~'" , 0lTlili)ljlil HUT S WESTERN UNIV pr . T . ty . 0 Re uest Local . . t . ity V3" N tf g titi lPremIer Hearst Says He Will ou or a I F. . . . se ti Discuss Request With J.' ca Ion ' . . Colleagues _ T o R O N T o LEGISLATION Sir William Hearst told a deputa- . ------- tion which waited on the Govern- Members of the Board of Control ment yesterday from London and V and city officials held a conference district, that he would discuss with h' , T with the Toronto representatives in his,col1eatru.es the request for a grant , I the Legislature at the Parliament of $150,000 to Westeern VniversitaV Buildings yesterday afternoon to to see if the finances of the Province 3 , ' - discuss the legislation affecting To- would permit ot it being made. The 1 , ronto which is to be introduced at deputation. which was introduced _ l . this session. As a result of the by f.itr Adam Beck, included Bishop _ , meeting the legislation requested Williams of Huron, Bishop Fallon of ' . ha m ha chan ed, while London, Mayor Somerville, Dr. . 5 been so :w t : f for Braithwaite, President of Western one Ot two C auses S am over University, and Dr. McCallum, Dean further consideration, and to be re- of the Faculty of Medicine ot the - drafted. University. . There was a prolonged discussion The money ls re.1u.ired.to extend . the faculty of medicine in connec- on the request for an act ratifying tion with Western University. Citi- the $15,000 grant for the Catholic zens of London have already voted Army Huts. Neither the members $100,000 toward the work, but to of the Board of Control nor the To- l'itiiiiii'iie /c,ien1g,fi/,"t'/einf,,5gy/drt1,f ronto member; in the Legislature . lthe grant from the Government is were unanimous on the matter, and laceded. JW,', land costing $22,000 i was decided that the request for as alrea y een secure . ' ratification should be withdrawn. While unable to give the deputa- Thus the money will.not be paid. tion any definite promise yesterday, Controller Robbins opposed the re- Sir William asked that the repre- _ Iuues',',t, for ratification, and Messrs. J. sentations su'bmitted should be sent ussell, M.P.P. for Riverdale, and to him in writing. accompanied by a f Thomas Hook, M.P.P. for Southeast statement showing how maintenance Toronto. supported him. Controllers charges were to be met if the build- . McBride and Maguire urged that the ing were erected. Sir William inti- money was not for sectarian Put". mated also that the Government was poses and should the paid. w. ll. considering having an investigation ( 1t'hre,e,sthLt1y,'. for hParkdale, said he mag? dto asceitiin at: .soanef beget-l oug oo muc money was be- me o canno e eVise o ai ng. . in? spent unwarrantedly. Mr. Mark both Western and Queen's Universi- lrlsh regretted that the discordant ties. note had been sounded in municipal ="=1e"freffetr.hrLe?1'h".r..ee".rL".e.t T ,7 affairs, but he was against the grant l being paid. u, No objection was taken to legis- I. , lation sought with respect to sewage I , l disposal in certain districts, or the r desired validation of ordinary local improvement by-laws of last year. r A. clause in the "bill respecting the IClty of. Toronto," permitting the corporation to order the cutting of o O 0 'trees on city thoroughfares without 8131,33 48 hours' notice, as now pro- m.---------. . I V e ' was approved. T . Thi . r Ink l Clause, Madam. Conservative Members l "I; Tfa'uregif,hto, my? cones- Referendum to be c as ra ted - . l vided that the Council might b'2; _ "Wide Open" by-laws to prohibit any change in an; I',',",,?,,',. or the purposes for which ' -.----- n u ng was used, . . approval of the 'rl'JfihTintl"'l"pte',1e AMENDMENTS NOT READY . . mit being obtained therefor from the -------.---. c. City Architect, and permitting pen- . . , f th a alties to be imposed for breaches ot Conservative members o tt 'V suglll hy-laws. Legislature held a three-hour caucus I . F auses designed to permit of eye a ain . - q ti 7 of ' . - cr yesterday. These mee mg: I l , tematizing ot street car service aft a ' . _ , l / the taking over of the lines in 19261? the faithful are becoming reguitu l I and to Validatd tax sales were weekly affairs. Like the gathering: _ "fi"',", to without objection. ' of a fortnight ago, the meeting .Ve_S' l redrazztd ezentlually agreed to have _ terday devoted practically all of "If} 5 -C ause having as its time to a discussion of the Govern- ' purpose requiring that all parcels of , . ' t , _ land within the nlunicipality shall merits temperance policy. Tha Upoziii i'e1,1,"1,i,1,r.e,if,g, thereof, and as il question IS one that is causing mem- '..' con ton precedent to the right ot "V . _ bers of the Government a lot of I s11lr.divisiotN be required to pay the . worry , ll' 31:11:; itf to}: all local improveinent 'It is understood that yesterday U13 l l I ' vices and %l?ntire cost of all ser- - members were assured that as Hon. . ' . by the mug; IC utilities Supplied Mr. McGarry phrased it last Weehd I of such lands Dality for the benefits the referendum on the .,tyy"y,iy2",ti ll ' question will be taken In a 'wlde- " 'r-e-e-er-e-e-e-e-ee-err-es-see----- ', open fashion." As vet'there is no sign of the bill to amend the Temp- . ' . erance Act making its appearance In l the House, and it is doubtful if ltl l l will tor another two weeks. it. 18' M, I quite possible, however, that within t the next few days Sir William Hearst . , ', will tell the House in JY general way i' . ' just what the policy of the Govern- , tF ment in regard to the matter is to be. r ------rt1Terfrr, h , ' '. N . ' -"--s .,.1 - - c _--------.------------- I W, --__'_. _----"