The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Apr 1919, p. 2

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'ii""; "l' w,rt4:C4lsi' 'h, , . I i , The resolution waithen withdrawn. . l C o ' ' Bread Bill Withdrawn. ' , . tDutterin) . Mr. C. ft. McKeown d Sales had a bill to amend the Bree the F " ing the weight of Act, Changl d 24 d loaves from 12 an u .. standar 12 16 and 24 ounces. After ---------_ y,'gf,i'eilsi'ids'd'r', in which it was . d going; out it was too late ifn 2,'i,s"is,; Ont of the Proposed Amen " . .., '1 ' " o RUC , i sion to (llSWN WOW" . I a" . " e. Hon. Mr. .iit.. . m- impormt gimme withdrawn. Had I.. monts to the Ontario e sugges . t ter it could L': l . _ it been _iyt,yyit1/girtlttl'. Al this - it," \ perance hot have RON' to a , vithdrew - . V ,n,..gpgtinn MP. Mi.rieown I', . tt k _-.-------------- _ " l . . . a that V' Ill 'to- thr bill. intitnntlt1.u . ' - =md it..iuccut, as pon as it had 3'32? aLowoAT PREScRlPTl0NS Lani-Don» " him, ' _----------""". q Satisfy Himself About 1 _ - .- ' , ( ir Doctor s Order I a------------. , Amendments to the CrrntavioTem- . ' peranee Act. chief of which is one Dr. Cody Promises That New to permit the Government to take I . . . b l sale of liquor ' ovet the control of tie a Bill Abolishes . " . , V tr , red in in the Province. weie in iOtu. - Position the. Legislature last night by the. V Provincial Secretary. Hon. W. D. -------- McPherson. There. are twenty-three On the second reading of Mr. Wil- clauses in the bill. and while most - E 11:31)] McDonald's hills to amend the of them relate to tine change in the i uhlic by HL' t ' - , i , c (1100! _ ind ,Hm Depart sale of liquor. there are a number I ment of Education Act ill the Legis- of other ampnmmqqts of lesser im- lature last night. the member for Forth Bruce withdrew both mea- portance., . ... . There is one y f' inn which val! sures. accepting,r the word of the . l li f' orders for . . 7 ' F. t'iiilil t . 's Minister of Education. with whom prevent the Oli I (. adv 'tisin' he had had a prior conference. to honor by any fowl " " ver 57th:: the effect that his ohjectivo of abol- it declares that .nn person "Id. ishing the otliee of 'hluverintennent of Ontario shall print, publish oi 18-, Education would he found to be tribute either publicly or pruatel) reached in the Ministerial bill. which any circular or newspaper contain- also stands for second reading. He ' ing a price list of intoxicating liquor paid high compliment to Dr, Cody used for beverage. purposes. however A and the pleasant relationship he-. described, or any announcement, . tween the itvspoctorute and the com- however expressed, having for its munities. but the stumbling-block in object the solicitation within On- the Wfly of reciprocal amicable rein- . tario of orders for such liquor. and . A . ' . trons had been an ofticial now passed no person within Ontario shat] by away. and of whom. in consequence, any other means whatever solicit he would say nothing. "This irre- such orders." sponsible man" had stood between Correct Prescription Abuse. the department and the [nspectors, The wholesale manner in which and as it was understood that this prescriptions were issued in recent officiul "was now to go." he would months by doctors has resulted m , merely refer the matter lo the Min- an amendment to correct this abuse. ister of lildueation. One section gives a vendor of liquor 'The ponit the membor for North authority to retain a medical pre- Bruce htt.s. "T1sxry "it has already scription before filling it in order to been a"1"iva.t.e".l Ill the Education satisfy himself that the order was Act. upon which the ilouse will, I actually signed by the doctor whose ex1h'rt, 1yy o.rTytupit.v of voting name appears upon it. The act to-morrow, said Dr. Cody. _ further states that if it appears that , Change in Loan Bill. . the prescription was not signed by . the practitioner. but was obtained _ .?iee lull to amend the Loan and . irregularly or was being used for a i Ity,? Coworat.ipn Act was referred person for whom it was not intend-\ 1rf.Ty11,trtrrron. Mr. Liteas ed, the person presenting it may be asking. 1,1efoT1)tleyyiott Of that sec- arrested without a warrant. by any '30" limiting to 15 per Cent. the in- ottlcer of the law, and may be pro- \estment (3:10?" an/i. mortgage com- secuted for attempting to obtain £31m]? m e stewnttos of any other linuor illegally The section also F? " C'ot'Doth' . . . .'. "". " muff c'eo/'l I',"',))?),',',) .1215. 1'1"/,It/i"oig,,2 makes it an offence to give or sell a iconi'erenees 'with inaGteiir"iGii'iiii; . ','/fiscJti,r'lfitli, no matter for who it ' ithat this should not apply to invest- as o tame . . . . :ments in certain trust companies hAnother amendment." put m my 'having their head oilices within the \ in: tIle/iT;'"',.,?,,'. J'i,T"itef, someghat iProvini-e. Investigation had shown e. o tquot y ere- ithat as at present the section might 10301.? It has _by?trpyy'misssiyl.t Ior ioperate "is'ar,lviytPg.eoytslsr to small l', f,"i,to,'iotf,l2,tayt,,.ten $211192: Of'hqtgof tinvestors. and it had therefore been J,', " p " " o L ' orr P sec .10'n Ithought best to amend the clause so "2 0an" to pievent a practising ias to ertnit fi , 't '. "k DhySiCian from having more, than . l. . p .0 ."lv"'yments In such ten gallons in his possession ind . Itrust companies stocks upon the ap- if the board sees fit to' f' iiili h T {proval of the Registrar. l vi , h ' 'rr' or Jit YP ; It was questionable in Mr Pr la mg sue " large amount, they l . . C _ A . oud- may do so bv havitcr th G ' lfoot's opinion, it it would i o'., . l 15" e toyern- _ ' ' . ' . Je w!:r.e.t? ment pass an order in Council ac- Vest Isuch powei in the official _ v-ordingly The effect of this amend am ct. . ' . .7 . " - '"e,"/' ll th " ' C _ innit is to limit the use of liquor 66 el, [h' tly, suggested Mr. Lucas, td'. "purely medicinal purposes," and _. 'we mtg t. say that. the .L!tutenapt- if doctors live in districts near a Governm ..irr.1lounci1 might waive vendor thev will probably not be 1.his vyotihirion. '.PfP,, recommenda- allowed to have the entire ten gal- " Ith'BhOf 2t J,te,'ii.1),t,"yt. . . . ions on hand. On the other hand, I .,.O I "1ls'e, "as ".tme'l /o permit " doctor living in a remote district. _ swanuig of' the, maximum in case of would be allowed to have on hand investment in the. capital stocks of the full ten gallons Provincial trust companies author- - _ Th , "." . _ . q t e clauses relatin to the trans- : ized by the Leuterya.nt-Govrernor in fer to Government (U,fl,,iotl of the Council upon tho "jaw?" and recom- liquor business, provide for thel ' J, Ita..e.ndlt.i.on of the Ftegistrar. and the. _ stocks to be purchased by the board 'blll with this change was again re- - from the vendors, who 'shall. upon "ported. W request, furnish an inventory of all, T . _' p - stocks, the exact prides paid for ' " _ the liquors, plus cost of freight and _.' s" . icaztsportation, and less discounts or _ t ' he'll ----. I _ at" _

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