmnmmmemmessmt | x y P 'g sition in Considerable progress was mads ')ldindtl:e g)'";':},ll?(;',]}lt]h '-)'(\'\'Ilr:,t the r 4 'egard to the sal. & 8 .\estel.'day in the Legislature on the llgusing Committee has done is to Housing Bill. 'The House spent the standardize all _ plans," _ he said. afternoon in discussing the measure 'They are distributing 1\1_1'«)1'11}.%1(';:'1 4 + P s a va er g O » in Committe of the Whole, and sev-- ind plans, W hich wl ',?mn icipal-- t nmnultiplied, so that every municipa eral constructive amendments were ity will be provided with a w'ule made at the suggestion of 'Opposi-- ~ hoice. The idea is that all the im-- tion _ members. _ Other _ changes ortant pm'lt.-\' "lfl w¥ h'."'.::'ll"']l)lilx.p';" i > »mbers fe standardized. The Municipi € which Liberal m.(,mlu rs felt would or will get prices and check them strengthen the bill the Prime Min-- ip to see how matérials can be sup-- ister agreed to take under advise-- plied the cheapest, so that there ment. There were no-- drastic »villu:)e a r(\:i"'[]mlri';;m gf Anformatioft Ts s Caeas s a .o e municipalities. «,'l.langfe's in the prnu-xp.l(- of the bill. Mr. Elliott asked if there wore Sir -- Willlam Hearst, in answer to iny provision for giving to the questions during the course of the 'ommissions any power t") 1!:\;-%1« discuss sai s -- @Government| gate brices, if 1t wore (hougiil i ion, said the Government certain trade was charging exorbi--; had no power to authorize HMHousing antlvy. ' Commissions to investigate alleged "I don't know that we \\'ullid have exorbitant high prices for building any power to do that," replied .\n'E materials. He promised to ascer-- William Hearst. * . mh_teatail tain if the Government had author-- Replying to _ Mr. J. A Folmig | ity to pass legislation to control (Windsor), the Prime Minister said| house rents. that there was no intention of per--| Whilé the members present yes-- mitting a municipality to make any} l;erduy expressed themselves fully on proiit on the land. ' the various clauses of the bill, it » a '"PPY , will be taken up in committee on Retirement of Commissions. | another occasion. .'-The Prime .M in-- It was suggested by Mr. Proudfoot| :)S;etrhagr('acd to this at the request that instead of having two members + e Liberal Leader, Mr. William of a Commission of five retire after| llnl'ougfoot., as the attendance of one year's service, and the remain-- Ihgrr? Sgs v':(:l!% vm',\"poor. Not imore ing three retire after two years' ser-- Of the-'Hovx'c n;.)r("';ent) o'nt_thc. floor vice, it would be well to have| Replying to Mr. J. C. Elliott Bdf hrat is would" assure . some (West Middlesex), the Prime Minis-- _ o Nene berme on c the ioomMission ter explained that "Company," as l.nem_bma })(:lng on the Commission referred to in the act, as coming *\/'()th.{r'm(')us}:\n\\h(L_}.md?.m.-n'u P s T under thg' Housing Accommodation e Jwr\ t s8 "' 1-"""" ngreed Act, applied solely to housing com-- &9 c()nsul('r l}]fl sugece onl f panies. The important element in LMr. t \\«-.lhn;:tun lay (North the Housing Accommodation ; Act Mevilll Asked If the Act could not Ds was the proviso that hdusing com-- made to be of greater benefit to the panies were not allowed to declare smaller municipalities. He explain-- a dividend «of more than six per ed that while new houses might not cent. The idea was that people go-- be so urgently needed in small ing into house building under that | municipalities, some _ workingmen act would not be doing so to make | were purchasing houses and paying ?fioney' Such companies might be ; high rates of interest on borrowed \.' ose formed by ])lll].'flthl'"]"" per-- ' 1.1)0n63)'. He th()ught it would be well ffi','s or empleyers seeking to better if the local Commissions would be Ur: 11'\;'11"5 conditions of their work-- i allowed to advance money to such Lee' wl?,'u,u, a Housing Commit-- men at 5 per cent. interest as pro--} 'Yidl ctzm) c(:)lx;(-)t"-/ '|"., to 85 per cent. ( vided in the bill so as to relieve them C« struction of dwellings. | of the greater burden. | ::cth t;:lomlrfnanu;'s can sell as well as ' '"'The plan outlined by my hOflOl"i n e houses they build able friend 1 4 NMr. T. es D rild. k | would not come within | quesuo'fieds-writ\;gl:?qt('}mth Brant) | the regulations laid down by the | to allow a munici :nll Co ould be wise l Dominion Government and we could | the by--laws to Cn();flpm;}um-:l l!u'p:l.\'f; | not apply the money receilved from | act without the Covm'ml t{m; er the gt]lat"Go\'er'nment in that particular} Tors. ns of the elec-- | way," replied Sir William. '"The | o \ idea outlined goes in a different| F30 Time for By--laws. 4 ;dllrectbx'lrfihan what the bill is aim-- T4 _ ~rC t. The present situati ' It is essenti: m utthoa s |S0 :' 9 situation is that The piff that itll llle:;xlflh'r,f';' cess of | we have a great dearth of moderately Sn Wihiam.. ""If a muniero. (l,"t ; .\:f)d | priced houses; conditions are ab-- to walt--to submit a bvr-lzntvpit il\'.\f hul | normal, so that private capital is ed it would not be in a 1)()ciii01(i'l:- !?}Ut I_rle'e'tmg the situation. That is take advuntage of the bill this \'('-'UE) * la:fti .)ubttlfi?ation for GOVernmental the Rouses: required would not be hi.ylon f)bupply houses to meet the provided and the work we want to th';,-l c?:?t of money and materials at give would not be supplied. We oxttp"j'em DuNe. . ol Witiem went think the municipalities are so welli zn? o say that while a man may be protected that there is no necessity ;tow paying at a higher rate of in-- for the consent of the electors be. | terest for money in making payments ing secured." myse* | on a house, that man was buying .Mr. Proudfoot raised the ques-- ;ur;l('ler lower . building costs than tion' brought up by Mr. Sam Carter lw at prevail at this time. {South. Wellington)}-- on --the Secots ii Mr. Allan Studholme (East Ham. reading of the bill, that consider-- | !ton) pointed out that in Nova Beo able money could be saved by the | tia the housing problem was also be-- standardization of all materials, if | ns taken up and also the cmestio- the Government would do the p'ur- | of regl_xlutmg rents. -- He wanted tn chasing of supplies in large quan-- | know if the Ontario -- Govern T tities.: He asked that the bill be not fould not do something to re mlent §'ep:)ll;tedH until more members were f |lu,}t; Es in e House to consider Mr. Ca 'he Prime Minis ' » -- s ar-- | te!' ter's proposal. | could | not answer th:tatfggstlha o M The Prime (Minister replied that once, but that he would look into it. tlgere was no intention to rush the f'l'hink $20 ol inta lb btl'uththrolgg;)h and that the request | a Month Teo Much,; ---- . 0 e iberal Leader would b |__ Mr. Davi ) Gf t e ' . Davidson doubted i complied with. He went y lthe b ed if the gooa on to ex--. 4 e bill was intended to do would

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