The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Apr 1919, p. 3

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" _ "Tepates, if any. The price worked ' P is out in this manner will be the price . $ BX"~ *# C _ * the board will pay. Should the' igg ocm @4 ~. 3 board desire to take over the liquor, n | | & _ [ tixtures, equipment, etc., of a ven-- REFERENDUM f ,- -- M : dor, it may, with the approval of' Nee # the Government, give notice, and -- | thereafter take immediate possesion, J . leaving the price to be fixed later | MACH]NERY E * upon an inventory. or by mutual | x $ agreement regarding such items, the | | $ f value of which cannot be determined | | . ', ;w outlined. Should there be any ; . vonltk : liqguors or--fixtures which the board i mWE r-\qa.\' not require, it will be under no m (Wl" be Same as is Employed\ h +¥A%, obligation to purchase them. ® ; + i o Board a Business Firm. ; m General EleCtlon, | F : d Provision is made in the bill to ! Says Bl" <A g nermit the board =--to: organize the f s $ * | . 3 nusiness of distribution, to establish k. | 4 i > agencies, with Toronto* as head-- Hidden away in the amendments| f «§ ' auarters, appoint officers, fix sala-- to the Ontario Elections Act, which | Ti ries,. etc. | The board is to be creat-- was introduced in the Legislature| a _, ed a business organization, and 1t vesterday by H | TA v ¢ may,. if necessary, be proceeded * .S. Y on. <;I, < B. ~Lucas, xs' against, or may take proceedings in the machinery to prepare the neces-- | > f any court of law subject to certain sary lists for the taking of the tem-I . :a'(;e;;;t;:u"ds';. A';'""""l""' may '1'0 es-- perance referendum this fall. The x+ ablished in such places in the Pro-- i/ ws ; P ¢ k @ vince as may be deemed necessary. oo s co sma uo exp.h%meq ht the «> : A central warehouse for the ._Ne"-)t quest of the Opposition Leader, Mr. es > [ of liquor in quantities may also be Proudfoot, but no mention was made Jes. ' established, from which distribution that the amendments prepared the es * to the several agencies will be made. way for the referendum. as ;; f The financial aspects of the scheme ! The act states that all the machin-- Tt have been checked up by a firm of ery used in a general election of y chartered accountants. | members for the Legislative Assem-- mt . It is considered unlikely that the 'b]y shall be used in taking a vote es -- board will be able to complete ar-- s upon a question submitted. to the (yocee rangements to make the transfer be-- electors. Povyer is given the Govern-- * s T, fore the end of the present license ment to appoint the necessary enum-- * . ver--April 30. Existing vendors' erators for all the constituencies, and -- : £: 5 ticenses will likely therefore hbe ex-- to appoint a chief enumerator, and se s tended for one month to permit have the p'r('pa]'atl()l'l of / the : lists E h of the deiails being carried out by gone on with. j ; the board. * Mr. Lucas explained that it had es f fieplying to Mr. H. Hartley Dre.-- | beerf_ hoped to save the Province $ $ { wart. K.C.. Mr. McPherson said the ('{)nstl.dera?]? k'l',"',f"'y ];':St year in by-- C w Government retained the right to 6130 fg'}fet;;',ep,?'nmfi is 'f;-EIgl'lt eore y ig ¢ fix the salaries of the members of Aveab H f evenr. tioe and poli-- | * E. g the board. The duties (would be ing days. i Ow'e\er._they _had not *A : heavier under the new schem j § been successful in doing this. The | \ E. C f @fme. | amendments permit the Government d s to advance the polling day to one, T enp s two or three weeks, as might be II420 + deemed wise after nomination day Bers,." for the taking of the vote. The Gov-- <iky" B | ernment can authorize the prepara-- i | tion of the lists to be proceeded with s A prior to the nomination day taking Nes f place. in «suues commanmmmmmer sounenmmmmmemene* ' $ . % Pressure brought to bear by --the | . -- E. | Liberals during the session, urging U -- | ks ® '"the Government to appoint a Minis-- | 4 $ ' ter of Labor, has brought some're-- | o E | sults. As a halif--way measure, the | ' : A Government is amending the Execu-- i | tive Council Act to permit it to in -- | a |'--al clude in the Cabinet a Minister of * | Labor, but no appointment is to be § ' ' made at present. 4 | a k \ Just prior to adjournment late last | . ' | night Sir William Hearst introduced | : R \a bill to provide for a Minister of + | | 4 | Labor. He explained that this decis-- R | j s, \ jion had been arrived at after care-- $ | $; ful consideration. However, this ac-- j tion did not foreshadow the early ap-- j « pointment of anyone to that position. | | e When the duties of the department © ¢ become heavy enough, the bill makes | 4 possible for A Minister with full | b rank anda salary to be appointed. % | : Whenever the appointment : is o ' made, Sir William explained later, : the Government will secure for the & office a man who has the full confi-- dence of Labor. ; f aommemenvengmmreennremrvommm meunrmmatimmne ; o .l < \ I < % * e ~ n y 4 + 6 4 > ' -- [E e f { * \ j : & \ M nal F

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