The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Apr 1919, p. 2

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u "met $llill.rar" " . . ip. " 31.4.13; .' J. . . Ill! 'intrtttu'0dpq,terie. Saw!" _ T .. _------.- . ----- 510' order of the Minister, at there- I .. _ ' cunt of the board. Tn such 1ti stances it was specified that the: . i. ...u-. was uliiy to oe, used Lot' me-l . tliclnal purposes. . I ' The witness was closely question- , rd by Mr. Z. Mageau. Col. Machin, _ Dr. 'Forbes Godfrey ~untl others. with reference to instructions given . to inspectors anent searching bag-. . " gage for liquor. Whiie'it'had been o--------"- . ', _ stated that there had been little. . troutrle with such matters up until! ' Will "at Announce Referee " couple of months ago. Mr. Magcau . . . . i ' asked the witness if he knew that! dum Detftsion Until Next Inch n practice had been going on west of North Bay Inst year. Mr. ' Week ~Smith explained again the instruc- tions given and said he himself --------- lad notified the Inspectors in the ' North what their duties were in that! BILL B E I N G DRAFTED regard. Mr. Alageau had in mind the ------------- ',','1'.'t".i1,eis, made in; .,'ll" office? in l After several weeks of hesitancy Wdt' tttU tet', lit l't" llSOt to I)" ).ll' I' . ' . , . . . , . divulge his name. i'huirniun Charles {during which time it knew n.ot Wh'ft I McCrea asked if the ofi"Vinl was not l 'policy to adopt, the Ontario GO.'-' engaged by the. municipality. Mr.l t (ernment has at last made up its ilW,titJ,d'"t1C"f, that ll", hi": l'ty'tt I 'mind as to the line ot action it will; In orme IP man CtC'tett Untt'l' Iti- . . -l structions of the Inspector! follow 'f reference to {ts se.',."','),'.; I Mr. Smith stated tint tho Inspector i anee legislation. But while Sir Wi -l bad denied that such n state of af- l lliam Hearst and his colleagues have' fairs existed. hr. Godfrey explain- |made up their minds, they are' rd rt,re1..1t,y,n1T1.te,o,,C,,h" man was! [guarding their secret closely. The} d Proiinctal policeman. nod that! !publie is not going to be let in on the Chief of the Provmcuil forcrl _ihe matter until next week, most had sent a letter to thtt office" Hd- likely on Tuesday, when the Prime rising him to discontinue such pruc- l Minister will introduce the neces- tices. lie moved that the letter v.ent l sary bill. to that office he produced. an as tol, Several caucuses have been held clear the License Board. Mr. It. It! by the Government to discuss the McElroy said that there had been; imatter with its followers. Wednes- almost a scandal in ottawa hecattsc. day night members of the Cabinet of a serch being made of hatrnge,) canvassed the situation for more but the officer' in question was one'; than three hours. Thursday night engaged by the municipality and not l they spent two hours more 1indingl by the board. . out the attitude of those who Sit. . ' l in the back benches, and rarely ever' 'No Increase in Cost. l speak in the House. The word was Mr. Mowat. chief ('lerit and Ac-i Passed around that We privileged t-ountant of the board. said he Mdl ones, who were permitted to attend been in the department since 1886' [the caucus, were to keepabsolute y He ex lained the routine of ch 'k l mum on the subject. Yesterday thel . xp . , . . on - members adhered to their instruc-i mg up accounts. and how. if he! tions to the letter i gimme. w/gigJ/"i'ei""/ed'tl,1'l . However, .notw,ithttiTdiy_tr, .thei, Inspector If iii; wer'e then not sat I secrecy attaching to the question. iifi'iit he made th I d ti " FI - l there was considerable ..t??r1P, I . e lf .1"' 1010Y, '9, around the Parliament Buildings, : napectors had"'tiot"s to check . Boiled down, it can be stated with' carefully the maintenam-fj and incl-l . considerable definiteness that there! dental expenses of tho ynri'revt "mi?" l will be four questions submitted to them. Mr. Mowat told C'ol. Machin i s the electors when the referendum isl that considering the increase conse-: . taken in the fall. The bill is now! quent upon the higher cost of liv-i' being drafted and the wording of; his. he did not think the enforce-f these questions has not been finally ment of the liquor laws cost much ', settled. It is known, however. that more now than under the old system. i one of them will be as to whether However. the enforcement of the o. i or not the elector is in favor of the T. A. had not cost the Governmentl repeal of the Ontario Temperance a cent: in fact. there was a little: Act. surplus. , . . The rs,ystem of. ".mploying private The Question of Beer. detectives had been in force priOr! It is anticipated, too, that full to the present hoard taking office.', lopportunity will be given to the F"ormet"rtts'ptsetov Morrison claimed ! 'electors to say in Just what manner that it cost no more to employ thel they want beer sold, th?uld they private detectives. because they only: favor that beverage being made . had to be paid for the time thevl available. There will probably be Were. working. whereas the men in I a question as to whether beer should the department had to he paid bv' be sold in. sealed packages for home the month. Then. too. the former! consumption under Government Ynspector' claimed he could "et rhet-' control, and also a question as to . , .... " i whether or not it should be sold in tor work from the ornate detectives. t d d h t 1 bt . . He knew nothing or the Pinkert l sari ar . ty es. Dou s are cit-i "., . _ l on pressed in the corridors about the CT',";',' , hether t.her charged more proposal to allow wine to be sold if" the." operatives than the Em- lbeing put on the referendum. It is iployers Agency. or not. . [expected that the wording of the At the conclusmn of the evidence '.questions will be so phrased as to several motions were presented try' give the people every opportunity Opposition members asking for the to say to what extent they favor . bringing down of accounts of other Government control of the sale. contractors for work done during Another question which it is hint- the past year. ed will be put before the people is ._._________ l whether or not they want to have ' all kinds of liquors sold, but perhaps ', under Government control. These, with slight variations, are the questions that will likely be submitted. But meanwhile the law clerks are busy, the Prime Minister is keeping his secret, and the public goes on wondering just what will _ be the result. It is considered like-i . ly that the changes will be brought! . into force by a proclamation by the ' _ Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

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