¥] { -- w e pnincrmeeys -- c l ie s aov h o ooo ie o Y 4 O AC , « « -,\2 ® tm t 80 48 h J _SATURDAY, "APRIL 17, 19%0-- HOUSE STARTS WORK i M---- LLIBERAL AxXD CONsSERVATIVE MEMBERSSI:OW'I'OTAKE SEATsS ___h----- When the Ontario Legis]ature' upened yesterday afternoon, theref was not a Liberal or a Conservative | member in the House. At 1.07 p.m.,'f after prayers, the Liberals drifted' in, and &at 8.15 the continued ab--| sence of members of the lato Gov-- ernment party led Major Tolmie Windsor, jJocularly to ask the Pre-- mier ifhe had Qeard of any misfor--| tune overtaking their missing hont! orable friends,. | Third reading was given the Act to Regulate the Purchase of Millk -- gnd Cream, and also the Housing * ct. When -- Lieut, Jack -- Ramsden, Southwest Toronto, introduced for second reading legislation to enable the Board of Education to submit its proposed building expenditures to a vote of the people, Hon,. Robert Grant intimated that there would be opposition. Hon. Thos. Craw-- ford pointed out that the city of To--| ronto was anxious to control t.hel estimates of the Board of Educa--| tion, and he thought the whole matter might be thrashed out in Municipal Committee, to which the bill was finally referred, m ! a . 'ELK LAKE--GOWGANDA MEX -- wHO _ HAD BEEXN IN: FRAXNXCE SAID TO BE BE HIND SCOHEME | 'The Railvay Committee of 1hcl Legislature yesterday granted per-- mission to the Northern Ontario* Light Railways Co. to build and operate 28 cmiles of line from Elk Iake to Gowganda. It was pointed | out that the men behind the scheme were men who had been to France and worked with the Canadian light railways there which had done such wonderful work. It was felt that such a movement was to the ad-- vantago of the North country in a district where a standard road might | not pay ' | o s 4 i i The committee refused to permit 'the Waterloo--Wellington Rexilwayl Company to extend its present rail-- | way from Bridgeport to Guelph and | to increase its bond issue. The com---- 'mittee took the attitude that the i matter should stand over until it is 'seen that it does not interfere with \Hydro plans.