} ~|" ("\' an '\"l, a e l c ¥ , 1"" ' 'mdt" E will grant him & committee, an in-- ; ' "We are agreed that the maiter : quiry of the fullest kind; and let him should be investigated," said the. " substantiate his charge, or be brand-- Liberal Leader. "but T take the f 'ed as a man who makes tpat sort ground that it isn't necessary, where F of an insinuation and won't stand a charge of this kind is made in the [ I by iIt. s * TIouse, when it is not against a k: \_'"If he does go ahead with it, and member of the -- House, that he -- there is any shadow of proof thlat should take the course pointed out j there is anything about it but simple, by the Attorney--General. _ T 'submit f unfounded _ slander, then, 'q'l"' the that the Government might see its f license inspector won't remain--or way clear to accept this motion in f any other offficial--more than ten the way it was intended by the f hours in the department, and what-- 4 member who moved it, not as a ever remedies we may have to pun-- -- vote of want of confidence, but sim--, ish him we will follow." _ . ply as a motion to have a commit--| s In closing, Mr. Lucas said that if tee appointed to deal with the ques-- | | Mr. Dewart wanted an inquiry fWIS- s tion in the manner pointed out." ened to include the members of the e l 3 License Board he was agreeable. Ifl Mr. McGarry Replies. . > Mr. Dewart would charge that v Mr. McGarry expressed Surprise! "»f,;tf;i * members or officials of the License that the Opposition Leader had en-- st.. f Board were involved or interested tirely ignored the Budget, and in--| m -- in any money paid the Employers' stead had devoted his at.ten'tion t'o' Detective Agency he would be given i the motion of (Mr. Dewart's, "his P -- ~ f an opportunity to prove it. o _ _ leader, the member for Southwest s § "I didn't make a charge that the ~N"Foronto." _ 'The. adoption " of 'the * .. members of the Board of License amendment fwouldl_bar the way io | ies Commissioners had anything to do th'ei'r:rotmpg O,i S',lig'l) 1e'l§.. asur 1t with the matter in an improper x .ro'\ o en '.le.suner' next o 3 way," said Mr. Dewart, interrupt-- hope P M t ols se anees +o. the * | t s P t * 1 dealt first with the references to the n%'.Ol' Oh:" ¢ Gov W. O J. Burns -- Detective Agency. y# ~ l: 1. rom _ Government Macauley. an American, who had x memoere. _ _ . oires | lived in Ontario, had been arrested hk _[, ;'efel1'(*u to the Chief Inspec--| in St. Louis by the local offlicers and 103»1 :axd' Mr,. Dewart. s | not by the Burns operators, as po-- Ng 4 tr-'nA]tll'm :tll;dltwln:et:qox a small lice records showed. y i rt i e debate at this time. A p ~4 4* E* serious charge had been made, and Voted Down 54--15. ~< & -- he wanted to }mow if an opportun-- Mr. Dewart's motion, which was s * ity Woul_dt be given to clear the mat-- seconded by Mr. MalcolIm ILang 8 terl;l}), if Mr. Dewart's motion was (Cochrane), was defeated on a vote ' rea t& asvivanév'of. confidence amend-- of 54 to 15, Mr. W. H. Fraser (North :?lgn i¢ r .h'nham 'Hearst replied $ Huron) voting with the Opposition, thdt lmaY\Y_( df'gf's were formulated and Mr. J. W. Widdifield, U.F.O. s ' fe'TV}v] test.mq.un.\' would be gr_:;nted.' member for North Ontario, casting -- # k liecd ?h I:Sbstraxght enough, re-- his first vote for the Government. j ¢ plied e Labor member, The pairs were: Dunlop, Mageau; f # Lieut.--Col. Machm (Kenora). wh & anark 74 « n . who Hall -- (Lanark), Wigle; Hilliard, | a;tacked the Government a couple | ' Munro ' ' of weeks ago on the O, T. A., also | j § ¢ i 3 & Rad a few words to say. Untt thsl fo;ll'(l;)'ssztoxt of the motion was as j ';5' ttorn.ey-Gen.era{ had explained the | That all the words after the word 3 matter he did not know Mr. Dew--| '"'thayt' sriLck + s t s amendiment was : . Dew | that'" be struck out, and the fol-- me s a want of con-- lowing be substituted therefor: fAdence motion. He was against t * ¢ Covernhniehnt on its t & st the The accounts for the years 1913-- 4 ey 'and the f emperance pol-- 14, 1914--15, 1915--186, 1916--17%, 1917 h enforcement of the' 18 and for the portton of the year 4 measure, 'but he was in s e f With it 'on other 11 ympathy 1918--19, down to the 28th day of f : nes. Therefore, February, 1919, relating to the & although he would very much li ; nlpt 4 3 ch like License Branch of the Provincial | to vote for the amendment, h | s f ? i fot do so. He pr , he could ; Secretary's Department, the _en-- | © & Ihe--matter (-ouldp beesuime:d' _howeve_r. | forcement of the Liquor License Act, | . ns Publlc Accounts C"' estigated in | and the enforcement of the Ontario / E. "BEvery 'fa('ilit A bw.']?mmitte'(j. Temperance Act, and all matters re-- : agreed the Pl'i)'lc} '\I'! 1 | be wiven," lating to the administration of the , Y Minister, Ontario Temperance Act down to 4 f Assails Protection. the present time, be referred to a | , E s pecial committee of this House, com-- E Mr. Allan Studholme followed Mr. posed of nine members of the Lo;r-' P Lucas for a few minutes rior islativ 3 y iv 5 P rising for din onara 410 \islative Assembly, five of _ whom C » C ner, and he spoke for | ' shall be nominated by the Premier <Ale more than an hour and a hal ' r 4 t 5 a half in | and four by the Leader of the Op-- * the evening. From the days of Sir 543 t P § § joh ys o in | position, with instructions to in-- 4 § ohn A. Macdonald protecti h on had quire and report upon the same, 6 | been for the manufacturer, and not . and upon aH matte 1 for the laborer. Labor had not been /' & o hsPs ' lrx);:(tziaed against foreigners. A man-- | urer desirin 16 '! first submit his bg l':mte(:non eould s ooks to independent § Inquiry to see if protecti n s justified, to see if his S_tofl'On' were ; 4 watered. said Mr. Stl-;dhi); was not y ifloubted the possibility 'of a's"c';'rtfe j \ing where the milli L* imade :Ouring the wzlilr"l?)ni] of dollars ; i Studholn]e expressed tia~'e g}loone. AT]', * I [Fownd $s able returned soidiers % e }arram, able to unite in political » Mr. ) f ' Proudfoot Ends Debate. t Mr. Proudfoot closed -- | sed for the Opposition. Hethe debate: {himself entirely to the a Confined ! * introduced by Mr. De fiendament f m ' thought Mr. Lucas ha;vartt'.]' ie wrong attitude toward th aken a introduced by the -- me e motion Southwest Toronto. Thmber- for } \Leader believed that an investisa tl((l)n, as requested, should bevegs:;fi? e 0 a * Ac He did not think the Public Accounts Committ T E$ | ce was a prope f :gibugal to deal with the m&.tterr f: | Nor did he z * a f | obliged to m;fi'e"l{hffzh Dewart was 3 S |different way than had g:ges in any ; ' "Where an official has b:er'ljon({.] & ; of charges such as th guilty :# against him by the ose made c Southwest Toronto 'h member for :~€ dealt with in a su flary "fuld bs l . s It i ; mmary manner is not fair to th * * th e man who mad F e charges, the ade a t f man against wh c hey are made, the de om .0 K | the country that narges Lo l 9f . T | kind should b rges of that A f. e made un] * [are Ffairl ess they y and pro | f c bperly investi--, i 2. -- s j . . -- s t .'% x: NX :z -#'757":-';;%"'--5, 4 $ / f n ®