The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Apr 1919, p. 2

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_ = - "' ' V w _ ' T ' rr . '-"'ERe ' ' , I "lmyltMm =,m-' = A 't le _lllllllllll "CC' ' f r." 'IL'-,,-, I ./ '"", There was a, contraveht%t "o'r.-.'me| nm the Work done. Up until 3,4101% ' \ act. Under no circumstances were! . time a'go he did hot know that W. , _ these ottleers to search any man's N. Simpson.,in whose name the ac-2 . person without a warrant. This . _ g',',',',',,",', were sent in, was really the action was tatketlh byttthe witnterss mployers' Detective Agency. k when it came o e a en ion 0 e' , t, board that some of the officers were The Burns Agency. ', practically persecuting pgople. Thaw. J. B rn I . . i , - There were seVenwen ors in the tective Agency}! 'd'dntt,ti,r,1ii"iete,ahe,ti Province, witness said. These were . , ' T - located as follows: Toronto two, on his instructions to shadow one . . il " man. While the accounts had not. and?" each m Ham ton, Windsor, . l.onc.on, Kingston and Ottawa. been initialed, that was an oversight Th . . ' me was none in New Ontario. on his part, and he accepted full re- "You didn't need them " said a sponsibility for the mistake. lie had you... ' L no longer any use for this agency i "No we make our own, but we because of its excessive charges, he like the good stuff occasionally," told Mr. H. Hartley Dewart, tncltr- Ilaughed Col. Machin. her for Southwest Toronto, who fol- l . - _ . . lowed Col. Machin in conducting the, :50 Vendor itt the North. _ main examination of the witness. l Continuing. Mr. Flavelle, said that Mr. Flavelle cited a concrete case to the board had carefully considered 820w th; iéiethods of the board. A ithe advisability of appointing a ven- c ance a t ' ' . u. do- it r 'ev Ontari . t ' l those violatingo all): 1atia,,ls"i1dt1/t"'ttfil,1, ldci'idefd, 'f/itd?J,.t, tlfat Elia?dplartte%g time he took the ground that if his ithc :ouiitry was so sparsely popu-' action were criticized he would pay WSW" that "he" v'l',ai1d"",',5'att dang?! any a nut that was lost in the any VC11 of wou no get I."'. -l 1'lL'l'c"tfounn, and resign his position. 1rir-trt/t", out of it to warrant him} f However, the board won the case ' l keeping open. There would then be ; Mr. Flavelle was the only witness tho teytntat./?n for 1!int.t? enter mm] examined yesterday. There was Ft collusion with the physri.cians for the l ' . _ l'. purpose ot breaking the act and': large attendance of the members ot . . . .t , . r l ' I, I the committee, and the evidence was _ I niuking business pa). More than l l close] foil d Ad _ K 100 applications had been made by. N y owe . ionrnmcnt "as people (lcsiring to be appointed as made at 1 o clock until 10 o'clock on , vendors. I ' riday Po,r,niry,r,. ' . . l The Chairman 'ot the board cx-l I Mr. J. D. Plavelles examination plained that during the influenza! ":33 taken up by Lieut.-Col. Machin. epidemic care was taken to see that; Pir'ti,,n1ryr, the duties of the board. every hospital should have an [ill-l l Mr. 513576.110 Stated that these in- glimitcd quantity of liquor on hand.! 1 "1."de being familiar with all T'ro... Every doctor was entitled under the ! vinchtl liquor laws, the N'Pf'ivim: of act to have ten gallons, and every! deputations of all kinds, and deal- _ lilruggist a similar amount. Special' mg with a heavy col'rosponn-. li'nscs were dealt with by the board. which the witness himself Wont 'llc admitted that the procedure may} through and allotted to tho different lhave been an error in judgment on i officials to be answered. Col. Muchin I the part of the board, but he boliev- u, asked for various statements of the cd it was the right policy to pursue. [ number of convictions, etc. since the ' No rlifeit'ult.v was experienced with l Act came into force in September, [the out-of-town vendors in filling 1916, up until February 28. and wit- ( orders. but there was a delay on the "988 replied they could ho secured {part of the two Toronto stores. from Mr. J. F. Mowat, the account- 1 The reason for. the Toronto ven-I ant in the department. gdors falling down was the want oti Remitting Fines. sufficient organizmg ability. . When' It was found they were getting be-l Explaining the procedure fol- Illind. one of the inspectors was in- lowed when a fine was remittcd, Mr. structed to hurry them up. Vithin b'laveilo said that the application Ia week 1.769 orders were filled. In was first made to the Attorney-Gsm- [addition there grew il minim}: of era], who sent it on to the board. .hogus orders to P (lea twit . 'ven The latter secured all available in- ito-day bogus "MOPS average be- formation on the case. discussed the {tween 50 and 100 a week. One of matter among themselves, and if _ lthe vendors had resigned impulsive- satisfied there was justification for Ills. and the board immediately ac,- the whole or part of tho fine hcing 1copied the resignation. remitted notified the Attorney-Gon- 1 " 2,ll" "all break tt)l"i, . law. i'i'/j'1,iii eral accordingly. I so ves in ca mg w 1 HS epit emic While witness was unable to give: in the issue of liquor to the penniei . the exact number of prescriptions': .f11iidrl till??? {he act to hold ll>?"i issued during the time the Act was) we cet Col. = acnln. eT.t?.rced, it would be aliove half a: A 'l'cchuical Breach. 1 million. this tigure being greatly swelled during tho itiflutsny,u vin'-. "We did allow distillers to sell demic. The board. over shit-c it had dil'cct.' said Mr. F'luvelle. "It was ' . been in power, had employed special a, technical breach of the law." officers to enforce tho law. and they, "Thore are a good many technical had also been employed by tho .10-; breaches of the law that others go partment previous to the O. T. A. to iail for," observed Col. Machin. ' being passed. It depended entirely 1 "it is an 1lt1o"/tt,ethbiete',lat It the an the amount of work to be done aw on t 19 part 0 e war , am 13 to the number of special omccrs ngilfe wmlingttlo acicept 2e TeSDPn-l _hat were employed. ' bil 1 l y um er 1e Y? rcums ances. ' These spotters, or special officers MR Flavellb said he had no Te- is the Chairman preferred that. they collection of the board having com- :hould be called, were largely om- Vluints withdrawn after being made. iloyed by Provincial Inspector A. E. Such a, thing could be done, by the; §arvis. and also by Chief License . otiicers, however, if they thought. nspector J. A. Ayearst. All the in- they had not sufficient evidence to . pectors, he explained. were in the prosecute ol . _ ervice of the department when the Replying to a. question as to the _ amount ot liquor seized under the board took charge. Sarvis had . i). T. A., the witness said that ap- very free hand Ill securing Whr'; proximately there was now on hand -., l.rflf./l,l',i",1'. "PWSSW'Y to Carry pn t l about $41,000 worth. The board special investigations from time to had in addition to that $16,000 . tinw. . worth that was sold to vendors and "loo these. spotters receive _any between $10,000 and $11,000 worth . part or portion of the tines inflicted gratuitously given to hospitals and for breaches .ot the o. T. A.'." ask- 'charitable institutions. There was ed Col. Machin. [all told between 16,000 and 20,000I - "Absolutely noi' igallons seized. l, - 'Provincial Detectives Help. Col. Machin asked as to 'an' _ iamount in the public accounts of. _ ", The board had also the Co-opera- $1,000 for J. D. Flavelle. The wit- " a; tion of the Provincilal 1ureige'i'; Je- i "955 ,fiieilaii,ty"tih),ht), 31:15 amoutnt Wills Ja though the latter a SO wor e in e- ldcposited in t e ban in trus . . r. sig pendently on liquor investigations. Sarvis. who had charge of the iie, Very few ot the special officers were I special ofticers, often had need of lit employed on the trains. Mr. Fla- ireiidy money to go out on a case, .1- velle stated that the case which 3a? " land the witness slupplietdftht:1 Tpi?,,' 'is? been cited in the House by Di. . iout of this specia trus un . r'. s . Machin Of an alleged whiskey de- 'iwas later accounted forby Mr. Bar.. 1,ir teotive interfering with passengers lvis, and the account checked by Mr. ' 43 _ was that of a bogus officer. Askedl ;°Mowat. _ l "J ii,Ugtdilsengt,tt, Shitegingf ttTil)-, meteetive Agency Activities. ', ",s,4 - a ' e trains. Mr. Flavolle said that he had The activities of the Employers" - "a written a letter on March 13 to all Detective Agency were next turned cFf inspectors and otrieers, and he had to by Col. Machin. He asked par- r-r-iid previously written several letters to ticularly about an account for _Ac"id them, instructing ther'n not to make $1,339.35, which stood in the name .2: any search of baggage-unless they of W. N. Simpson, and how it was _ _ iam had reasonable grounds to believe the outside detectives were em-. Alt, /' . ployed. Mr. Flavelle promptly, "if:

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