" 'Frr _ --------i- -. tl . . 0R ONLY l l lam-2mm AGREES . J _ I TO INCREASE Ill GRANT . Tglllilll BIL I ! wrra, . RAISE sorrow OF _ I ---- . i . I "rutTrrrrvrtmrsirrs FROM . 317.000 'I . .- ' I Many Held Over by the Legal; , f1'111'_ff,)0oo . . ! Tho, Brant to hortln sd, .1 . l Until Next l ( . . . mu ura so- Committee i Faeries Ill Ontario has been increased Session l, .'mm $17,000 to $20,000 by tho, l .' iGovernment. Tho Minister ongri- ----.---. . l Iculture has been bomba . LAND'S BlLL' we r rded with, REPORT IRE I l - * ams, and yesterday Premier; ---. _ (Drury received a deputation from i a The Legal Committee of the Lez- [Toronto horticultural societies attk- .,i I p 8 ' . n n a . , islature wielded the axe yesterday, I 3;: Jll 3:322?" (,',',ti"/'c't"; to; ' . ' "' . a u e OV- ' . and ot the dozen or so hills thatj iernment, while appreciating the came before it for consideration ( work of these societies. states thatI ' only three were reported. The others i iit is unable to increase the grant were held over for a year for further l i"li'r'd,'dfl'i" Stiltlannit has because of the consideration. Those held over in- .' The ')lo'reotrrot'Tem,tatio,, consist-l. eluded Mr. Braekin's bill to amend '; ed of Thos. Leeming. A. H. Hark-i _ r"r the Wages Act by increasing the! . f)','.))',',',,"; T. Graham. T. Smith,l amount of wages exempt from sCiz- ", tl'Jii1rtlSnntti',,tr'utredfi. B-HHamllton. ( I T, . I . ' ver a e, i h P l ure or attachment from $25 to $50; l and Toronto societies. Tgpy wig: Mr. Curry's bill requiring landlords, presented to the Premier by Hon. who rent rooms or apartments to Skinning PDlgherty and J. MacNa... .. . l tara, . ' . Kee he heat up to 68 degrees; and " 'Ser§t.t McNamara's bill liiiii"eriiiir,'. l "in this time of unrest I know of the maintenance of parents deserted _ tIO Ing better than to encourage by their offspring. The latter bill gimme to grow things,' said the RL, drawn up by Mr. McNan1arai Premier. But the finances of the himself, he told the committee, with- "Y'tQVince are not in as good a con- out legal aid, and the f,t,teQetvif,"ei1/.. l t ion as we could wish, and we. imupontheer-! v . --_- era: 'itTi,artoun'1tsfif, '1nn'sh1e.'ltitli/, be- l muff he?" 11o.rymnisssa. The ttme tor , an my and next year , of I-leet? "" 1'ru'tainiy coming. and we Witter? 'h'.'JL','/A, bill amending thel fungal?" 90W" whtstv?vr) possible. County Courts Act was reported. Iti {Splines C, ready wltcn the pinch provides that when litigants attend . l, Mr ""s . , ' Supreme Court and find themselvesl ! "i,'.'. . b Init" r"".".'." out (hat at so far down on the list that con-i lpmsmt 104 Summit's shared the siderable waiting is entailed, with ' 'y,110,.1.'sTyst, and that with 33 new consequent increased witness costs, .eO;$i}ct1t-:~ thr, old Societies might ho they may, with consent of all, trans- "0k "'de muyh of ihoit. grams. Ir, fer the Iiase to the County Court, ""tpi,1 for an increase of $S.000. and costs are to be awarded in the . it] a he Talter also C'ante UP befor- same manner as " such action had l id?" agricultural committee yestm been tried in the Supreme Court. 5 . in when Hon. Mr. Dohrrtv m. The Ontario Railway and Muni- f in ',1.yy), thatrthe grant was; to he it. cipal Board has another duty put! icrcased to $20,000, upon it by Mr. Cooke's bill amend- ', i --T-r-errrtrrrirrrrrr-- M I ' ing the Cemetery Act. Where trus- . . _ ' tees are appointed to take a con-l . , veyance of land for cemetery pur- ' poses, and there is other land avail.. [ able once used as a cemetery, and the owner of such land is absent or unknown, the Railway Board may vest land in the trustees. Mr. Curry's bill amending the Surrogate Courts Act provides than where accounts of a different nature , are submitted to a Surrogate Court Judge, he may appoint an account- ant or other skilled person to in-, , vestigate and assist him in the audit. ' mt C' _ g ' Some Townships Object . to Pooling Dog Taxes _ ' Several townships have protested . . against the proposal in the Legisla- ture to pool dog taxes in the count: ' ' funds for.the payment of sheep losses. The Agricultural Commits- tee. however. reported the bill yes- terday. and it goes to the House. York, Scarboro' and Fitobieolw- ' , Townships asked that York County he excluded from the act. it an . veloped that the dog tax in on" township named amounted to $1,10tr ' while the amount paid out for sheer _ losses was only $32. The. real trouble was that the townshltw k thought they were losing a source of revenue. There was no amend- ment regarding York County. ' ""'"""""--'--eeeerrrrer---r . ' Q . i