T.CL, _ - fact can ki j . train: I _ m', ""7"?" A a ., - G""'tl 1mm [ ' ed WM the rs "Wait a your or two and went take didates axe-inst Mme . l " b , r East Kent a vote on dt." Mr. Ferguson criti- I see the mem or o . hat amusement cized the Liberal party vigorously. laughts he can get w he likes from that observation." it had been against Hydro. he said. The Liberals combated every 1 Scores Enumeratol' System. :movement for Hydro. But they are . i t the new in the procession, and The ' Mr. Dewart then went dl o and Globe, the Liberal Leader's press evils of the enumerator sys em, ' t 25 900 agenCY. is now one of the geratest pointed out that in Toron o ' ' d 3 d It ap- . a vocates of Hydro. The Globe al- would have been distram hise l ' , l h d at been made. The cost ways gives Mr. Dewart plenty of pea: l,' "nice would he at least publicity, but not always in the form 'l', 253 0030', He was glad to see that I he desires, perhaps." , it . . . h f in / Mr. Ferguson said that Mr. Dow- what the Liberals had foug t or I " . . . . ted by , ant had stated that the Liberal party this respect was, being adop . . . F t and the Liberals was still dominant, but yet he had the Governmeh ' them their best come back to the House with fewer: gul'cianlgye given ' l _ followers than he had before. I tl . . - "When he went up to East Kent; l Mr. Dewart. 'g',fie,,"t'f,r aimlmggrss l girded in all his armor he found that ' age, said that ev f"l'dv, ever in its the Minister ot Agriculture had so was more inaccurate ttt an Continu- l entrenched himself with Liberal fol- reports on thetre Ty/fri, Govern- . - lowers that he (Mr. Dewart) wasn't" . ing, he remarked: L i e water recognized at all. So he had to pack ment, when it gets in (8291' iliiiii up his littlc grip and get away. By l has The Globe and The ttr ar actual count, I believe there were 66 lit it will find it may have two mill- at the meeting, and when it came to l stones." th t deciding about an election only 32 The f,11,'e,',1ut'l1t'i, rigtgrfhteeiigh: J agreed with him. and yet the Liberal there was no ng a o - party is dominant." the S eech from the - 31133311?" 2, said trhat the Liberals Points to Cody's Record. did not propose to let the matter go Mr. Ferguson called upon Premier by. as Liberalism could look after Drury to live up to the high ideals 1 Labor tta well as the farmer. of his able predecessors. He also The Liberal party. he said, would asked the present Minister of Edu-. have seriously OOEJSidigted £93332? cation to follow Hon. Dr. Cody's) the man, who. as in or o - ways. He contended that the Con-i tion, had the only aim ot servitua. servativcs had got more of the popu- 1 He regretted that the Government lar vote than any other party in the 1 had not realized its opportunity by last election. The Conservatives gotg getting his services. He also noted ;391,278 votes; the Liberals 333,550; i Ithe absence or anything in the in". r. F. o. 258,090 and Labor, Speech from the Throne about the $131,394, according to figures quoted l 3referendum and recall system. al- . by My. Ferguson. ithough it was in the U. F. o. plat- ( Ho was amazed at the meagre leg- l ,form. islation predicted in the Speech from I z n the Throne. He pointed out that it l '"That's Co-operation. contained nothing about tho great l i atronage, Mr. Dewa.rt housing scheme. "Is it ominous?" regifgddtggtge appointment of W. he asked. "Is the housing scheme D {Gregory as counsel on the to be abandoned?" There was not \VaterwaYB Commission. He thought; " word about tho \Vorkmen's Com- h h d some work in Halton about, ponsation Act, nor the eight-hour b; SIU',",,' time ' day. llrrgnrditrT tho latter, he said} - . . '.', _ 41-,,4 We Tlnqvul flovorr1rt1ent had! "That's 'co-operator', interdected) t , Mr. Ferguson. i asked Ottawa about it, and would Mr. Dewart then referred to the: have put through any legislation late member for East Middlesex (.l. l necessary to implement it. He prom- C. Elliott). He was a bit curious to I ised that the member for West Ot- know about that, too. li ' t ti, tawa (Mr. Hill) woulg. ri/ht'",'.:',)');'," a! He thought that a 3' nuts ry o 3 bill along the lines o t e, rcreren- or , im ortant than a l dum and recall system. te,ept12tewlh,'ll't'f.'; of {lines He was i _ surprised that the Jt1gtt",u1,toe i He Defends Patronage. . Deputy Minister 0 an s an . - It M I" r u- i Vlevv., egarding patronage. r. e try, tttgttg had not been demanided n l son declared himself as follows: I ot the Kapuskasmg afta r. . am a ttrm believer in a fair, proper Ferguson Tennis Dwarf. l patronage by men who are conduct- l ing the affairs of the Province pro- l Hon. Mr. Ferguson referred ,to It pez'ly. I do not believe in the spoils i sixteen years as a member o lit d system by the prostitution of public ', Legislature. and said that' 2, "Ir, business for party purposes. But' never 1,,ie"grlrtae,ttr'"ir"iUt'1ir"tfe l the Ministers must haVelsome say 13 , the same c ' . ' the selection of men w o surroun Liberal Leader. ' His wail of ti/ft,'?, them in their work. Any other sel- ness and disappointment. will SH; l,' action is giving Ministers an oppor- appeal to the Premier that gems .2! tunity to dodge responsibility. If a dire "mug: 2mg?" sgptigeOppogi l bill is 'i,',"S,eu8/,Ltso, instittge what! .', occur. e ea r - is known asa. v ervce ommw- A tion from the 'pt"c?"2tuta"op'lf/', sion, wreiutg',r'eiNiti't"thrill. .be i ' attempts to go e made regar ess o w a e i Intl, U. F. o. He even wrote the Prem- ter thinks. I propose to oppose it: ier. as he says. offering his "Sight- 1i'rf,s,i'ef,tf,i,'r'ir. There should be some, ance. I arritt,1,1ttedllmit will ins restrictions." t d ti athos of his appea n ' l Mr. Ferguson pro esse area l Eoubt. touch a Td "a "nagging? . alarm about t3: Hydrohnfot beigg i mister. e as ne - mentioned in e Speec rem e, 1:3in chrow poisoned arrows at the IThrone. "Is it any indication of the l U F. o. movement. lbs even under- attitude of the Government toward l took to dictate to the Lieutenant- this great project?" he asked. He; Governor what his duty was and to pointed out its great value to the ', ke himself constitutional mem- farmers as well as to the other Peo-. , Irina for Ontario. I know the Liberal ple of the Province. He hoped that grader is a, great constitutional! the Ontario press would insist that, 'dl"llT, but we have him in the un- nothing be overlooked in this great i, iable position of having attempt; . public enterprise. , .env ' . ' sentative o , 'ed 1ull/.i,tete 1t/'st1he,J/l1e"""1's' Premier Praise for Biggs. I 'the C,,'if'ar/licail1j' nominating nuns?" Mr. Fertruaon.saw difficulties in land. p the boy,' and to-day e the separation of the Mines from the ie I amt his pent-UP spleen." ', 'Forests and Lands Department. He . Pole?? (fierguson referred to Premier l 'congratulated the Minister of Public I Mr. d Mt' Dewart speaking tom Works on his good roads program- lDrury an ti e. Jast from the same} "My only fear is that he may have gem?" in I l"; r31 The Premier has overshot the mark." said the Conser- Political Minot wigs not the way '9' votive Leader. who thought that seen that 'hd other fellow hash t ' some would have to explain to their (power,, but t I " constituents after having opposed the "een the light yet. ti n i Hamilton-Toronto highway" asN a l, ood Cords for Protec o . i "boulevard for Joy-riders. F ow A? , took occasion to get ' the Province was to have 1,800 miles . Mr. bailiff]; for protection and of Provincial highways instead of _ 'in a few o b rt ." He re- 400. the ',ttof/tli ngge If: she wedge" He had fear, too, of lr, freak; vived the t I; in the campaign of giving voice to doctrine E 'du2?dl,'l, "rgument use t the "terrible shake the foundations o 1911 and added tion" by the Re- industry. He wound up With, a." dangers oi;1 anus??? 3w 1ater peril of eloquent 1rct2,'tee, of Ontarios " biic to t e 80. anodien major part n e w . - ,/' no manner' 1n 21" C Premier Drury moved the ad . ey is being trea Dowart for his tournment of the debate. w rsiirite,i,zt,1o,1egil'tTti' declaring 'dUai--i----""'"""'""""'"""""" . e on 'camns for then the men were . ., k' . y . ' ,