"M V, .' td',?. r ' .. -_ , - not think after a six monthsb (2:313:33, _ . . , I , st, to serve the best interests ofj T tive campaign there would lehis de- . t the people of the Province, Whose spoiled ballots. He tee. of a "., lservants We are. and to enact tho nunciation of a few days AgOh he il (1etritriation that would promote in . certain patent .medicine. whlc i'. al- " I {the greatest degree the welfare and claimed. contained 18 pm 1(vei1nien-. if lilappiness of our people. I coin- cohol by weight. When he "(i the t l mend this bill to this House and to tinned the matter the other. ay tl 'r I the country. and i trust it may meet Attorney-General had vassed . in. ! lwith the approval of the House and buck" by saying it was a ",,ode',I'/l'd' the passed as the original Act was. matter. DIV Godfrey "1.50'dt,td( dei- _ [ l without division and without oppo- two or three other proprietary nigh. f isltion." ) nines. "It we aret taom',tyfo",'iofdy,i" . ', , ' ' ' o a ___ ',Critielzess (Government. . l 3:; 131%?hp911313d: water. and to the Mr. i"roudfoot. the-Liberal header,' drinking of certain ki.r.1ds of $803 followed Sir William Hearst. lie polish. We should realize thy "in protested very strongly at the open-i of the serious vro,ryyyH',P. facing De ; ing of his remarks against the man- - people of Canada, declared r. ", :ner in which the Government hadi Godfrey. ' ' . ,., l dealt with the referendum question. Mr. Sam CioNio l A pst Nyl,'tl'y1- 'The Liberals had put party consid- ;horlandl thought it was good ".OFK terations away from them in (-o-oper- i when the Opposition started abolish- :ating with the Government to pass ing the bar, as the Government was . itlle O.T.A. But when the Govern-i converted within a. year. He lid ' Intent considered the form tho refer- not think there was a member In .endllm should take they had noti the House who regretted voting in _consultr'rl the Opposition iii any wayi . favor of abolishing the bar. He ' whatever. "He brings the questions' thought the firet question should b down in the House here and asltsl on a separate ballot. The poor" all s.ides to agree unanimously in I should have every opporruniiy to ex placing this question before the; press themselves upon it. . 'people. I say to that that if them w J, w. Widdifield (the Norti I lGoveriilnent wanted us to be imam-l Ontario V. F, o. mpmbori said h mops and did not want objections l was hl/artuy in accord with the vrin i itaken to the pi.oposals. why didn't Pip-l8 and the decision to submit i I .they take llsrilllO "o"Ndfryyiou?" - to the people. He believed it won]: , asked Mr. Proudfoot pointedly. h ,4... to submit tho original . 1 h'I'he Liberal Leader agreed that: 1t,"tie,t,'te/)'i'l--clCo, t. on the ballot. - 1t.,1,""/c,vp"solou,v'ii,ui,i,1y"it,ta1n /h"),t1,"ai',li' This ".o.r"d'1l, t.1Y' dehute Ot? Fipf' . . mW... ."' m d reading, and it Weill on to ttr and the old liqnm system. lie ask- l . . ed the members however. not to commit/tstty"".. _ a M H lose sight of the fact that only a lt, the comm"... 'tter. . lr., few years ago tho Opposition had Hrrtley. llewnrt '.south.weyt. Tolon staked its political life upon the to), poitotod out thut the hill ttrad: side of temperance. The wai- llad' it possible for the vote to be tattel ' had considerable to do. he admitted.) at the time of " provincial election with developing tellipcrani-e senti-i He urged that to vicar up tho, "Mite ment. but if the Opposition had not) the Government should now fix th , t paved the way by taking the ad-. date for the. referendum. He wa vanced ground it had taken. it Would l convinced that it would be unfai not have been possible to pill tut." to have an election and the vote 0 ,. C).T.A. on the statute books. _ tho referendum the some day. r . Too Many Questions, Sir William Hearst in reply soi no one was more anxious to fix th . "I am .not Pr.euare0 in say that date. than the Government. it wool. the nuestlons it 15 proposed to place] relieve it of min-h responsibility i upon the statute books are what TI the. date could be fixed now. Ni would desire, proceeded the Liberal one. however, would say when the Leader. They do not meet the sit- q ld'ers would .1" Ire In.» UT] l nation to the extent I would preferi '01-}. l r tho T, .0. ' 'l, ' , H them to meet it. At the time the! lo, 1/ l, .II " ',"",v/'.ly"/,,el? y?', P. statute was passed there was onlvi yy' "if Y'." "in, 1ltiit Just at oarl.y one question to be submitted to this' as possible. rit'tei the men are back people: "Are .rotl in fovoy of the! . and tht..n1'n.Ts, enrolled. the date . repeal of the Ontario 'lv-urn.-, will be fixed. declared Sir Tilliarn 7 Act." That had heen.the only ques- Mr. J. A. l'inurd (East Ottawa) tion before the WWW" 9"" ',")o "If, declared that if there was to be a few years. Now 1ho s:.-,-,,.",, t dry Ontario. it should be dry both was placing that and three other, . for the rich and the poor. There _ nuestions before the 1,",le and; should he a question asking the there. was the probability' that the) people if they: were in favor of con- ' _ multiplicity . of" questions would; . fiseating the liquor. thus making it _ cause confusxon. necessary for people to empty their "1 am satisfied that when the cellars. vote is taken the vote will be ive . on the first question with no nicer?' Opposition Voted Down, t'aln sound.'.' said Mr. Proudfoot,' When the House Was in i'nnlllllt- [ ' and we will thy) the people very tee on the plain estimates. the Op- nearly united _ in supporting the) position ci'ystaiized its objections to present act. IN hat will be the vote? certain items by moving amend- ' on the.other questions it is hard to, ments, which in each case were voted U' _ determine. Some of them, no doubt. l down. The first was hy Mr. H. Hart- I will be rejected. What i am afraidI ley Dewart. expressing the opinion I of is that with the four questions . that the estimates of the License " placed before the people there may Board should be out down. that the . 3 be a great amount of cohfusion." e board should be l'edUCed to one i 7 i The. Liberal Leader was not satisfied . member, and that the machinery of with the provision to throw out a enforcing the o. T. A. was too ex- ballot if all the questions were not pensive. Mr.. F". Wellington Hay answered. There had been criticism (North Perth) introduced an of that intention by many people. amendment expressing the opinion It was considered that if a voter that the estimates for the Civil Ser- voted on three questions the ballot . Vice Coy1mission.er should be struck should be accepted and included out, and expressing regret there had in the count. not been some real reform in get- TA.-C"ol. ii. A. ('. Machin of Ken-l ting away from partisan appoint- ora expressed satisfaction that the: _ "HEIRS. and Mr. J. C..Elliott (West _ people were to have the deciding Middlesex) brought m. .an amend- l, , voice. and that the Prime Minister merit expressing the opinion that the , l ihad promised to abide by the pea. estimates of. 313.300 for Govern- fl "VN l (Ne's, decision. "If the Province meat "f/tf, "hohu'd be 'struelc out. . , l 'wouid go bone-dry I would support lt 'ouseut en {id-loumed, until / I"... said the Kenora member, "tmt 11 ocloclt this morning. and It will i l while there is liquor in the country conctiude ity IbuSiness before adjourn- I want to see that we get what we men to-tEIU...-.,.-,-.,, t. '3 1 reasonably require, of proper and F , r good stuff." i' Fears Many Spoiled Ballots. . _ Mr. Sam Carter (South Welling- , ton) was concerned as he I. i feared there would he many spoiled I ballots because of the number of . i, questions to be answered by the . - ( electors. He thought the question ' i having the largest number ot votes A ' should carry. However, the South _ _ . Wellington member was going to T i give the bill his whole-hearted sup- ',, port. 1 Dr. Forbes Godfrey (West York) _ se' siittered from Mr. Carter. He did ' I