I i o i ""ttArir"i"G' the resources of'the public A 'l, _i", /. man. which he. does not face as a e _ private, citizen; It is a mistaken ( _ idea to iti'tagine that his duties end IT with the session. for---if he is will- ff S BACK AT ing .to do Bo----) could spend prac- tically all of his time serving his; ', ( . people. It is a mistake to say that f" I F ' , the members knew what the indom- T IS! I I nity was before they went into this. Ci' 7" u FOR LE ER Many of us did not know and (lldl A _ . not care, for we were out fighting! "l, c" m--------------. for_what we considered a great 1' a f . . principle. and the thought of rc-l l l, Says Morrison's Advice to ward was not troubling us. not.-. ld . . ever, our Prime Minister has tic-i U. -. . . clawed that no increase will he i l U.F.0. Clubs IS Unfair "We, this year. lie has taketn, ' ' . thi' stand, believing it to he in the' . l and UNUSt best interests of the people. and I ----------_ j feel quite ctontident that in this, . stand he will receive the loyal sup-j " "LEAVE US h L 0 N E P, port of his followers. The vircu-i _ lars sent out to the clubs regarding r q-----.------- the Superannuation Bill I consider! entirely unfair, and unjust. In it: R. M. Warner Of North Rem. you present arguments against thnl ' bill and you do not event hint. that: J frew Stoutly Oefends Stand there might be argurnents in favor: . Bill of it. There is not a club in the! q I q country that would not imruruliatnlv l . on Superannuation I pass a resolution condemning: (iii'., V _ i -.---------' bill after having your circular road i ' , . ... A I to them, if it was the only informa- ', _ l The first reply $0,". J. 1yTfi.'..?",; tion they had on the subject. tin' . . Secretary of lhtt 1 ""U- lo ho NS 1""; the other hand, there are few clubs ' ten directly to him is an open letter; who would not take an entirely dif- ', T sent by ft, M. 1Viirrrm, M.i'.l'. for! ferent view of the question. if it was . North Renfrew, and one ni' on Mg! 1"/i'iitnted to them 1n its Propr'r) ' . men of tho U.F.O. mm'cnnwnt. Mr. \Varren defends the (it'lltlll of 'iltt'i 82,000 is Maximum. Government and the 1'.r'.O. ntvmlwz'si "You make no illt'llllnll of the 7 . , - ' 'i ..' Her " x» fact that all civil servants arc 111 support .M 13," in". l" a?" E obliged to pay into this tuna, up as ', r Superannuation till, "M tthilt.", I "I high as 5 per cent. of their yearly would not be DOSMMO for' you (o trust i salary, which would lllf'ull that. in us to guide our littlt' ship of st.:1tv'."' l the case of a man getting $3,000, hr: Mi'. 1vartin's lct'tvr follotx's: f would be 1otivimr.s'1'0 yearly into "I or . n k tl -y lil r", " this superannuation funtl. You am go1np, to ta e " ll, I" l say, 'When a man is suporunnuaterl writing you again vcu,'-ntulittp,' tho rev-1 at, say, $2,000 per yoar'---hut you cations of' our (lovr-rnmu-nt "Hill tho-1 1lO not tell the people that $2,000 is . (CEO. 1 would pvt-[PP in akin: this: the maximum amount any man could Iver with you 1Ttoni.1ilv. ltilt "V"u'd" get and that in tho case of a man like to have this letter rt-fvrrcd It): who had given only 10 years' Coll- , our U.F.O. Executive when they I tinuous service at a salary of 31,300 meet. I per year. his suiorvanntrutiort allow- _ Farmers "Worked Up." i ance would he only $310") per your, . " . , _ . 'T as all servants entitled to superanv . When f earvived "0"" Hot '.))e nuation got one-fiftieth of their ' week-end, I found the farmers quxte salary multiplied by their years of worked up oxrer'the circular sent service. ti)tmintcrQgs2eilyireiitoytr""up"atJ)-, _"You also intimate that '.all pofl- ' Superannuation Bill. trons made vacant. by putting this _ _ "Now while it can be claimed that hm into effect would have .to be this is an entirely fair means of got- i tilled byyoun'ger men. T.lyf-. IS altc- I . ting thwopinions of the men on the gethex incorrect, as a. , my large l back concessions, there is something Percentage of the po.sut"y.1s wouHi. a F to be said on the other side of the! not be filled at all-in other wo.rdyn I', _ question, and it is this other side il, --the work would he carried on Just , , wish to present to you. 9 as efficiently and much more econo- ' - 1 mically by a reduced stuff. Also .' No 1tohtrery contemplated. you pick out 65 exceptional cases "While tho circular regarding thei and hol.d 47 of them .ul' :33 ex- increased indemnity is fair in "l amples. That is 'unfair. l'o be sense, yet a man in the country could l talr you should "to some of t.he not read it without getting the int-l "o.ol"T paid employees as well. You ' '? pression that this new people's Gov-l might have told them. for example, 1 ernment was about to steal some oi'i of, some quite capable men, with , the. people's money, and that thol wife and children to support. who U.F.0. Were making a, gallant. ',i,t,r,'i,i.i,(t.1 get $1,100 per year. You might , ' to prevent the robbery. The circular. ' have mentioned a widowed mother l is marked Urgent! Rush, and Speed} of three children who gets $18 perl - is Necessary, all to the effect that; week to pay rent and support her- wt we must stop these robbers before! self and family. You ask, ITould' i C, - they get away with the plunder. ln' farmers (living as they do) not) . , the circular no mention'is made of have saved money on a salary oft [ g the fact that all the other Provinces i C recognize the necessity of paying a _ ' - much larger indemnity than that paid try the 'banner Province, ot On- tario. or that expenses of all kinds, ' - _' including hotel bills, have more than _ t _ doubled during the last years. It is a. fact that every man in the House knows that he is bound tol lose money if he tries to do the work ' _ that 'he ought to do, and would like i to do, on $1,400 :per year. Politics has always been recognized as al :. 'rich man's Job) and while we . know some men have grown wealthy ' "', in the game, mes/yell know that it k ' . ' was not because of their indemnity. I 1 Democracy and lining Wage. i "We had hoped that by electingi ' . E, men from the common walks of life I I .. to represent us in Parliament, we! I " might succeed in bringing about a1 Bi'; more democratic form of Govern- -" E ment, but can you tell me how you 'ig hope to keep these anen serving you 7 gig if you refuge to pay them enough to r i" live on. It is-true that to many- .. people on our farms, $1,400 seems [ quite a. sum of money, but they often i f r" forget that there is a constant, ' N unavoidable. perfectly legitimate t f i, 1, -» v: