The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 16 Apr 1919, p. 2

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es us e X S pameo®e / A P * 4 _ '"Tsions. LaAbor, he'Waid, for seventcen *'****o "armrn 8+z #} TyRs * _@* . years past had been asking for such P EM YJ ' > t , 'a measure as the Minister had in-- y VY e s> | troduced. y N N 2 + The House went into committee $ ' & immediately the House met in the C¥X j 3 A j evening on the bill, and it was pass-- x ed with practically no discussion t § and given its third reading. Asks Votes for Farmers' Wives. | 4 3 When the amendments to the As-- o ies' sessment Act were considered in - Pl'OUdfOOt and Dewart In / OS committee, Mr. H. Hartley Dewart, s a is *' f K.C., urged that there should be a Clash With Premier es clause giving farmers' wives the t Pss it $ right to vote at municipal elections. 4 (Ardet maper Mr. Sam Carter backed him in this. t HeaFSt mss Hon. G. Howard Ferguson pointed .$ (nimein omm n emmenoniifaten ol ) ~ekea' out that the bill had been decided + upon after careful consideration by t 4,000 lN THE SERV'CE | i pars . a special committee, and he did not a ' think the suggestion was of suffi-- a moutr« smm menemenm s «_* cient importance to press so late in o '- Both siti a ; J + . a% the session. However, Mr. Dewart " | m PrtohedfODposm?u Leader, Mr. f ds «_ moved an amendment incorporating + * udioot, K.C., and Mr. H. - & ; his request in the clause, but it was Har;tlley Dewart, K.C., expressed re-- ,. lost on division. Sret last night in the Legisla > 1 . -:{ Hon,. I. B. Lucas moved for the the consideration of {;fegl;l'}tiu""o,n |. f & appointment of a select committee | mates, that th YaUr esti-- w > of the House to consider the report , + ¥n@ ere had not during the e ' *' of the Ontario Insurance Commis--| last year been some real measure ' sion, which will sit during recess | . of Civil Service reform. The mem-- a $ and make recommendations to the +s 3 y e next session as to advisable changes i ;)ler for Southwest Toronto said that CA in the Insurance Act. i | 'f had hoped when the Civil Ser-- Tols ' The expenditures on Government 1| vice Commissioner was appointed ie¥ '** House wex;c Iiu.éain stror;gly I(\lle- --!| last year that there would have been "g * -- denounced by Liberal members, r. f ; 4 F < * J. C. Elliott (West Middlesex}, Sam , i;'me'h"'g better to look forward to.| ( Carter (South Wellington), and Sam € ?lad hoped offices in the Civil| Choue $ "Clarke (West _ Northumberland), Service would be filled without re--| \Tam. * launching an attack. ference to the political predilections . . ; An act to amend the Hydro Power of the appointees. Mr. Dewart also | x . Commission Act, providing for su-- expressed regret that the estimates | E: i * perannuation and pensions for em-- | did not contain an increase in salary | \ «! ployees, as explained last week. was | | for many of the employees. There ' '" introduced. | were num'bers working for less than ~ € udn ons aenermeactinares | they could get if in the employment ' __.:}.'A_ of the municipality. The report of n E*' the Commissioner showed that there < were 4,000 persons in the service. ; \ } In answer to a question, Sir Wil-- E k "| liam Hearst stated that the bonus M f f * paid this year was not necessarily ts ' to be continued. 4 . . "I had thought so far as possible _ # the appointments were to be made 7t without reference to the political ; party the persons belonged to," said | ge--l Stememumemmsemscontecmesemees Mr. F}'l'roudfoot. '"although I won't . i say there was an undertaking to p . Unable to Marry Against the l Mhat engasy * 5 s | 2 e % _ _ '""*Appointments have not heen ~ j W|Shes Of Thew made with that object in view," re-- | Ts i plied the Prime Minister. | | f | Parents Only One Side of Politics. | o n * '"My point is that appointments | After deciding to allow to stand have not »bsen made from both sides | fur further consideration a clause i"ig";'é:'tms» retorted the Opposmon! ; E: : which would have made it neces-- "Yes, they have,\ fired back Sir| A '; 3 | * ] sary for applicants for a marriage y Wil%i'?,x?l. h § | : f s '"Well, en, my information is | 5 § & lxcer.lse to. proauce ah miiic:; wrong,'" answered Mr. Proudfoot. ' , 29 Al \ certificate of health, the 8 '"'Then it is wrong, but there may | M T ' Committee -- of the Legislature g;)t %eme been very many," rejoined' : ) w e r iam. \ ol i } -- yc?sterday reported the Mafriag Mr. Proudfoot went on to say thatl s & _ ' Bill introduced _ by Dr. Forbes while the Government had a large \\ »-- C ' Godfrey. The bill, as it was re-- majority in the House, the majority' hss ' | ported, throws additional safeguards in the country at the last elcction h + |around minors who desire to marry. for the Conservatives was not sol > .. 0s i | It will now be necessary for a per-- great. That was another reason his > .| son under eighteen years of age to policy of preferential voting should | * . | obtain the written consent of the be adopted. | | \ * "* | parents before being married. Af-- Sir William replied that many of | | , e * * | ter receiving this consent the issuer the positions in the service were | | o k & -- | of a license must take evidence in occupied by Liberals, who were left | \ e ole e , | writing of such consent, to which there when the Conservatives came C on iogh * ' declaration shall be attached a into power, and who had been m'O--, \ Ex , es * __+ | certificate of birth. Where the con-- moted without any prejudice against | stys": 4 i | sent cannot be secured evidence of them. | \ e t d j the fact, together with the birth empnnuacmmnmemmene in mnmmmmerememencmmmemmiemmcemmem | e e certificate, must be forwarded to the | & | ie t o y -- Registrar--General,. -- Regarding the| | cAl 3 > nullification of marriage provisionl j | Co nog ' is made that the courts may pro-- . * | 6 ' ceed to render null and void a mar-- ' $ : E ' riage contracted contrary to the law * fls y ' where the parties refuse to give evi-- | h9 4 | dence. & | 1 mt . Two bills brought in by Mr. V. A. 6 > *% ! Sinclair to permit a judge of th.e | .'z_i;.' § K Surrogate Court to accept such evi-- ee: § % dence in the probate of a will of'l | | 4 f a soldier or seaman as he may deem | ' _ Efi" ; advisable in case witnesses are not | A > | obtainable, and to permit the will of | & : y* f a soldier or seaman under eighteen 1 | h years of age to be valid in the courts B -- > 8 were reported. f R ;# ncE The main features of the Private | . e ' Detectives Bill introduced by Mr.| § § s H. Hartley Dewart, K.C., were al-- & k. lowed to stand. In future these , * 3 companies will be required to make "_ > > w C returns to the Government as all | P 4 i 7 * other incorporated companies in On-- * f f tario are required to make. & * f is ; % 4 E)

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