0M MEASURE IS INTRODUCED Little Variation From That Announced by Premier Last Week 'i, Pnowsuous 0F Bibi When-"tho Oiit containing the Gov- ernment's proposals for the taking or the temperance referendum was introduced in the House yesterday. and further explained by the Prime (Minister, Sir William Hearst, it was found that " was only slightly dif- ferent from what was foreshadowed on Monday last. It is made clear that QVery municipality must stand or tall by its vote on the referendum. Thus, the referendum will not only be a verdict 'by the Province an a. whole. bat at the same time it will be a verdict upon the local situation, upon which the Government and the Board of License Commissioners may take action. No change is made in the text of the questions to be submitted from what was announced by the Prime Minister. It is made clear. in the body of the bill. however, Just what will he the effect of the vote on each question. Thus, a majority vote for the repeal bt the 0.T.A. will mean bringing again into force the old Li- quor License Act, though not auto- matically, the revival of that meas- ure being subject to a proclamation, by the Lieutenant-Governor in Coun.. cil. In (act. the law would be Just the same as before prohibition came into effect. for districts which had local option then would revert to their former status. The bill states that if the majority of the electors of the Province give an atBrmtttive vote on the thin] question. which provides for the sale of light beer in standard hotels, the Board of License Commissioners may issue licenses for the sale or light beer of the specified strength in any municipality in which the ma- jority of the electors voting thereon have voted in the affirmative. Even if the Province as a whole should carry question three, no local muni- cipality will have light beer sold in standard hotels unless the majority of the electors in that place have carried the question in the amt-ma- tive. However. provision is made for the municipality to change its mind by taking another vote any time after December M, 1921. Thus, if the Province votes "Yei' on question three, and a municipality also votes "Yes," and licenses are issued to standard hotels to sell light beer. a referendum locally may he taken subsequently to see if any change is desired. In each case the sale of light beers will date from May 1 of the following year. The hill states that the date for the taking of the vote will 'be. fixed try proclamation. It also makes it clear that each question stands alone. If the 0.T.A. in repealed, and yet the electors want the sale of light beer in Government agencies. then the O.T.A. will remain upon the statute books, hut will be amended to permit of the sale. of light beer. The same applies to the sale ot beer in standard hotels, and the sale of spirituous and malt liquors by the Government- May Take Another Vote. Provision is made for the appoint- ment of an officer to be known as 3;: Commissioner of Natural Gas, who under the direction of the Minister will be charged with the enforce- ment and administration of the act. "The establishment of such super- vision over. field operations looking to co-operation with the operators and owners that methods may be encouraged whereby extension of the life of the fields will be the main consideration." "That all natural gas in the. Pro- vince be conserved und that mea- sures he provided for the prevention of waste and misuse, allowing for a variation of treatment as between the gas fields of the east and west-- the older and newer fields-which having reached different stages of decline call for slightly different treatment. "That it appears expedient and necessary for the present available supply of natural gas to be allotted no fav us possible fnr use in the homes. "That all rights existing under agreements be respected. provided also that where these rights. do in- tevfeve with the carrying out of Conservation principles for the com- mon good. they be modified and ad- justed. subject to proper protection. "That provision be made for up- heal from the administration of the Natural Gas Regulations subject to such regulations as the Legislature may deem practicable. "That diligent search for new gas areas and the tapping of the same be wisely encouraged so that ad- ditional sources of this valuable fuel may be made available for the public, and that the utility of the existing costly systems of distribu- tion now serving the public be pre- served. which otherwise would soon be rendered useless und of small value owing to the decline and ex- tinction of the present fields . "That consideration be given to the adjustment of rates and the es- tablishing of an equitable scale of prices proportionate to the cost of discoyering. producing and selling natural gas. and consistent with the qtynerar_ditions, prevailing in each district and the extent of available supply. where its economical use will bring the most good should be fully con- sidered. As a result of the report. Hon. Mr. Ferguson introduced a bill in the House last night which is based on it. It proposes giving the Minis- ter of' Lands."Fovests and Mines wide 10owet' in making regulations to put the recommendations of the board into effect. "That the intelligent allotment of' any available supply not required for domestic use to those classes After an extended investigation lasting over several months the Na- tural Gus Advisory Board appoint- ed by the Ontario Government to in- vestigate and report upon the na- tural gas problem in Ontario has Dresented its findings to the Minis. ter of Lands, Forests and Mines, Hon. G. Howard Ferguson. The report is a voluminous one, cover- ing more than 100 pages. It was presented to the Legislature late last night. The recommendations briefly are as follows: Hospucl Ap,vecnuuttr. Establish Supervision. Ti) (1)figilllE NATURAL GAS