The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1919, p. 1

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! THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1919 _ .fl s w e aeee i ie eotegnenerrase en esnc tranee ¢ M & .m' n- -- _ Another Proof of Ending of Party Truce in O « f on tario Legislature--Yeas and Nays Taken ® 4 Amendment to Election Act of Last Session & Proposed by H. H. Dewart, K.C., Member ho * for Southwest Toronto -- Resulting Vote is 58 to 25 voe--ammescmnstremmemence mc fo m mm nnmenmmame n mmeess-- mne e Ceciigls i ttanmn. iat the truce «'Standings. While there were vacan-- Striking evidence '_' M C ue cies in North Huron and North Ox-- is at an end in Ontario politics was , ford. where members had resigned, given in the Legislature yesterday. there was delay in opening the seats, For the first time in itwo sessions but in safe seats such as East York ied a rane. and the yeas and and Northeast Toronto the elections division bells rang, & Te ." EN were brought on first. nays were taken on the amen i is --~"At a time when we should expect which was moved by Mr. Hartic}» a different kind of conduct we have K# Dewart K.C.,. M.P.P. : (Southwest the whole business of by--elections ' Tor t.b and Mr. G. C. Hurdman manipulated by the Government for oronto}, & MXAE is camendment their own party advantage," (West Ottawa). e n ... anq o nn d on charged Mr. Dewart. "If that is the proposed that the Ontario Election result, that writs have been held Act. of last session, providing for back and.others have been issued. f enumerators in preparing the voters' it will be interesting to see whether A nu L es raned Brovi« it is part of the same machine in lists, should be repenled and prov!~ dealing with the election law of the sion made for compiling the lists by Province, which can be used for . municipal authorities. 'The HMouse narty advantage and against the Op-- , f divided on straight party lines, the , position." The result in St. Cath-- ; vote . being 58 to 25 against the l|arines had shown the Government t m eniar and in favor of the mo-- | that the industrial classes must be -- amendment and in a . lconsidercd. ilon. The two United Farmer mem-- | bers, Beniah Bowman (Manitoulin) l:'\n Answer to Autocracy. * r d difi North On-- . s and J. W. M 1('11'1,119'1«11' 51:((1"(1'(1 rOt | Mr. Dewart declared that it was tar10), }\\{'Pt "W]" .q\r\d "'.' l'm( f "\'Om 1 not the wishes of the people of On-- vote. MRSsSSrS. J. A. & tC C + ce § s 3 F H:(ford) and W.--H. EFraser (North 'tano that any body of men should $ Hurony. the two. new Liberal mem-- | enter into a bargain to retain office. f ur , a 1w e « rpjr 'CH by-- ions was | _ bers, voted with the Opposition. | The result of tl}le 'mtelfa'cttll()fin?oxiq t The amendment, which the Lib-- gdq answer to su(.l'fm oc,:a io: 1 f 'als 1 Mr. Alian Studhoime, the ! of government. The Province o Ariia-- ant!_ WMT. . Adlift io 6: | io was th I e that had Labor member, _ supported., | was: ,()ntalnol NWSs lt e{'i("ng o cave the Wa 3 rine inrcae > add-- t had an election during the war. That the following words be add '"" fr i rnfae o o ed to the motion: h':md this House | He urged the I'xm_w Minister !p trust wold respectfuily represent to your ithe people and give them a chance § Honor that the Ontario Klection Act to speak as to their attitude ioward & of 1918 should be repealed and pro-- ltlm Government. "I venture to say _ vision made for the preparation by | that if the Premier takes the plunge the municipal authorities of voters' ; the result will amply justify the' lists, which shall include the names | statements I muke,' tha't the .pegple| of all women and men over the age | want to have a voice in their ownI 3 of.twenty--one years entitled to vote !aiTau-s." f | \ _ _At elections to the Legislative Assem-- | _ HMon. Mr, Rowell aud Sir Wim. | 4 bly, subject to revision under the | ffearst had gone vover the u;p' to-- ' provisions of the former law, and ! gether in the election of 1917, and' the holding of eirctions one week | it looked as if having gone over the | after nomination.'" | top then, they were going to go to Mr. Dewart was the last speaker |lhe bottom together now, said Mr. o mn' the (debate in reply to the i Dewart. 1t would be the auto-- * speech from the Throne on the icrali(- use of power that would re-- j # L.iberal _ side. To all appear-- ! sult in the defeat of both Govern-- | * ances the afternoon was going | ments. HMe was surprised at the | 4 10 éend without a division. when Mr. Prime Minister seeking to push the , O Dewart announced his amendment. l,liousing' Bill through the House, It was loully applauded by the | when it had not been passed by the | Opposition. .'rpe umendmon't took i Dominion Parliament as yet. He was, the Prime Minister by surprise, for I]ikewise surprised that nothing had he hurrledly sent a lll('."S(}l'lgf']'.f()l' |been done to make a survey> of the' the Attorney--General, who -- briefly y farms of the Province, so as to as-- | $ replied to the amendment. Mr. ) certain the number available for] 3 Lucas explained that minor amend-- Isoldiel's. + He deplored sending re--| & ::!::itosn t';'o'lll"lz lr)leCIi:f)tl:oc'i\l:.Ye ;)f 135'; | turned men up north when fertllei' f & P ce ~at .& land was vacant in the older part of % l:_';i'l'ddgée' f"hte"] %'"""Y OE non d niLy lthe Province. Mr. Dewart also ex--| e mad gr&m. e; Iorl:ugg,f:stlons to pressed surprise that the Govern-- e and a full discussion. [ment had taken no steps toward the s Dewart Criticizes Government. lirriga}ttion of small holdings of land, } o j which, too, could be made available . After paying warm tribute to the !for soldiers. | lvifgcfig:gllzf(l)ldc{'?'u.-l:mr' ;Mh D ewait ----___| _ Mr. Dewart expressed curiosity as ' ment for its h ,ldll.l"'e the Govern-- | to the proposed amendments to the . i1 the J s handling of by--elections { Ontario Temperance Act, and deplor-- 4 ::',lovee aStt couple of years. The |ed the fact that there was no pro-- o ovg ;':'ntnheen ]autnd Opposition Lead-- | spect of the one--mill war tax being & a'n 'lzreements setsalon, entered into :removed. The Government ought to $ Tecu not _ to _contest b}w have the courage, he said, to compel o :'.';'°3;- Thxs provided only for the Canadian Copper Company to' A | dtath Sei;eJVaa(.anc\i\?s occurred by pay tax arrears which were properly | [\ of the s mes Whitney had put | payable for the last three years. | 3 statutes an act making it $ | | & E:;!::s;l::; f(?rthwnts for by--elections | Condemns Election Act. | & e ree months after I A R : | --_-- vacancy occurred. In _ Peel €;\'o?tlfi | _ ooee Oe on oi the Julection erI / Perth and Sout s » | passed last session, -- Mr. Dewart | 4 hwest Toronto Op-- 5 I _ _ position candidates had been el€ected corl_flelllned it most strongiy. He de-- -- These by--elections had served a use: f s o o ilCo ns PAE ire: born in in-- | ful part, and the agreement of last iquity, and said it came as the re-- | . session had resulted in misunder-- + >

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