"(away from the city during race I",week, and Mr. Doherty replied that or,hts would have lost all he owned by: gum time. Mr. Raney smiled) blandly through it all. l, '. Hon. 'F. C. Biggs drew the atten-' /,tion of the members to the 'eiiiiiii-,"i 1fon Roads Congress to be held inl, :Winnipeg June 1, 2 and 2. A spe-; cial train would leave Toronto a) - week from Saturday night, he said: Local Bills Advance. Mr. Price introduced a bill ex-' tending the time covering Toronto legislation on soldiers' insurance to January l, 1920. Several other ohms of a local character passed Lthrough the committee stage. Consideration was deferred on the Minimum Wage Bill in com-l, mitten. i, - When discussing the estimates,; TMr. Dewart said that he had in-t Ctended to move an amendment toi ' an item of Hydro expenditure. as a "protest against the failure of the .fh1namissrion to give the Government "information it should get. The re- ,~solution would he one of protest against putting in the Hydro esti- mates in a bulk sum. lie had de- aided, however. he said. not to move his amendment, but to content him- self at the present time by making a protest against the manner in which the estimates were presented. Objects to. Lump Sums. The Premier said he concurred in Mr. Dewart's view. He did not ; think, said Mr. Orury, that the esti- : mates should be presented in a lump . sum. Such manner of presentation ' would not occur next year. Col. Car- michael had certain details now I and would give them if the House , . .. , ' l _ ~'.p l.) ; desired. liA l t ll l All . .\l A l --.. lja'Il. ' Col. Carmichael said that some- "m"""'"------------------""""""'""-","" times it was difficult to put in de- : tails of estimates tor everything, as I . the cost of certain articles might, go :I :'heyond the estimate. and the Auditor .. 1 "would not permit them to he pur- . gruhased in this event. He said that , l the Hydro engineers carefully work- ' I a rd out the requirements which the l n bulk sum presented represented. ' i Thomas Marshall (Lincoln) asked . i if surpluses in Certain rnunir:ipuli- _ g ties could be used to wipe out do- T . o t ticits in other centres. Col. Car- , , michael replied that the rates were a------------- 3 'estimated at the beginning of the . _ sr year. and a final adjustment made Members m Good Humor and , later. i ' Export of Power. _ the . l Progress Pleases i At question time Col. Carmichaei) . ' ', told Major Kennedy that the On- Premier . E tarlo Power Company exported 50.- -- . ooo horsepower, the Canadian Ni- '; f agara Power Company had license ' NEXT WEEK ALLURING: t to export 73,500 horsepower, and the F i i Toronto Power Company license tol .-__ - _ .__- -- ; ',,' export. 46,917 horsepower. Neitherl . . i the Government nor the Hydro knew 1 Many mvitations Extended---) J, the exact amount exported; that in-. . E ti t I V formation would have to come ("omi ma es I c' the companies. , Want Hydro S I t v. Mr. Hogarth (Port Arthur) asked ", . ; why the Government had changed .. sit, Itemized T li its attitude regarding the Great ;' - H ? Lakes Paper Company taking Hy- _ . . . _ . , g dromower. Mr. Drury replied that, _ For the first time this .veul the ,3 the Government had not changed _ Legislature held a morning session i 1,,tt,hl'i,titt1/e; hhutlwas upholding its a .. , t. t POUR the t'ot1rtts. x'esterdav and made such good pro- 3 l gn '1 o . . _ g . . [ The Toronto bill creating the) stress that it evoked the praise or, ' Transportation Commission passed ' the Prime Minister, who said thati il through committee. Capt. J. C. .7 . ' . led for that morn- l Ramsden thought the clause per- _everythirur "he?" 1 At a: li, mitting the members to he paid 311;; had been clearer tlp. j . I r', should read, "shall be paid," but the little past noon the House adjourn- a i House thought otherwise. I rd .until 3 o'clock on Tuesday, Mon-l _ 11r1TIT1ie"lrdrit"'T'-""'C'"f'r" , day being a holiday. i The members were all in good! . .humor, and were made the more so. by the plentitude of invitations; handed out to them. Mr. Charles: Swayze, Niagara Falls. asked that' the members visit that city and trol, ', over the Chippawa Canal "heme-i _ :The Premier said that next Friday might he a-good day to go, as he hoped the House would have finish- _ ed its sitting on Thurtsday. .'Raney and Race Week. V Hon. Manning Doherty "HS "tx! 'with the intimation that a speciall "train would be available some daYl next week for the members to visit) the Ontario Agricultural College!; Mr. Price asked how he expected to i get the Attorney-General to getl - t