tr '" i'ii'i'i'i""iii'i'i'illi1ii Elli" ii-,illl,ii1,ijiiil,l'ili DENIES . - -------------. ANY KNOWLEDGE The Government Called Into --.-------- tluestion Dyer New thr. Signed No Warrant for Bonus i, tario Paper Concern Payment to the Civil '. An item in the Hydro estimates [calling for 'i.iyiiriuG' for the Hydro Servants laystem in Thunder Bay starteidhta ------ I "ii.'"kteAnt,ht,h.gi1t,tuunt 1:335" Dr. A. H. Abbott, Secretary of the l attack on Sir Adam Beck. to which Organization of Resources Commit- l Hon. D. Carmichael referred to as tee, appeared before the Public! l "unmanly." The w.hole trouble- Accounts Committee yesterday, and! some question of the agreement said he knew nothing whatever! with the Great Lakes Pulp & Paper about the sum paid out of moniesl . Co. came very much into the argu- set aside for the work of that com-! ment. mittee to civil servants. "I did notl , H. II. Dewart thought the Gov; sign any warrant for the payment; [ ernment should have taken action of the bonus," said Dr. Abbott, into its own hands instead of sub- "and it never came before me in) mitting it to the courts. any shape or form." ; Premier Drury pointed out that Lieut.-Col. H. S. Cooper. North-i there were two aspects to the ques- 'west Toronto, asked Dr. Abbott it. a . tion. On the tirtet there was no he held any other position while on; ; doubt whatever. and that was that the Organization of Resources Comm the company had agreed to build mittee. Dr. Abbott said he retained} Aj certain mills, and on the second his position on the staff of the . (that the company was obliged to University of Toronto, otherwise he use Hydro power, there was some would have lost all pension rights doubt. That was the reason it had under the Carnegie foundation. l [been taken to the courts. Hon. Walter Rollo then spoke up) I If the company did not live Up to 'and said that he (Rollo) had been the first obligation, then the Gov- a member of the committee when ernment "would cancel the rights" organized, and he knew that Dr. to the timber limits. As the agree- Abbott had spent on some days ment said that the mills must be . twenty-four hours a day on the; completed as soon as the Hydro was work, during the firgt year and N ready, and the Hydro was not yet half that the committee existed. ready, then the agreement had not j No member of the committee except i yet been broken i himself, said Mr. Rollo, receivedl t The item was finally approved. i any remuneration. Mr. Rollo said1 All the Hydro estimates wentl the former Government had pro-i; - through, despite the fact that H. H. ; mised a bonus, and this was the) _ Dewart protested that the ten and) only money available to pay it. a half millions for the Chippawa de.. 3 velopment should be discussed at' Hall and Mcha Clash. . greater length and that the House There was a warm clash between should have more information. Hons Charles McCrea of Sudbury and R. Mr. Carmichael informed him that R. Hall of Parry Sound, when Mr. this money was necessary to finish McCrea objected to what he term- the work. It could not stop now. ed Mr. Hall making a speech in, Some of the money has already been committee. and asked the Chairman f l spent. , _ . to direct that Mr. Hall confine him- _ Mc. Dewart aiso wanted io discuss self to questions. Mr. Hall retort- the Seymour Power Company trans- ed that he had as much right as action when the item on the central any Minister of the Crown to ad- Ontario system was under discus- dress the committee sion. He was told that he would get Mr It Home Smith was called an opportunity later to discuss that relative to an item in the accounts issue. . " . . . of the sum of $25,000 for the fuel Hon. Pety: 5mm" Provincial administration. Mr. Smith said l Treasurer, said that he thought the that th ex e ditur was made in Hydro Commission should present . e p n . e ' an annual Budget on its affairs and operating the office, that books were . . kept and vouchers could be shown ' have a proper busmess system ot f . hi d h t 11 . . presenting its accounts. or every? ng, an t a ii "111011188 were paid out by cheques. I want 1 ---------------------, Ie', audit of the account," said Mr. ' r l mith, "and I thought an audit had l - . 1 '. been made." The books, he said. {COMMISSION ON HYDRO I were available for the committee it 3 ' it wanted them. l TROUBLE B Arromrrn' "We _ l l l MIAY BE ABLE To REPORT BIC-5 . 2 PURE CLOSE OF THIS l ( . SESSION l No time has been lost by the Gos- : (ernment in appointing its commis-' 'sion of members to report on the: ATER f E labor troubles at the Chippawa de- , . _ velopment. The commission was an- , gnounced yesterday, with the follow- 1 ll ED AT NIAGARA lowing members: U. F. o. group,! i Edgar Watson (North Victoria). w. ,"i _ l H. Casselman tDundas); Lalmri - l group, M. M. MacBride (Brantford); ; Power to prevent any power com- ', Liberals, Major J. C. Toimic (Wind- l pany at Niagara Falls from using 1%)": f/c'inggt'i,a,,tiy1s' Gen. A. 1c.l more than its rightful supply of . , 05s \ n " on . ' . ' , . _ l t The commission, it it gets to work a water or des eloping any more than; _ , immediately. will be able to report its rightful supply 0f power is con-3 direct to the House instead of to the ! tained in legislation introduced yes-l Government. However. it is formed 5 terday in the Legislature by Hon. D. so that it can report to the Cabinet 1 Carmichael Government member on ' in case the session of the Legisla-s the Hydro biGGGriiG".' ture has finished. ; The penalty for ignoring notice to _----"-"-"-"-"-'-"-'-"-'-'--"-'-"-'-"-"-'--"-"-'-'-"-"'- ( m. cease using additional water or de-l _ velopin-g extra power is absolute cancellation ot all rights at the falls. df" "tTre='eh=rtri=.tthe.t I l l