j" _ my." , . "a _ C H r - v . .. ---_--' _ -'r - o r . . "MI "LEGISLATURE WCULD 'DIGNI , J _ l R GE LICENSE BUSINESS . ( Measure in House Would Take Issuance Out of ' . . Hands of Jewelers and Other Persons u . . I ' and Give to Returned Soldiers i l w------------------. l, l i, There is to be a certain amount of that legislation was ' , . . . . ' t not nee , "dignity," and, if conditions warrant. I End suggested that it he 'wintffi1t',a/irl a good deal more difficulty in the l t'iri, 1eiliga",'fe, "39115? that if he hadl : procuring of marriage licenses it al, the change would beemlaidlgiiter vthat' _ l suggestion introduced by Dr. Steven- withdraw his bill. . e "0""! (gon of Londgn Xillitoothe Legislatui'e Should be no Competition. . is taken up y e government. n The su este F his bl." he proposes to take the privi- warm adtgogtmte 1nmgtT,t.,,ttsuti, a lege of issuing marriage licenses out frey. West York, who (i'fl'il'ti'tf2ft, . of the hands of Jewelers and others Sggagiflt' that there should be no . FS' and placing it under the jurisdiction wouijd £40,293? marriage licenses. It ' of municipal clerks. In Toronto and) dling of n er, he said, it themed- larger centres it is expected to fur-l stopped algarliage licenses were nish remunerative posts tor returned his ma " Ogether. He repeated . soldiers. . l, '//:soJ'nad"','v', Any two fools in this In brief discussion of this radical) lars ' e " IO have four or five dol-l change from the old system a warm. 'Af,'r1,u')' and get married." i reception was also given an added 1 e. overnment. 13 in entire ac- suggestion that henceforth mar- 30" with the principle of the bill," riage license records be open to the eclared Premier Drury. "We public. The member for London thought to approach the matter would not immediately wrench this from the standpoint of administra- I f business from the present issuers, tion, but I can see there would be B, " but prohibit the issuance of any"fur- l great deal of advantage in having ll' ther permits. His bill provides that 1? enacted as a law. It would re- " all municipal clerks be ex-ofticio lieve the Government of a great deal 57:; officers to issue licenses, receiving a fu' pressure. I am against plac- "$7.3; fee of 25 cents for each license mg it in the hands of Jewelers inter.. _ , , issued. I ested in the paltry consideration 'of "' As the bill was one which affected! selling a wedding ring. Propel-1v. . itlys revenues of the Province, point-', handled. such a change could ri, -". led out lion. H. C. Nixon, it could! made a. great blessing to the com- GI .hardly be introduced by a privatel monwealth." But the hill 'iii (' lmember. The Government, he said. Premier concluded, was ("it 'lfl F K', "intended to_put such a policy into order. If the member would with MI i'ifr'i'lt but it could he done as a. draw it the matter could be intro: , we". matter of administration. He held', duced as a Government measure. . Eit E i . I 'l5,t'?riii l, l i,' :s"c. ASSIST ltllhlhllllill) I ROAD BILLS GET , PROBE WINDSO 'iii/tis i , l SECOND READING _ ME?, , I I lllll i, , l Further progress was made with _ .uv ' _""-""'" 9 the large road program of the Un- C -------------'- . e,- l _ _ l . tii" l Upon Premier Drury's suggestion, turio Government yesterday. Hon.' ii2ovepmnen Tell ir, If" i Sgt-Major McNamara yesterday F. C. Riggs got two of his bills scc-{ I t s Mal IK.', i " " . l., ' . "isa.. 0nd readings, Little objection was . . ta" {Etudes tis 21mg" Il the {bran raised. Hou. Geo. Henry said that; t mle Bergeron Affair 'eil ure 0 prox'i e ov rnmen a "h'- the time had arrived when a cer- ' . » if» sistance to workmen and working min part of the cost of' a Provincial not Happen Agiri ; women totally disabled in the pur- highway should be levied against o-.,.......-,..,-.-...." lilii I -. it f th it. v atio Aftc the 'those directly benefited. " NI i, sul fil, f9 1 Rio"; "in had fr fd) A new feature of the road pro-1 1 investigation by the Alton] _ man Ct tor ' r e. spo . n V gram is that cities may have sup01'- :erul's Department is being n em support of his motion, Premier !,.t d t " r , 'Durban "sadc4 where 7 t . , . . . ' ' VA cn en fl ro em ."'- 1 . , t ( to the shooting of Ernest B i 9 lh ur} mot ed that it be. replaced P) I the county and tuty engineers are. '; . . . il Ea motion to have l committee In- l too busy with other mitters. i int Windsor in mistake for "w t; I ycrt.i.ett, the question of .1,t re- I By slight changes in the law the lrunners. , Mayor J. C. I '23:)"31'190" at s/a1,iiie.1a'"1 :;1:::3Leg'n i proportions of cost to the Province (twindsor, brought the matt r1. _. g .-2 aJor AIC. I t . land munici alitiee in the matter 0 . - n . . . , _ tr, consented to withdraw the motion iconstructimi), l maintenance , and) _',):,":,',:,"','),:,:,"; .vtsterdjyv. I he had placed before the House. l bridges are. made uniform. This! i ? e. o low l ".70 1901579 1 Premier Drury expressed concur- iavoids trouble where there may be, acting under instructions lrom 'lil rence in the syrupathy for industrial doubt whether work" done is con-l Gviesrr"r1yll,i. . IIN cripples expressed by the member struction or maintenance. The To-l l s 1 Is kind of thingto go. f Mi for Itiverdale. But it was an en- lininion grant applies only to sho'ti, :10 PEN"??? so as to make} I . tively new subject so far as On, bridges, and in cases of larger} 32133.10k15' ethe,ueu,),'ou,l1i/i I _ tario was concerned. and Hon. Mr. bridges where. it does not apply the) Iii"; .Lasertioutq Shin" £02011? Drury thought that "the best haste expenditure is' to be borne by thei Civilian clothe; Cl g_' l _ . .. . . ." . tt . t.o,' . . an the on p I lies in mount: slowly. N" then Provinces, thus relievmg niunitipali- like this." i moved the appointment Of an in- 'ties of further expense, said Mr.' "I concur in the criticism 0 v.' ' vestigating coxiimittec to be named W, Biggs in the debate, " _ l member for windsor," said H ' . later. . Another interesting feature was E. Raney. "They had no a1 . _ , Mr. Sam Clarke reminded the Mr. Bigger suggestion that no mu-l from the Government to lire House that the Federal authorities lnicipal official, such as Reeve 0r; ing parties. The matter is up . had intimated their acceptance of 'Cmmuillor, should be 'a 1".oad SU'f vestigation. Ive. have a prel ", some measure of responsibility in 'ipervisov. _ report and have asked for . . . ----------""'r- . . . . this, connection. lie was entirely in _ ,7 V . - detailed one. The Provinci p, sympathy with a move to extend. Iwcre suspended. Afterward t /' some assistance to these helpless lsald that the shots were n L . _ I workers. 3 by them." 1 ------T-r""""r-""- - 7 . ', "Are steps being taken tl u , ' _ thing can't happen again?' ' Major Tolmie. L. [ "Absolutely," replied the At ' l General. If-,, : -----------tT'T"