I" I'-.m' ' 7.' h -A . m" ' ture is charged 'the constltutllmi :# of Canada wm;wun 'Fesponsibility | 6 p \| for the administration _ of -- justice . L | within the Province. This Legislia-- 4 ture is not amenable to the courts:; o ' The courts are amenable to the Leg-- $ lslature. The Attorney--General; is specially charged with responsibil-- ity for the administration of jus-- tice and is responsible to the Gov-- lemment and the Legislature." The | 4 Attorney--General, he said, under ,such duty, must reprove those who f misconducted themselves in the * ' carrying out of justice, "And tht'i.rthis Wmm e on nemmminrrneng | what happened in this case. e i s f 3 | Attorney--General called the atten-- But It is,Still Its Own Master | tion of the Board of Commerce to t a the impropriety of its conduct and | in Thls Pro_ sent a copy to the Acting Premier -- | of Canada." ! vince The question of combines, said | the Attorney-Genet}'al, wag a.t wo;'f& is weceds comaitien cenmwmandcye wide one. The United States been grappling with it for more than THE FARMERS SOLD EARLY ' & generation, and of late years suc-- cessfully. Great Brlftain w;w a.vaak-l | wexuuanaaaumaramemus ening to the need of drastic action. F 3 He geferred to the anti--Sherman !Member Says "*Middleman" c trust law in the United States, and a the judgment in the courts there! IS tO Blame fOr that agreement between manufac-- 3 turer and wholesaler by which the, P"ces wholesaler agreed to fix the retail R price was illegal. | Wl ie i ies erthenittirests Necoun in Mageau Censures Ferguson. | If the --homely potato had ears Z. Mageau, Liberal member t'or! :instead of eyes it would have swell-- Bturgeon Falle, launched vigoroual \ed out of all shape at the thought criticiem of the administration byi !of its importance in the Ontario go'; G-l il{?t:aradlonieflfimogts:g:t}:s: House of Parliament yesterday. For mber m "Fe »» > a River. He alleged they had been | 'o.ne hour the "spud'" and a thous-- handed out on most favorable terms . la'nd other subjects, great and small, to Conservative bidders, whereas| |\but in various 'ways related to it, }Abeq':): Ndd:s"gn;"be';e ca:(;:lu;:;(léit?! | occupied the attention of the House. urn unre : . o ues s 6 p He challenged the Conservative! And, all this discussion notwith-- memberse to refute his allegations of | standing, the "spud" is still worth maladministration, and said he did' the same price and there are no not wonder that an investigation had | more in a bag. ultimately been found necessary. l Among the numerous other ques-- Th dapieseememnene aeeemeramenterteameneemnmnnmnnaatnraaeeseemasaeameanenamegemmens tions dragged into the debate were the ancient one of the "hired man," another standby, the "law of pro-- duction and demand," and that { | other rascal who grows more im-- | pudent every day--"the H. C. of L." f4 ' |As a matter of 'fact, it .was the S last subject which projected the po-- I | tato so prominently to the front. It 1 | developed that, so far as the Pro-- 3 | * vince is concerned, the "spud" is his . * wenusmummeneuuaes | own lm;:v.ster, and there is no law or # # # | regulation which can bring him i N NeXt Step n Ontal'lo Leg|3|a-i 4 ldl:)wn from his high perch except 2 9l * s « | that doubtful agency, production. tion Will be the Sandy ' | Eoter the MiGdtoman. 3 B." | | _ However, the House secured views ; ; 'from all angles. J. MacNamara, sol-- i9 ut e le ace ie es e ie ies : :gier mdember for Riverdale, started | reading from papers the price of ;. There will be no delay in for-- pi;ta.toes---gss.so :?,%ag--andp asked 4 Wwarding to Ottawa the request for that a protest go to Ottawa. Then § a vote on the importation of liquor. r-bM- I:)'I;%Brid:kt*gld of ti7 !gl'ia $t3 a P = _ Possibly the earliest date such a vote c or daglarket,g a: i :t thoen"angry wises could be taken now would be in of Brantford" starting a boycott. As July. t n}ig};:; be expegted, about that ts);tage *« of the proceedings J. M. Webster, The passing of the. McCreary re the Farmer member for West Lamb-- ~ solution by such a large majority ton, got in a word for the agricul-- has cleared up the atmosphere to '| turists. In his county farmers had & some extent. The next step in On-- sold their potatoes last fall for $2.25 tario temperance legisla.t,i't'm is the a bag, instead of holding them. The 6 |Sandy [bill stopping the "short--cir-- man who bought from the farmer PS cuiting" of liquor. This, with the | was the man who put up the prices, h 3¥ McCreary resolution, and its effect he said, thereby getting . another C of a vote of the people asking t'ha't| well--known person into the debate, W > importation be stopp.?d, would make namely, the "middleman." . Ontario "bone dry," it is thought. Then <there are farmers who did * &3 Another step taken by the Govern-- not sell their potatoes last fall, and t ment is the promise of the Premier J. ©. Brown, North Middlesex, main. : es for a Commission or a committee tained that the farmer had a right e l ,to investigate and report on the On-- to the price when the market was &g tario Temperance Act. that way. Incidentally, he saw no ES (__The Sandy Bill may be reached sense in the boycott i ol 'this week, but there is no teliing f 'exactly when it will come up. Un-- Shipped Across Border. Fs doubtedly to the people the temper-- Capt. Ramsden (Southwest Tor-- N ance question is the most important onto) got in a word for the city .: measure to be taken up in the Leg-- people. There were cars of pota-- # islature. There was a noticeable fall-- toes in the yards of Toronto en route ing off yesterday of attendance in to the United States, he said, al-- & the galleries, although the debate though there were enough people '% on the Budget had been promised. here to buy them all. l& It is quite possible that the pres-- _ _Hon. Manning Doherty, Minister k ent lists would be used in the event of Agriculture, entered <the debate y of a vote before August. The form of 'then. There was a very live demand # ballot is settled by the Dominion from the United States for potatces, & authorities, and that is its respon-- he said; buyers from there were of-- & sibility. fering $5.50 a bag. In Ontario 75 Piegamnannmmenmmmmgnnmenmmmemmmer * per cent. of the cron had heenr out , of the hands of the farmers befere H Christmas. It was beyond the juris-- diction of the Province to stop ex-- port to the United States. He advo-- cated cco--operation between labor men and the farmers, and the best | way was to get overalls on and go o | to the ywork of production. Chas. d o. /