' In the estimates F214.400 is pro- 'vided for technical education, the major portion of which is designated l to be used for "industrial and techni- cal education, day and evening classes, grants and contingencies." An amount of $14,000 is included in this sum to provide for salaries of organizers. Mr. Ferguson explained _ that it is the intention to have an assistant director of technical edu- cation, with several assistants. These officials will visit the various cen- tres in the Province, give advice and make reports on the facilities and the need for technical training. He told Mr. z. Mageau (Sturgeon Falls) that it was not the inention oi? the Government to confine the technical training to large cities. The amounts were then passed. SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES FOR TOTAL OF $370285 PASSED Large Amount of Business Dealt With in Short} Time by the, Legialature---MedicaI and Dem? ') tal Inspection in Public and Separate. 'I" Schools. is Provided For-Ati/too for: 7% Technical Education I Mr. William McDonald tNorth Bruce) tried to draw from the Gov- ernment its policy in relation to im- migration, but failed to get any in- formation on the subject. When an amount of $12 for the rental of an immigration office was being passed, Mr. McDonald asked: "What is the policy of the Government in regard to immigration? Is it to be the same as for last year?" _ Sir William Hearst became quite husy'over some papers on his desk. and the Chairman of the committee loudly announced that the vote was carried, amid Opposition laughter. Additional Government Oftiees. ' wplaining the amount of $200,000 pro lded for further accommodation to the Parliament Buildings, Hon. Finlay G. Macdiarmid, Minister of Pyblic Works, said that the Govern- Replying to a question, Hon. Geo. S. Henry, Minister of Agriculture. said that the amount of $7,000 under the head of poultry department in the estimates was to carry out a new system of inspection undertaken by Prof. Graham of the O. A. C. Under this system, he said, it is pos- sible to cull out the drones in a t1oelc. The inspection will first be extended to school fairs and then to poultry- raise'rs having flocks of more than 100 birds. ' After spending the first month of the "881011 in doing little else than talking on the Budget and the Speech from the Throne, the Legis- lature settled down to work in earn- estyeaterday. The Government in- troduced nine or ten important bills which will provides subjects for much distension during the next few days. On top of this the supplementary estimates were considered in Com- mittee on Supply, and before ad- journment they were all passed, to- taling $3,370,285. A AHA". on fhsx Linus 'or"'"'""'"'" Particular interest attached to the oroposet1 expenditures on educa- tional matters. Under this head $10,000 is provided for medical and dental inspection in the public and separate schools. Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, who piloted the estimates of the Department of Education through the committee, in the ah- sence of Hon. Dr. Cody through ill- ness, explained that this sum was in- tended chiM1y to be used in propa- ganda. work. The department in- tends to encourage particularly rural school boards to introduce inspec- tion in the schools, and the pro- paganda work will he partially car- ried on through the Women's In- stitutes. Technical Education. "iiTrih1stihi, 1(rj'imcit" 27, 19191 "" ._ -_------- - - """'""""i Ill-Vs, AVA. P.P., Opposition Leader, said that he had formerly opposed Mr. Ellis being appointed to a dual position at two salaries. The Liberal Leader didn't think it was possible for that ptBcial to have earned $1,000 in extra work since his appointment a few months ago, and after he had "hent had under consideration two t proposals for the providing of additional office space. The one Was to add two stories to the library or north wing of the Parliament Build- ings, and the other was to erect a large omce building at 17 Queen's Park, and Join it to the main build- ing by a tunnel. It would be heated from the present plant in the Parlia- ment Buildings. Plans for both schemes were now nearing comple- tion, and an announcement would be made as soon as a decision is ar- rived at as to the proposal to be adopted. The Liberals objected strongly to a special allowance of $1,000 being paid to J. A. Ellis'for extra services and work performed in connection with the housing scheme and amendments to the Assessment Act. Mr. WiyiamH'roudfoot, K.C., M. For each of the Normal Schools at Toronto, Ottawa, London. Hamilton, North Bay. Peterboro' and Stratford, $7,000 is provided in the estimates for plant laboratories. Hon. T. W. McGarry told Mr. Thomas Marshall tLincoln) that it was the intention of the Department of Education to have these buildings in connection with the schools for the better study- ing ot horticulture and botany. In discussing the vote of $432,- 000 for construction of buildings at Whitby Hospital, Hon. W. D. Mc- Pherson, Provincial Secretary, said that the Government expected to take over the institution about June 1. For the past couple of years it had been used by the Dominion Government for the housing and treatment of soldiers. The amount provided in the estimates was to complete the work which had been projected at the institution previous- ly. When it is completed the in- mates will be moved from the Queen street Hospital tor the Insane to \Vhitby. Normal School Laboratories. Mr. Mageau expressed the hope that the estimate of $200,000 would cover the cost of the alterations, and that it would not be another case like the building of Government House. Mr. Macdiarmid replied that it was expected the $200,000 would cover the cost.