a R % --~a n omm in oc o -- s ' C ' Perees C .'-_-- C & 6 ® f ie > '(One Member Declares That Premier is Worth i L \__-- _ More Than Sir Wm. Hearst to the Country _ --Many Resent Plea of Government Heads | ® | for Economy----Another Suggests Arbitra-- | s £ tion to Determine Values . Open conflict was staged in the Legislature last night. The point at issue was the sessional indemnity. The debate started at 10 o'clock, when the House was in supply, and lasted until 1.30 this morning. As there was no motion before the House, no vote followed. Premier Drury was unalterably opposed to any increase, but had there been a vote it is doubtful if he could have commanded a majority. Party or group ties fell like a house of cards when indi-- vidual members discussed the question. Private members who have not opened their mouths even in committee sprang into the fray. Most of them wanted an increase. Some of them didn't. but these were a minority among those who spoke. Premier Drury's attempts to pour oil on troubled waters simply added fuel to the blaze. So far as can be ascertained, this is the first time in the history of the Ontario Legislature, and perhaps in the annals of Canadian Parliamentary history, when the House has gone into battle over the question of sessional indemnity. Hitherto _ such increases have been petitioned for, granted, and accepted, with only a feeble protest from the country. That situation was reversed last night. It was apparent that the Cabinet ~ lthinks economy starts very much at home. } | t« | Asked for $2,500. | lutely cannot consider the increase -- \ _It has been known for some time | !" '232\(;[',::;'1'(:'!;";;?-"[ (bEFSU'T \| A cobin ns HMPFCliz f * y, Liberal for North . 'that a round robin had been circu Perth, resented any insinuation that ilated and forwarded to Premier|the members asked for the increase \Drury. It asked for a $2%,500 in-- | now in hopes that the people would ldemnity instead of $1,400. The de-,f%'igm about it. . That suggestion t i mt ca Chnig: 5 | & oul(.l not have been made by the bate was precipitated in the most | Premier The . Gov 4 * C y , r. 2 Government--should innocent way by the Premier himself. | be strong enough to settle that ques-- § When the House was in Committee ' tion ifelfl ' * s iy % 3 at % K. K. Homuth, Chairman of the | of buixzp; he htfml'\ ?fcahlon to. andlC()mmittm- of the Whole, ruled M j lnounu_ that the Governmment would | M, MacBride out of order when he at | not grant the increase, and added ' tempted to speak on the same sub-- |that it would be indiscreet to accede | ject. Premier Drury remarked that i to the request at the first session of | nothing would be gained by further Ithe Parliament, in hopes that it discussion, and the match was to would be forgotten before a general | the powder. election. Mr. Dewart i l This insinuation was resented by moved th tr I arc.)sn avickly and i trratle 3 at the committee report i Wellington Hay (North Perth) and | progress This T | the Nr. D fitn | NLORNC®®: is done, he imme-- e row was on. Mr. Dewart, wit | diately moved the adjournment of | som«e dexterity, got the House out of | the House to discuss the ind Néc | committee into regular session. | question. ~ CC o 2 l Indemnity E Farmer memberse felt no restraint | < |\ at all about getting into the fight. | Dewart Backs Hay | Liberals, Labor men and Farmers| f ; $ *" l awaited eagerly to get a chance to | The l.iberal Leader took up the | get the Speaker's eye. They want. | Cause of Mr. Hay. The members | ed to tell the Legislature and the |O"n his side of the House objected to |country why they did or did not|!D€ Suggestion that they were try-- | sign that round robin. ms to "get away with something." | y l_{v declared that had it not beep I.\I('ams $66,000 a Year. for the war there would have been Premier Drury, speaking at 1 ianr :m:'r'ease. and . anyway, '"the 'o'clock this morning, said that, al-- l:x]w.xn.?m's].w?ro e'ntltlod to more than ' though the matter may look trivial, thl'g 'I'f'a ier_ftreatment accorded hy it was not. It would mean $66,000 a | !"® 1 T"""' Everybody recog-- year.-- How could the Government ! {nzot(h the honor and duty attached resist the great pressure from all | )( PoS{'On. _ He hoped thp |over the Province for increased sa1. | / "@M'®" had not said his last words ['rries if it started by voting itselt |°" ,S""m,p]';)]"df]t a subject. \It was 1$6§,000? he asked. oL "Opnniip'e and 'fair requiest, .and ' c "Let this stand over for a yem-l,th?.p('"_rl"f' would approve of it un-- }until we see if this inflation of liv-- a.mmou..s * ing costs is permanent. My per-- | x M % ',' sonal opinion is that the inflation ')Ot i Question of Politics, |ls not permanent and will be over Mr. MacBride rushed into the de-- (before a year passes." bate with some warmth. He had no Every once in. a while Premier | apologies to make to the Premier Drury reiterated his remark that | the Government, the members of the | there would be no increase justILegisluturo, or any citizen, for sign-- now, but then another ardent ex-- | ing the round robin. All fair--minda-- ponent of "More pay" would get up. | ed people wou'ld support him. It was » o arer not a question of politics. If mel Premier Hotly Opposed. had not the courage of their co;;f "I believe that the Government| victions they were not worthy --to > | eannot at this F('Sfil('l' ('("'SI(!('P t'l(' i ])(5 n]en1h('l's. I{e ha(l a fine \:VON'] |ind<~mnity increases asked for in the | for the "people" who expected to 'round robin," said Proemier Drury.| pay for service. "I will put out my ' "'The House knows the need for cco-- | hand and take my indemnity in my lnomy. We can't increase the in--| open hand, but no one will drop any | demnity and have it arranged that | hehind my back," said the Brantford | it should pass at the first session of | member. and the House applauded l the present Parliament expecting "The Premierds always asking for | that the people wiil forget it bc-'tho consensus of opinion of this s fore the next clection,. The mem-- , House. Now, 79 members have slgn(-a bers have my sympathy in these | this round robin. That is surcily:« days of the high cost of living, but| a consensus of opinion, and yet h:: we should go back to the constitu-- | has the audacity to put his juds-- encles and find what the people | ment against the 75 per cent. of thl} l think. I might point out that it is House. That is a fine example of '"S ¢ * an indemmnity and not a salary. tocracy. He is not the dictator ; "here is still some reward in the | the policy of this Province." _ o.' f mor and privilege of serving one's| ---------- rtimermenn n is tncerm mm e ie n nreemmentmnietnrcgentnn ol 3 4) -- ~ tey. The Government abso-- (Continued on Page 2, Col, 5.) 1