The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1919, p. 4

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rWhich last year amounted to more 1. s c than $3,500,000. In -- this way the: > 4 © E % * | burden of expense would be" greatly f .P eased for the regular taxpayer. _ n 8 ; i C | _ Mr. K. J. Dunstan, President of,j |the Toronto Board of Trade, acted'. * as Chairmna, and in a brief speech | lwelcomed the guests, and extende'd: a 5o+ o | the hhosp;tality of the Board Rooms ; s ( e veeve en immae> | to them during their stay. | % | |_. A..J. Younrg of North Bay, an !PUbllc AccOUl'ltS Commlttee | Honorary President of the Associat-- & | x f ,ed Boards, made a stirring plea for ! HO'dS F"'St Meetlng 'for |support in _ getting Governmental ! 4 * # aid for the development of Northern I Organlzatlon ; Ontario. Old Ontario he said, had | reached its maximum in the de-- i * mesmncrana nc t velopment of its resources, its only ' s : ,field for growth now lying in manu-- | MR. * M CREA CHA'RMAN facturing. Development of this, he Pes ies snfi mcrendysolived hk | held,. depended greatly upon the in-- esiprriay creased output of the newer north-- Preparations were made yestéerd; 1 ern sections of the Province. He for the investigatiom which the Puy-- ; pointed out that New Ontario looked ' lie Accounts Committee of the Leog-- to the south for all its manufactured islature will make into the accounts | goods, as well as most of its food-- sls % 7 (ne fBntavio | 'stuffs. and snent on these things | for the last six years of the ¢)nt: 1 several millions of dollars every | License Board, following up thei' |year. -- Therefore it was to the best | charges preferred against Chief in--| !intgrests of the P.IllZPn.\' of old ()n--l spector J. A. Ayearst last \v('\pl,"py: _ltarm i nrens 'hn].'. viMACE URA '.m"' Mr. H. Hartley Dewart.}: The first:| Emovemen'?' that would develon the meeting of the committee 'was held prpotentialities of the h Ond A1-- | yesterday for organization purposes, | most untouched Northland. i when Mr. Charles McCrea of &ud-- | s $ bury was elected Chairman. ¢ C ll\n Time to be Lost. 5 Thrse motions Were made *6n the |_ There was no time to be lost, "** . producing of documents and, for« ideclared. 1 Savink this portion nf' the appearance of -- officials,. before e O fihe for Ihe Erovince. Ow! | the Commission,. Lieut.--~Col, M A. 'ing to the lack of water power de-- I C. Machin of Kenora, who attacked ,velopment. he said, a great rPfinm'_\'l yfip Government for the : methods; | had lately been lost to Ontario and pursued in enforcing the O. P. A. in | I gained by Québec. In 1907 no oneée 1 the House a couple of weks azo, pre-- | | dreamed of the extent of the natural : sented the first motion. . He--as*ed for l resources that had since been opened i the-- appearance of all the members | up by the building -- of "ai""'"~""': of the License Board_Chairman J.| through Northern Ontario, he said. | D. Flavelle, Vice--Chairman | W.-- 8. but he added, it was the belief .of j Dingman,. and Commissioner Smith | every Northerner that as rich a ter-- ' --Chief Inspector J. A. Ayearst, }.3",1".41 ritory lay to the north of the Na-- Saunders, the solocitor to ihe heatd, | tional Railway as had hbeen found and Mr. Mowat, an ~official ©f the | to the south of it. License Department; also dirm:ting' Hon. Dr. Jamieson, Speaker of the them to produce= all papers,-- d()(kfl""}?} | Provincial -- Legislature, commented | | ments, etc., in connection with: the | uponm the numbser ofcyoung men who | | enforcement of the law dnmnring the were attending the sessions:.> They 1 past. year. 7 . a a were, he said, meeting to legigf@te The second motion 'was made. »y | informally on some of the most | | another Government supporcer., \v, | pressing questions of the hour, and 1 |H. Eilber of South Huron. He-- sked ; were thereby acting as an ingspira~--| ]for the production of the aceounts | tion to the whole country to strike ; covering the enforcement cof the Can-- f out along the lines of progress in ada Temperance Act. Hartley Dew-- trade and commerce. + ¢ {art. K.C., presented the third m»tion, ' Dr. H. T. Reason of London, alsq / asking for the production «f all ac-- | an Honorary President, paid grace--' ,r-()unts of, the License Boarcd. from | ful tribute to the hospitality' of 'the l 191314 down to the present, time. ' Toronto Board cof Trade, and--im-- i _The first evidence will ;,Q,l;uaml s pressed upon the young men present | next Wed.nééda,\' morning, and . each | the lesson that Canada's growth in | subsequent morning 'until the inves-- the future depended greatly upon the | tigation is completed. Ths anpoint-- [ foundations which they would lay | ment of Mr. McGrea as €hairman in these years of after--war recon-- lhad the support . of --both CGonserva-- struction. : LA | tives and Liberals. .. The nomination w mmmmmnmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeze l to, | was moved by Hon. T. .W. McGarry and seconded by Mr. Sam Carter of &

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