F/ _ _' 'ings of Toronto and its ll F. " ASKS PROVINCE _ area, would be materially 5332222 instead of increased. In this re- "' _ spect. we phy higher rates than ; I necessary on our own account Al- , so, we pay no mean pernrtidn of the detlcit in order that less popu- . i 1ous parts of this country can enjoy _ . " -------- [ reasonable transportation facilities ' - - . Give Service at Cost Pioke "r.. l erng TownShlp Sends al, "IndIritsanyl grgat city, like Toronto . C s suour an area e ' l es0lution to Premier I if] the people do ',2'ti1'o'0nr'a'-Tcegnot... l 1 cs, nor will they to-morro , ,- Ci), 1 Drury , next day. Their almost 5013121232: .vil t -...._ of transportation is street Pars and "n. -._-- radlals. It is our wish and inten- Ci, GIVES SERVICE AT COST tion, as a, Municipal Council, that , t .th'cy havewlt at cost, not subject to . a _ [Nationar steam Pvailways or private "il ' u . . . lf_",,"'rT.ration, lyrt under the control , i Pickering Township Council has 'Of the .m.un.i.tipalip'es 1hortt.ce!ves. _i [sent to Premier Drury the following, il?,1/'o/trynicit,gettij,e, interested in the i, iresolution relating to the construe-l. local 'u"ndt',rl1iti)fJsnhil1ve'en,ivevef, all?" T q tion of the Toronto & Eastern Itail- any burden to this lifovi'n(_: 'ff/l, . iway: i Toronto & Eastern is simDiy. and .' l "To the lion. ID. C. Drury Premier:' sololy .a suburban vailwav. Already _ " , there Lo, money invested in the m J , I In reference to the Toronto & valuable of any line running] 1-1.3}; l Eastern Railway, the Municipal [Toronto to Bowmanville; it is the ' 'Councii of the township of Pickering I ro,1?ulTrsi,o,. located as to serve the: respectfully submit to you their Magnifiedail);(1325311114922:#3321" It " 'position in the matter: far i; the membership of 'rtl'ldi:i,i-c?, /i "The building of the Toronto & ls concerned, We will take can: of on; "ri' Eastern was not an issue; the issue guarantee, and we understand that 14 being whether it should be done by Toronto, which guarantees '/'iVifi'ii, .7 the Canadian National Railways I {the undertaking, will do tho same i without local responsibility, or ols'o some of the other /ii//ir.ipa'ii"t'i';s.' 5 whether the municipalities should as- l In this way, tho. Province gum-"mil; / sumo all responsibility in order that ll,l',"/iy,y/,,?i' .'d small proportion ot the ". _ 11l,yLfi?//1.d control the local trans- "(t1,t,tix,')i'f)fieiii,.iaer, respectfullx l i ', . "LI -- l" an) . I I "We looked for a Provincial gilar- l that, whereas the t'atenreyurs of this! " antec, not to relieve us of respon- section, through their Municipall F sibility but with the object if pos- Council, havo by by-law mam run-3 sible. ,of lessening the cost of tracts w.ith the Hydro Commission r, financing. If the guaranteeing of lt? "will"? the Toronto & Eastern ' our bonds is considered a serious ob- land complete the 53m? on their rv-l ' ligation on the part of the Province, 1ic,l,'y"',i,1,'.i,1iyi.: WI' therefure request J then "ve do not want it. If to se- Itly1t, f"? "Messury yt"'vs in Foum-il __ cure that guarantee means further l " 1tassed at Ollt?P. . _ delay we would be much better I -"r""r--'-"------- C without it, as the rapid growth go- . _" Ing on in that part of Toronto and its suburbs and Oshawa. through _ which the road runs, also the interest on the $750,000 already invested -1 will soon add to the capital expendi- ture of the undertaking more than . . ' any advantages of the guarantee. "In the interest of our people, we . hold strongly to the view that in or- der to control our suburban trans- portation. it is better by far to be done on our own credit rather than by ' the exploiting of our credit, either by |the Federal Government or Provin- Jcial Government. and lose control. In l coming to this conclusion we are not unmindfu'. of tho following facts: "No matter what system of trans- portation is considered the great city lot Toronto and its suburban area 'brings no\burden to this country or to this Province. In your creditable l policy of good roads, Toronto and its suburban area gives thousands of i idollars in excess of your grants to Ithis area to distribute annually 'throughout tho Province of Ontario. . The cost of transportation of the lsteam roads, if based on the earn- _ t, a ' . ' . , I