§ ; | age., _ w e | f r« * ts " :R '-::' e § _ _ "Stewart, on his own initiative, ~s h ' . '\promised Dunford 20 per cent. of ' , CE 'the fines if he succeeded in getting §. information," eaid Mr. Flavelle. | | j fe_ > "The License Board carried out the j i ® 4 promise and warned Stewart that it | 6 must not happen sgain."" It was j t the only case they had of such an ar-- | rangement, he said. < l eee Sullivan is Fined. l : « mm' § Western Ontario Deputation The percentage -- came l'rox:lx Sthle ; ; | E fine imposed on a person named Sul-- 5 i« < livan. pSullivan bhad asked that l;lis Sees Blggs on Kltchener | fine be remitted or reduced, but the a | board had advised against it. Later Sarnia Route k Stewart had said things about lthe e cnirinrairoiste srewts ponpeingies y . Psterboro' police, and an investlga« i tion resuited in which the police| k HELP FRUIT SECTION: were vindicated on all counts, Stew--| + art was represented by counsel und! wore rare mos mtom: t smm moe the bill of $700 was paid by the L4--| Representatives from municipal-- cense Board. | iFliaga 8 : a i "Why d@id you pay the costs nl'i ities between Kitchener and Sarnia i Stewart's counsel?" asked Mr. Sin-- | were assured by Hon,., PF. C. Biggs, ' clair. Mr. Flavelle said that it was | Minister of Public Works and High-- the policy of the board to stand by a i ways, yosterday that the route of| man when his error was an error of | the Provincial road from Stratford | ¢ judgment only. Stewart was fool-- | to Sarnia would be in principle | ish and unwise, sai'd Mr. Flavelle, a what they suggested. The road pro--| but he behe\'e(.i that Stqwart believed posed by the deputation was from | A the Peterboro' police were crooked. Stratford to St. Mary's to the 12th| ; Friction Must Stop. concession of BHiddulph and thonce| * to Granton, then along the centre| Mr. Flavelle admitted that even road to Lucan and to Ailsa Craig,| yet there was friction between their then along the town aine of Mc-- # officer and the Peterboro' police. Gillivray to Parkhill, south to the| "Should you not either remove the 16th concession of West Williams| friction or remove your officer?" and west through Sylvan to the 2nd Mr. Flavelle was asked. '"We have concession of Bosanquet township impressed upon Stewart that the and up through Arkona to the Sar-- 6 friction must stop," was the reply. nia road and straight into Sarnia It was a difficult thing to get an ef-- city. ficient inspector, and one that co-- Mr. Biggs said that he wouldn't operated with the police, '61"'1 Str. promise all these turns would be as Flavelie, and he thought ii should asked by the deputation, but that be borne in mind that Stewarl was the route would be adopted in prin-- Inspeéector for the whole county, of ciple. The engincers might discover whi('.h-P_etcrboro' was only a part. better routes for some short dis-- 8. K. Burden, Chief Clerk of the tances throughout the system. The Records Office in the Crown Lan(.ls c road east from Stratford to Toronto 4 k Departmen.t, and 3}.}\o fc».rxllff}'ly' has not yet been designated, except }worked with _ the .'R,LCM I.Equmr'nm.lt that it will run through the larger & © % Company of Renfrew, denied that "3 centres of Kitchener, Guelph and f the purchase . of office equipmen. down to Toronto. The part from from his former ompllovyg-rs) ,b\) fho. Guelph to Toronto is proving most iGO\crnment that '1.""' lad evor : ac-- difficult,. Wellington county wants | cepted a commission orf an allow it kept north and Halton wants to | ance. Mr. Burden, in reply to ques-- , Dring it dow n ay C o o cag a ds 3 Pk i tar ring it down farther south,. Much tions, said that he was on leave of i ns g iA annaticnn "*a . i » i o # care and consideration is being giv-- absence now for three months, and en by the Minister, as this road runs that he understood that no reason 'h"y«rl 6 l o '}h:. Ab'. is 1 )'d.( )'un., f was given for this leave of absence { '.f)ua 1r the heart of \\'Pft(m Jn-- {in the order in Council. ario, 'The line from Stratfard to R. P. Fairbairer, Deputy Minister I;lu:hctnvr 1~ rx)ra(:uc:u:l) s'tx :nght'_ b'ut ; of Public Works, was questioned re-- | there are .xxgtxmvnls in 'fd\'().l' Qt (llf- garding the Government's purchase | 'ferent_ rc)l'l'tfs on the remainder of of property at _ 44--46 Richmond | | the highway. street west. Mr. Fairbairn said thatl , Road "Badly Bent." after estimating the total cost of | | _ Mr. Biggs, in his reply to the de-- purchasing _ and _ renovating the | | putation, -- said that he had been us building the annual charges | | shown a plan at Stratford last win-- .amoumcd to 1714% cents & squarel | ter which made a straight road to foot. Rentals in the same district | | Sarnia, "It has become badly bent," | downtown, Mr. Fairbairn estimaled,i | he continued. He was particularly | ran to at least $1 a square foot. | | sympathetic toward the serving of| WA mernnnieniimesmnmemsemie ) ' the prosperous fruit section in Ar-- s * | kona, where there is no close rail-- road transportation. He requested ' the co--operation of the municipal--| , | ities in the construction of the high. ( way. Those on the deputation were:!| Jas. 1. Robinson, G. Ropeland and | & Jas. Moore, Blanshard; Capt. Sand--| * erson, Robt. Dickson and Dr. P,. J. c Copeland, St. Mary's; R. Radcliffe,| Bidduiph; Jas. Scott, Granton; Jas.! f 4 Ross, Lucan; Warden J. MceCallum,| t s Perth county; Mayor Stevenson and Aldermen W. H. Gregory and W. Gowens, Stratford; Deputy Reeve L, F 8. Smith, Eima; A. G. Garner of the | % e + Central Ontario Highway Associa-- ' ; tion; R. J. Orr, President of Strat--| 4 /. |ford Chamber of Commerce; Mayox'é f > Wm. Nesbitt, Sarnia; A. FH. Ready,| E Arkona; O. Langton, J. M,. Hayes,| e Geo. Tudor, Fred Brewer, T. J.| Lockhart, W. H. Bertram, J. W. Mc--| f Gregor, Parkhill; Thos. Ellison,. Reove af West Williams; J, E. Har-- , f rison, West Williams;-- Reeve of| ' Ailsa Craig; G. A. Burgess, Ailsa | | f * f * f Craig; W. L. Walker, Pa¥khil'; R.|i h > F. Robinson, East Williams; J. D. & Drummond, Ailsa Craig; Mr. Paton,l l f Kitchener, s i -- rerma m manaremenmemencenc n iecoommamenmenencrnn m mmommnzepeemaue i # \ * o - £iss # f 7 ces ts > k