The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Apr 1919, p. 2

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* @ % \\ 4 B .w 1 shortly be four Canadian film pro-, ducing companies. Mr. Mc(,}m'r_v' f explained that under the clause per-- j mitting temporary members to be appointed to the. Board of Censors, women would be asked to undertake some of the work. At present there were some on the staff. He furth-- s ;.r explained that the clause provid -- nz for the playing of the National %, l Anthem at the conclusion of the A" Get Through' bUt Some performance in the theatres meant 8 each -- performance during a day, Of Them Are wherse a continuous show was put on. Amended Mr. T. R. Atkinson (North Nor-- Whrrenvmrentierearine orcmuptemninemss | * f(»;ll;) formally moved a resolution | | which has been standing on the | order paper for some days in his FlLLlNG wfl CLAUSE name. It expressed the opinion that To r G § fls the. Government -- should introduce | our Toronto bills were consider-- llegx-'s'latinn to meet conditions aris-- ed by the Municipal Committee of ":'):)fio(;};;;)gtitxscw'-'gfldj:mdmem r:etri(:d the Legislature , yesterday. -- Three B , ar, and sough x faraA rFARAnFEeA | Impress_ ubon. the (10\'er'nme§1t thg of them were reported favorably, 'nec.essity for passing remedial legis-- after slight amendments had been :latlonf~ providing for such matters made, and the fourth bill was ap-- £ S P s ra s s s :gu(f:g O:rthwed!?f:'rnt;fll'enl:(r;l:re:gifr?r gro- proved after three clauses had been | * ol & + : i1en Hrilnl s i [to return to the land. pensiofis y :.stmd\ out. The most (:ontentwusl | widows with dependent children,. the clause, and around which most of ,:lgl(;fl):':s'xgln ]'Of feeble--mindedness the discussion centred, was that pro-- € socit (ISPQS('.'(: an gipn o 6 & frin:s [to. imake a\ closs st'!d?'l gf s,;t;?e;:aalltv." r)().,?r1:,, to amend the Municipal Act i,fl.s relating to the health and wei-- | defining that a "public garage shall fare of the people. , include a building or place where Taxes from Mincs. t motor cars are hired or kept or used _In speaking to his motion. Mr. At-- S s }'m-o, or where «uch 'cars . or kinson discussed the war at consid-- gasoline or oils ate stored or kept g;,;:ilrll)ilgn lsm;;tltl'. He expressed the for sale, and a building used as an lat the mines should be able q j » ir s *» to contribute large taxes so as to automobile repair shop. [ provide moneys for other necessar Mr. Littlefield, General Manager' | works. He was in accorda Wlt};"thg of the Canadian Oil Co,, declared | statement -- that thel Government C O one pihike was aimed directiy should brovide for the appointment at them', as they had been unable to of a Minister of Labor. Mr. Atkin-- eCb L mu LCE from the city for son did not believe it was right to their filling station at Delaware l expect the prices of labor and farm avenue and Bloor street. He asked I produce to drop at once. He thought that if the clause carried that some "mtlb'v the end of the year markets provision be made for this station. would be adjusted, and then there Mr. George H. Gooderham declared. wo'uld be a gradual reduction. The that the reason the building permit H)-dro':electmc, he declared, was for the station had not been refused quite "a healthy infant" when it was when applied for was that the archi-- r}:?é%(:ed}({);eel;;?;'};e ?\ggime}: Govs},;n- :iect at th}r{» time hafz no authority to * pressecC e opinion that 0O so, e contended that it was 'lhe Government should see to it that only proper the city should have the 'chimlren of soldiers shou.ld be given power to regulate these places. He ;lg fi",uf""(;,"-' at least until they were was borne out in this by other of the "\h-f T(;:'omli::l 13(3:)?(01(5'50 ihesst -- Toronto members and City Solicitor j 4& & as uU eas k Suvt mt ronto) said that had the previous igyhrl:ifiim:n ;)'?Otgx:)}m;)?.l;};o:) x ?yl?e?nketlh:onffggg aff'z:.irs more close-- The clause in the same bill which e _ae would have proposed to change the time in known the Government had done which a person nominated for ni-- most of the things he 'had suggested. Bal aftice mue. ag sb yievild The speaker then at considerable -- olpal offics 'mlght m e del o f * +/q th # ed, the feeling of the committee be-- eng detailed the --record of the Ing t} hA sent If 1 Conserviative Administration. _ He k O 20L e brésent low _ wase the concluded by reading a lengthy most _satlstdctors. partxculm!) to t'he amendment to Mr. Atkinson's mo-- [~boring men. "An act which pro-- tion, extolling the deeds of the Gov-- posed that applicants for approval | ernment. of plans of subdivisions by the city f c L. should pay five cents per foot front-- Resources of the North. age to meet the expenses incurred 4 Mr. 'l'lfflomas Magladery (Temis-- ; was carried. A caming) followed, and he added his. 1 avy * congratulations to those of Mr.! Protection Tor Pavements. %, & Hook to the Government for its| The committee agreed with City splendid legislation. The Govern-- 3 Solicitor Johnston that the pave-- ment had broken all records in its ments on the roads should be pro-- % development of the northern part | tected, and they approved a clause of the Province. He told of the won-- } amending the Load of Vehicles Act dEI'fl;1 \resm:lrces gf t.ha;1 Q%rt foi' the | to make it necessary that all self-- country, and condemne e former ropelled vehicles, other than trac-- Liberal Administration for inatten-' Pi(mr engines, shall be equipped with 'i';o" i0 the H"O""I'ef'" fecti%n Ofl the | lrubber tires, or of some composition rovince. e then introduced an | equally resilent. Mr. Gooderham e 2 claute ég":rggfi"g'"gg%d':ggé ° said it would only affect half a dozen C 41 | i i i 'oronto. t that the Government would adopt | lm:;:;fi,s ;la:hii %1\Ezr0§n1(; thr:% legislat-- ce and put into operation plans for the | (are: not 6 oing to allow -- their x ag ' public welfare that may from time | f dsn yc S A i to time be required | |patriotism to run riot. When Mr. l ' en diiteclncnaacionine cveerreeei iactcoaion ce ons W. C. Chambers' bill proposing to +. & > h==*= ~ permit municipal councils to pass hx by--laws for erecting, establishing, s equipping and maintaining or for granting aid for the erection and | . yB 'equipment of a memorial home for ( i f 'nursing sisters, officers and men ~~~ \ who had served in the war, was s [ come to, the committee demurred. l f | Finally they passed the clause after it was amended to permit only the |-- ' council to pass such a by--law, after t the electors had approved of the |: same. When that is done, exemp-- s o tion from general taxation will be E granted for a period of ten years to l such clubhouse or memorial home. : ¥ % \ 2 F,' f \ va h__'___ dn on n e en o in n nds

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