The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1919, p. 2

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hss Nee { o e y 3 * Llfint-of the method followed in the e L dra e en acaer. i + ' ominion election. Under the act | f ' eight weeks were allowed to elapse ] y between nomination day and the t | j i election. This length of time per-- ® mitted of much turmoil and embit-- : terment of feeling, which were not | garoused as much under the old | f liw system, where only one week was |\ T t . allowed .to elapse. It was unfair to ' ithe Opposition that enumerato:: ar;& | on pointed by the Government shou h s * « 3 'lbe allowed to make their rounds diur- . LGgISIature Will Adlourn Af ing the period when the feeling im-- ,: | mediately preceding an clection was | ter Hon. T. W_ Mcfiafl'y so bitter. He pointed out at length [ the advantages of reverting to thel | Speaks old system of having the municipal | || y Assessors comnile the lis;tsh o storas ; mvnnnantersecermnermame Mr. V. A. Sinclair (Sout xford ) | [ said that there were abnormal times : I B A C K TO THE L A N D 'ahead, and they would vperhaps be l * Pn o d + more difficult for the Government | . ' F s to meet than the war period. He A | _ The Legislature will go into Com-- deprecated the idea of having irri-- inu'ttee on Supply this afternoon, and Igation of small hloldtmt(;')si.. ;:,':it:n?;:g |the Provincial Treasurer, Hon. T. W. }r}:atthetrhlgig\'?;\acse '\)Jvei.tnhc:'mt that. ' ' McGarry, will present his Budget ad-- Mr. Allan Studhoime (FEasi Ham-- ldl'ess. An arrangement has been flton) denounced th: L o m ?rl'}tfsr * 'madc between the Opposition Leader ; system of preparing the votet' s ez an 'rime Minister whereby the | and cited several irregularitie®kin the ' " d the 1'1.m( C t € ' ) i7 | MNominion system. While the Ontario | House 'will adjourn as soon as Mr. Government had not been to blame {;\h:('.z.n-y concludes his address. The for that, similar mistakes had b%en || adjournment will be moved by Mr. ma,dt; in the recent St. Catharines by-- |C. M. Bowman, the Opposition finan-- elefitogn'I B. Lucas spoke briefly on ~ ic,'iul critic, who will continue the de-- the amendment, and concluded the bate next Tuesday, This is the first debate. _ He saidt Ut"e"fh W;Jl;]dtibe }timc this arrangement has been en-- 'minor amendments to e ection i Karasgs ':. § 4 'HeS Act introduced later in the session, | Ite'rfd between the 1:a|"1'1e's'.v l.E ahd suggestions could be made at | i";l's p(')mlwi out to .\11'.. l\'h(:(-;'.nly' (ll): that time. The amendment, if car-- | Mr. Proudfoot that such an ad-- ~ ried, would double the work of As-- | Journment would give the Opposition sess'ors each year, whereas the Pro-- [ a better chance to consider the in-- vincial lists were required only once formation contained in the address, every four years [ and the Provincial Treasurer con-- i 'sented to the delay. + ; * | Mr. Nelson Parliament, Liberal . member for --Prince: Edward,;.. is }an.\'iou.s that the Legislature should | take some action to ascertain the best means of encouraging a return jof people to rural life in Ontario. |\In a resolution which he will intro-- ' ;qluuo in the HMouse to--day he points | out that the shortage of agricultural {labor has beén aggravated in the | past few years, and he suggests that 7 a non--partisan Commission, includ-- R i * mng representatives of agriculture and Labor, should be named to in -- qn.xire into the conditions which or-- (l}fl:flil.\' account for the continuous diminuti>n» of the rural population in the Province and to report to the House the facts and recommenda--| tions as to the steps which should | be taken to augment and maintain | the rural population. i setieiniees e anieite c eenmetatiee ie mtepree mt ceneces ®

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