uptke c V : s f really be~accomplished if a man had 4 g-- Ariiaaes j a to pay $20 a month on the principal : § cA and interest of the house. In many o towns where a man earned only & & "@ small salary he felt it would be im-- 2 P possible. Mr. Studholme supported E. Mr. Davidson in this, pointing out f a i that, added -- to the $20 a month, ® woulid be taxes and other charges, 1 3 $ which would bring the outlay up to ~ 8 3 $27.50 a month. tsX it man : Smmommcommmae woe mm € It was explained 'that if & i f could not afford to pay $20 a month Not Likely Government War| ' he could buy a cheaper house, worth } €. perhaps $2,000, and the charges Tax Will be Re-- \ > would be less. . & Mr. Tolnue asked that fathers de-- moved ¢ a pendent on deceased 'soldier sons ' i should be allowed -- to avefulththem; j smmmenives °instms . Sohns s selves of the provisions 0 e ac d & as well as a widow of such a person LEGlSLATURE ls B U S Y ' ' f or a widowsd mother. 'The Prime | $ | Minister said he had no o:aje%trii(lllril to fexumerammdarascans ¢ S | such an amendment. . Sir l | _ _The Legislature is in for a busy f | agreed to have the section redrafted .: ; ts i ap I $ ' tf matllce it clearer that both a widow | time of it this week. The debate on i | of a deceased soldier and a widowed | the Speech from the Throne will be ! mother of a deceaiS(;xdi tfll?ldiel't- or proceeded with this afternoon, and |both, could come within the act. : Sip F f s o . P § i It was pointed out by Mr. Stud-- Sir William Hearst will continue his 'holme that three months was not & address, which was interrupted at i f | long enough period at the termina-- adjournment last week, and it is al-- EL | tion of ;vl(;ic;h J fagxl':eengentycoel;lg together likely there will be a ses-- 3 \ be canceled for--default of payment. a . § He explained that there were many l;.snon of the HOUS'? tq-night. | ' cases where laboring men were in-- | _ _On Thursday it is intended that 5 P 'jured and were off work for more Hon, T. W. McGarry shall make his , ffllm?l t:;ree rtnonthséi S"ti'g'r'l{;i?mw'{f}; Budget speech. This is being looked « | plie rat it was sere ry w 3 4 ; £, j f | ]Lhe, Commission, but three months forward to with interest, as the Gov-- d | was the soonest an agreement could ernment's decision as to the contin-- | be canceled. uation of the one--mill war tax will | _ Replying to Mr. Tolmie, the Prime be announced. -- It is not considered 4 ' Minister said that there were no _ s o avee | limitations in the bill which would likely, however, that this tax will be | prevent a local Commission selling removed until next year. _ 'a house below cost. It was pointed -- Liberal members are loading up the l ! out by Mr. Tolmie that if a house order paper with questions this year. s ! came back on the Commission's Yesterday, both Mr. C. M. Bowman . | hands through default of payment, gmd Mr J CG. Llihott gave notice of & \such a case might occur inquiries that will be asked of the | § j Government to--day. Mr. Bowman is K; | Powers of Expropriation. "curious as to the expenditure of | | % M ; ; yaseny $42,050 @uring 1916 and 1917 in | I mf'?g?igi:ée prgfiglilrslsgxo;:)ro;uéx::lc} connection with finding employment 3 Iets p Slnkt for the members of the Canadian | mission or Housing Company to ex-- [ m Torce. H 1s t k ! propriate land. Mr. Proudfoot was iIiaxpedht.lvcmat'y "Orce. _ lie Wankse L0 | against a company 'being allowed |know what Commission _ was ap-- |\ the right to expropriate, pointing | pointed to do that work, who ap-- out that it might 'be: unjust. He 'pointed it, and how the money was , > \felt such authority should be vest-- expended.. s ; ; | ' ed only in a Commission. |__Mr. Elliott desires information as | r | _ Sir William. Hearst replied that | to whether the Jackson Lumber Co. f |there was ~no intention of giving has carried out the terms and con-- t such authority to an ordingry com-- ditions of its agreement with the pany, but housing companies, as re-- Government in regard to the settle-- ~T gulated by statute, were different. ' ment of the timber townships grant-- The clause was allowed to stand. | ed to them in 1912. a It was further suggested by the | e enaainiettacaimaaaammane . 1 Liberal Leader that instead of a -- | , board of three arbitrators being ap-- f | pointed to fix the price of land, it F | f would be better to have one off-- i b cial arbitrator, vested with the pow-- ' E) ers of a High Court Judge. Sir William doubted if there would a be much occasion for ax,%itrating % to fix the price of land. He felt that ~M the act 'being on the statutes would - prove a deterrent to much of such + h procedure.' If there were a case at & some distant point to be arbitrated ; it would be permissible for the 4 County Judge to act, if both parties ¢ j uf:rm;d. The clause was allowed to A * stand. f a * * ; i o s al