The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Apr 1919, p. 6

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$ . | 6 | ® | | s , i w® But Motorists Must Slow Comes Too Late and Counct Down at Inter-- Not Committing Itself, © | sections Says Premier § Motorists won their fight on the E S A STATEMENT! # f floor of the Legislature yesterday M A K | to. be allowed to drive their cars at qmerone n aa e anammamam~* & a higher rate 'of speed. than untiat No legislation is to be passed aA the existing law. There was an acri-- 111{% &'(\S,.\'i()fl of the Legislature en-- 3 monious fight, which lasted for an abling. the: city. .of Toronto -- to f hour, before the battle was finally q 1\'06 the Metropolitan -- Railway decided. Then it was only after a o h the City Council vote had been taken in committee. problem. Althoug r all day yes-- BA ' The fight will be renewed on the yrostied with: t,l»]f} ;:;;;({)11 to enable * | third reading of the bill, when Allan | terday, the C"tf S}(O road received its P | Studholme of East Hamilton was it to take ove? "f" i;,rht when. the | told it would then be proper to de-- K doath-blo.w~ 'dl~ ";'." '\\*ill'iztlil Hearst. lmand the yeas and nays. § Prime Minister, ® "_ islature The clause permitting the higher made a statement in the Legis $ | rate of speed has been changed yaxe he Government's posi-- : slightly from what it was when it explaining L'lb her 'case in which s left the Municipal Committee a few tion. It was anoth es (d tho elty | days ago. When the committee got \ the Government plainly to through threshing it out, the deci-- | r that its legislation must h sion was that motorists could drive | of l'ny:onto _Ll "rle session, and not | their cars at 20 miles an hour in \ come in early in the © the second urban centres, and at 25 miles an in the last hours. It was thne ® rel hour in the country. The present s f o days that Toronto bills| speed limit was thus raised five miles tinve in . {wo' Gay he late--| j as The rere disallowed because of the | 'm each case. The change effected were dis: % were re--1 | in the committee of the whole House ness of time in which they | was that the 25 miles an hour in ETiA A I | | the country and 20 miles an -- hour epiYeus. o. iplained that the city | h | in urban centres remains, but there| ie n t it at a| ] | is an additional clause that in ur-- | had handed to the Governmel | | ban centres, where the driver has | late hour in the afternoon & adaraft | | !not.a clear view u't mtm"sm-tmns,_h<A:'1 i!1 which would have necessitated a| | \ must not drive faster than 10 miles bill whici »rivate Bills 1 [ an hour; in the country he must special meeting of the Priva not exceed 12 1--2 miles an hour. Committee to--morrow. The House Heated Discussion. had arranged to sit in the mornmtg. § j .to But before this decision was ar-- i and it would have been rived at there was a lengthy, and at : have the mecting of the committee. times, heated discussion. The House \ However, the Government would :S i\:'iz'l]y;ed) l'iack 'and ior:th(.l n;st 1':1v- | prepared to call tl'le. (?Or-l}gl:lit{jtgfiatzlion3 othe?' (?}ullz:/r%::'?i?'or:r;f tthee]rlnedx:"'n- !submit s mf" rmrhl?s f(a%tpth'lt the | & 3 2 = | s x s )yp e L C o \ . bers participated in the debate. | were "t n.Ot-l o :king that the bill be | | 4 Mr. J.C. Elliott of West Middle-- * | Council, }"}:j' C :;j'fim;elv declined to | | sex introduced an amendment after | paf?'bedft hjitsolf in any way to the) \| the discussion had been in progress | Fo'l'il(f'l,lin\.()i\,(,d so that, even if the | s for a few minutes. It provided for ?c?nfil)\itte(' were called and the bi'llg & the amending of the bill to allow UE ted, it might remain a dead let-- the cxisting law to remain n force-- Het Are vie the fact that the city | 15 miles an hour in cities, towns and . | fer. An vieX Or- 1' 14 soon adjourn, villages, and 20 miles an hour in the | | kl?e'z" the"}lilfig;'; '(;i%unot feel justified f country. pnashoaed --ules of the An amendment to the amend--| \ in suspending all the 1 hich 5 e to put a bill through w | ment was brought in by Mr. Markl ]House 5 '. 1 t be acted upon. | Y Irish of Northeast Toronto, which | probably would no | \l was to the effect that the rate of s | «oenenmnnnmmerent esmm avecmmmnnemmemenmmmnememannsmnsmameneenmmemenaememeeeenmnn's ' speed should remain at 15 miles an | hour in the cities, towns and vil-- | lages, and be increased to 25 miles ' an hour in the country. While the f , discussion was going on on these | questions, the Oposition Leader, Mr. -- ' Proudfoot, wanted to know why Mr. j George H. Gooderham of Southwest * Toronto did not introduce an amend-- , ment incorporating the views he ex-- * ; pressed about slowing down at in-- B terseceions. If the Southwest Tor-- * onto member did not do so, the Op-- position Leader said he would. A vote was taken on Mr. Irish's amendment, which was defeated.|' Mr. Gooderham thereupon intro-- : duced the amendment, which was ) | carried, providing for slowing down |-- | at intersections. This was carried, | although there were quite a num-- | ber shouted '"no'"' when the vote was * taken. Mr. Studholme rose to pro-- , test, and demanded the "yeas" and ° | '"'nays." Sir William replied that 4 that request could be made at thira ; reading. a 1 : | | o { 7 3 3 s _ * 6 s 4" $ I io aal C __--_ uin 4. iss

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