' T . , w _ " - V . . I ( t W "", l 7 th 2llR-det,ndt of the I time) and above all when our g , trtetu,tt,"frg'ltJiidlit2' Act, and pg; . boys have come back from the i - On 1 those facts relatins to the _ front covered with glory and ' new"; 'n of the dilution! to honor and laurels won on the "y ' '.r lsubmi 'li' the province. -. t re bloody battlefields of France. ' . V. P1tf,',t,t'i'g,vls'l','tgli't' and y,ste,'1,,t Tl ' Flanders and Germany in C I' 7 This mandate from the peop e i' .maintaining for us the priceless had no Amibitory law in 1916. . . I gem- of. liberty and freedom, if pam, a p they feel that_it is in the best . 'd . o. T. A. a War Measufe~ ' . interest of this 1'3r0vince to re- I -' Temperance Act Wa- l peal this legislation and return _ y The Ontario this House by the V I to the present system or some , . (introduced, into assed by the House; other license system, then we . u. ,Government and De 4 all must and will bow to the m, ' as a war J,n't"ll',T'istmcati.on for the - judgment and wish of the I ', That was t 'id'T/i'iiiriit" a vote of people in this great democratic ' r passage ot the country. The people then will the people. vents have amply be enabled to pass a more in- '. ' mibsenuent eeovernment and the ' temgeht verdict upon this ques- i I proved st/ctht1,',e,.lfflJ/ly' in taking the tiohn than they could at any _ i F use ac ot er . P. games we did. hen the fate tim . . - In the time of with 'av'8onvtiii'mTrii Must Take Tote. a of a nation is atf,iet,fre'a',',yc' and every It was distinctly understood when _ 'is Justified i.n Its jiarAiint will pre- the bill was passed that as soon as l =course that m ncial and industrial the war was over and the necessity . serve the "It? country and increase for the act as a war measure at [l ' strength. St, Fee an and the question would be ', iits fighting mm'that would not take submitted to the people tor their A Governm.e a world's crisis, like decision. Let us again refer to what F [ that course in h which we have I said on this point on the second * the one throng. r.. was threat- reading of the bill: . hen civilization i . . T r passed. W tand condemned, and l The Government, therefore, _ cried, would Sthe minds of all pa- _ has decided, as provided by the , , rightly so. in everywhere. bill. to bring the act into force . triotic citizen;3 Government had no without a direct vote of the peo- The Domm (The people to prohibit pie, but after a period of about _ .? mandate ",h','ltl, bread or bacon; to three years, when the people , F us eating W hid only take one lump have had an opportunity of tell us we. co r tea; to say we must judging as to the efficacy or ' of sugar 1n "I',' jaii and the many -. failure ot.the.act as a, temper- ' , work or 'P it 'did under the mice measure-when we hope , other things Act that the war will be over and War Measures l ' . our soldiers back from the (ru Greatest Measure of War. front and conditions generally g, d that Government failed have assumed their normal But PI se stringent measures, ' character, then. the people of ' to enact e We" hand as they did the Provmce Will have an op- ( . curtailing (inf tiCsutrject, t.anuslated yr.tynitpp.hsr their free vote, to ' :', the liberty o the fighting force of decide this question for them- , " to strength?" the world's hour ot selves. " the war should, un- i . . the nation gnul'd have stod con- fortunately, not be over by the i . need, it woublic opinion. not only time named, the vote will be de- l . dem'ned by gut throughout the Em- ferred tor a reasonable time I in. Lanagaihe world at large. And I! after the war. 1 _ Dire anh t hesitation I do no" Three years have elapsed, and! (, i Say wit f,",',',,,, act or measure in this'; while the terms of peace have notf g i. know: any that increased the amid-I yet been signed. actual fighting has; 5 Province r people. conserved our ceased and hostilities cannot be re-i, . l envy If, Ztrength' aided thrift. and new.ed, at all events on a large scale i i' t?,e,e,,c11 "iiiiiilriiLted to our fighting "iaim.and our soldiers are rapidly; ( generally a greater extent than the returning home. it is not possible ' por". /rr,e'LfJ,e'.tr/l Act. yet to say when our soldiers will be _ _ Ontarige House will permit me, r back, but we hope and expect with- p . rr I "f .thi, to the exact words used lr1_/1.very.few months. it is, in my" l will re " in the debate on the opinion. important that this ques- l by mywe ading of the bill: tion..s.hould be settled a" h'Cl0tt as secondh re bill before the House possible, and the Government in- YT": not now be before the ' tendsuto bring. on a vote as soon as . wo e at any rate in its present. that-tan De Properly done. It is not ' agree. but for the war. The polsmblci to more than guess now . :Nal'p has not only changed, at 'lf/ld",', EX?" date of the voting least tor the time being. the that a: ',',etteitml1ohutl1 seem "Mable - sentiments of the people on this ' tember or 'gl/ll?,',] f '.'e t,elyp m Sep- q ' question. but it has imposed ob- latest." 4. it1 Not ember at rr iigations and emphasised. the ( . " . _ duty of economy. and nfJi,.""fi.)' gForm of Submission. that did ""1593; I'ie/ortte bill _Then, as to, the form of submis- r contentiOl; benefit to the stop, I desire to refer again to what would br ng no . l". l tand- I said on the passing of the bill: Province from a morn ts l I am of the opinion, and Il point, if the results thatd to 13: strongly of the opinion, that ' its enactment would ad no this question should be eventu- _ ing to the health and happiness ally decided by the direct vote of our people, asa war measure, of the electors of the Province for the purpose of aiding eff"'.- by means of a referendum. in i omy, thrift and efficiency, it IS a democratic country like this. ' justified---" is made _potssible public opinion is the last su- , "yea, it is demanded by public prcme arbitranient on every , opinion. I want to state frank- question, and it seems to me a ' ly and clearly to the House and A Ellie??? _Of this kind. so. close- i to the country that I would not . y. a .t,f.inf. thy "some IS Par- think of urging the passage of "Grim" one m which public this bill through the House in) nion should have an oppor- - without a vote of the people "Limit: of expressing itself in but for the war and the obli- e allot box as freely and as i osed thereby. /,t,rlty'tyyre1ed as possible._ gations in!) "i' id on that oe- . l?he act sets out a form of ques- and again. BRI tion to. be submitted. Little thought ' caSion: Eves gévein ant the time the act was ' r' ." rame o t e orm of Question. I 'lee Prohibition a Trial ' ... was, I think, copied into the ac: The question of prohibition from the Macdonald Act, Manitoba, _ and all the evil effects of al- which was the foundation of our J. F cohol has been a burning one act. At that time the bar and pub- ' for many years in this country. lie drinking generally was the ques- . We have tried the license sys- tion uppermost in our minds and in!. J tem; we have tried restriction: the minds of the pdblie. NOW. prac- I . L" and every person agrees to-day tically l? .one Suggests a return ml that the situation is not entire- I . (fld conditions. The distillers, in a . . 1y satisfactory, having regard to iecent manifesto, say that they I the conditions that now exist. themselves are opposed to it. Many . Therefore, what I say to the hotelkeepers say they are opposed . prohibitionist and to the anti- to it£1 2"it.1""Ta,s say they are op- prohibitionist. to the man wh jposteh. 'fl t. Honorable gentlemen - believes in this legislation MG 3110 "ld/e,',", 1llhoht, Oflthis House, to the man who is dissatisfied act a thepp ' f.', the present with it is this: We have tried th ' Sig dy are equally Opposed to the license system for many ' 2,tl', ot' er. T616 Ptyy men who / . years in this country let us wantofhs rontrer eer ts"iW they don't ' e sale of hard liquor. The. try prohibition. Let us abstain - l _ .,t g from intoxicating liquors for z ( mfg..." ' __ ------, A" ) I